autoflower ready to flower ? Pls help what is this


Active Member
If you keep medium over saturated... you will never know how well they ACTUALLY are drinking.

Autos only need enough feed , water for a lousy 90 days ( + or - ) so by that thinking alone should tell you less is more.
Okay so my soil meter is saying soil moisture is about 7 out of 10 when should I water again and when I do should I water till runoff I only water till runoff 3 times this whole grow


Well-Known Member
Growing in fox farm ocean forest
Learn the lift technique to determine when to water. Simply put, pick the pot up and if it feels light (really light) then water the plant... if it’s heavy, then don’t water. It will take you some time to get good as this but that is what I suggest. Once you have it down you won’t wonder when to water again.

also, just another thought, just so you know. Overwatering is always worse than underwatering. Establishing a healthy wet/dry cycle helps to build strong root systems.


Well-Known Member
Okay so my soil meter is saying soil moisture is about 7 out of 10 when should I water again and when I do should I water till runoff I only water till runoff 3 times this whole grow
Ditch the soil meter. Stick your finger in the soil and feel the weight of the pot. Let them dry out. Don't water everyday. If you keep the soil too wet you can develop an Anaerobic condition where there is not enough oxygen in the soil for the plant. You can develop root issues and starve the plant of nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Just looking at my plants there about 4 weeks only just started nutes shut my lights off last night on accident for about 8 hours I run 24/0 and I woke up and seen this ? Is she ready I know it’s prob been there before the lights when off but someone help pls ?
If you’re positive it was 8 or less, they won’t flower. Don’t stress


Well-Known Member
Have fan circulating air over plants to help with wet / dry periods . Don’t overthink leaf weight ( uplifting) look at overall plant health.