Pandemic 2020

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So Cuomo is begging for out of state health care workers not in crisis right now to come to NY to help and HE will return the favor to the states that help when they get hit.
whats he going to do put a gun up to the head of a NYC health care worker and tell them they have to go to bum fuck OK when it hits. What a joke. No doctor or nurse from NYC is going to go to the midwest. that there was total bullshit.
Cuomo is no idiot but NY state did more testings than the others so the numbers are currently in his favour, so that's why he think he can ask for that... somehow ignoreing the possibility that the shit could boil just somewhere as severe as NY in a week or 2. We still don't know how effective the counter-measures are and what potential ways all are there for the virus to spread.

What would be a relief to see is immune health care workers because they already fought it out
Yes in Singapore for example they used personal data from mobile phones to track contacts down, but I suspect in western states that kind of plunge into ones own informational integrity is going to meet some resistance... esp. because it's well known that once such a system gets legally enabled - it'll stay permanently.
Funny thing is that in past time when smartphones came out there was alot of outcry of the potential misuse of personal data - metadata & location tracking etc - but later, when people simply took the advantage which is being offered to them they tend to ignore the "infringerment" or loss of the freedom of personal information.
I wonder if Covid-19 will have a consequence in the long run on this?
Most likey and masks will be worn in the west too. Our data is already so compromised I don't think it makes much difference. I use the village metaphor and standard of the past, where everybody knew your business, because they cared or were just fucking nosey!
Amazon has a strong infrastructure for keeping its warehouse employees informed. ( eye roll inserted here )

For example, when the company announces mandatory overtime, the company sends out texts and emails to every worker.
“With this incident, they have not sent out one text — nothing at all,” A worker says.

Amazon says it has intensified the cleaning of its warehouses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but workers at JFK8 and elsewhere say the measures fall far short of what’s needed. Workers state shifts of about a dozen cleaners work at JFK8, too few to properly disinfect such an enormous building. (Workers in other warehouses in the US have expressed similar concerns about understaffing of cleaning crews.) While Amazon has stopped daily stand-up meetings and staggered schedules to minimize workers clustering together, certain roles in the warehouse, like the packing department, still require employees to stand in close proximity, and workers often pass items between each other.

“The way that the department is set up, everyone is on top of each other,” a worker says. “It is literally impossible to maintain the social distance within those departments, and they haven’t been practiced, they haven’t tried to adjust that at all because there’s no way they can do it.”

Those relying on this monolithic source for goods and supplies will more than likely see huge interruptions in shipments as workers become stressed over possible exposure to themselves and their families. Instacart employees also have had concerns about exposure. Sources indicate that amazon has not budged on requests fo PPE at a minimum for its employees and its own drivers / delivery services.

In a statement, Amazon called the workers’ claims “unfounded” and said its employees are “heroes.” The company is taking worker safety extremely seriously and has instituted several changes, the company said, including intensifying cleaning and screening worker temperatures. Regarding closing buildings, the company said it consults with health authorities and medical experts, and if a diagnosed worker hasn’t been in the building for some time or if the area where they worked has already been cleaned during the regular course of business, the facility may not need to be closed.

The world richest man cannot safeguard his own workers , yet looks for NEW workers to hire as he merely puts them into a revolving door of employment. The rich don’t care about you or your family only the steady stream of “ orders “ to line his pocket.

So Cuomo is begging for out of state health care workers not in crisis right now to come to NY to help and HE will return the favor to the states that help when they get hit.
whats he going to do put a gun up to the head of a NYC health care worker and tell them they have to go to bum fuck OK when it hits. What a joke. No doctor or nurse from NYC is going to go to the midwest. that there was total bullshit.
Healthcare workers from other states are already there helping, but I don't believe for one second that an area like mine (very rural) would ever see the "favor" returned.

And for what it worth, just because I'd rather hear updates from Cuomo doesn't mean I endorse him. I just find him more credible than Trump.

Forget Trump: Welcome to the Free Republic of Reality. Here's our Declaration of Interdependence
Andrew Cuomo and Phil Murphy are leading the fight against this pandemic. They know our strength is together

This was the week that the United States and our region became the global epicenter for the coronavirus pandemic.

Across the country, the national death toll rose past 2,000, with more than 40 percent of those deaths in New York City and New Jersey.

For weeks, as conditions continued to deteriorate here, our national government under the leadership of Donald Trump has been in various stages of denial and obfuscation. Since January, the administration has been responding to this deepening national emergency by trying to lay out a narrative that would help the president's re-election bid and keep Wall Street humming.

Not since the American Revolution, when England's King George III punished us for acting in our own self-interest, has our "national leader" been so out of touch with our real circumstances.

This has given rise to what I call the Free Republic of Reality, led by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont and Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf. These four Democratic governors formed a compact of mutual aid and support as a coordinated public health response to a rising death toll they could not ignore.

Our free republic did what a nation must do in a time of existential crisis, combined forces under the basic principle that all lives matter and that all commercial interests must be subordinate to the preservation of life.

Just what is government for if not that?

Last Tuesday, Murphy reported that New Jersey had recorded 17 COVID-19 related deaths, the most in one day since the start of the outbreak. With 3,675 cases at that time, our state now had the second-highest number of cases of any state in the nation.

Just 48 hours later, New Jersey had 6,876 cases confirmed and reported 81 deaths. Nineteen people had died in the same span of time. A day later, 19 more New Jerseyans perished.

The New York Times described an "apocalyptic surge" on Tuesday in which over one 24-hour period 13 patients died at Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, including one who was 38 years old.

The Times recounted that some patients died in the emergency room before getting a bed, while people stood outside all day waiting for the chance to get tested. Many ended up going home without being seen.
Now this sounds promising... ( evil laugh ) ....

Fox News reportedly fears its early downplaying of COVID-19 leaves it open to lawsuits......

Fox Business announced Friday that it has "parted ways" with Trish Regan, a prime time host who gained notoriety for suggesting on her March 9 show that the COVID-19 coronavirus was a politically motivated "scam." The decision "took some journalists and anchors at the network by surprise," The New York Times reports, because "Fox executives are accustomed to withstanding public pressure, and rarely make personnel moves that can be construed as validating criticisms of the network."

Fox Business wished Regan the best and said the network "will continue our reduced live primetime schedule for the foreseeable future" to focus on "the coronavirus crisis." On MNSBC Sunday morning, Vanity Fair's Gabriel Sherman said ousting Regan appears to be part of a larger effort to limit legal liability tied to the disconnect between Fox's public and private responses to the pandemic.

In early March, "Fox News tried to do their original playbook, which was dismiss it as a hoax, say that this is another partisan attempt by Democrats to hurt Donald Trump, and this was the case where they could not prevent reality," Sherman said. "Fox News is a very powerful media organization, but it cannot stop people from dropping dead."



GOD .... I’M IN ... ( Class action time )
Need money for some new lights ... bwhahaha
Now this sounds promising... ( evil laugh ) ....

Fox News reportedly fears its early downplaying of COVID-19 leaves it open to lawsuits......

Fox Business announced Friday that it has "parted ways" with Trish Regan, a prime time host who gained notoriety for suggesting on her March 9 show that the COVID-19 coronavirus was a politically motivated "scam." The decision "took some journalists and anchors at the network by surprise," The New York Times reports, because "Fox executives are accustomed to withstanding public pressure, and rarely make personnel moves that can be construed as validating criticisms of the network."

Fox Business wished Regan the best and said the network "will continue our reduced live primetime schedule for the foreseeable future" to focus on "the coronavirus crisis." On MNSBC Sunday morning, Vanity Fair's Gabriel Sherman said ousting Regan appears to be part of a larger effort to limit legal liability tied to the disconnect between Fox's public and private responses to the pandemic.

In early March, "Fox News tried to do their original playbook, which was dismiss it as a hoax, say that this is another partisan attempt by Democrats to hurt Donald Trump, and this was the case where they could not prevent reality," Sherman said. "Fox News is a very powerful media organization, but it cannot stop people from dropping dead."

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GOD .... I’M IN ... ( Class action time )
Need money for some new lights ... bwhahaha
And future action by the FCC under a new administration, jerk their licence for good. America had broadcast regulations for that kind of shit, at one time anyway...
That $1,200 is just a tick over what a worker would make in a month @ the federal minimum wage of $7.25/hr....before taxes. Wonder how they arrived at that number, hmm...
You listening Larry H. Parker , Gloria Allred ? Better call Saul

Let’s hit Faux news in the wallet
Makes it a slam dunk after a federal conviction too, all the evidence from the feds is there for the taking, like shooting fish in a barrel for lawyers, easy money.
Now this sounds promising... ( evil laugh ) ....

Fox News reportedly fears its early downplaying of COVID-19 leaves it open to lawsuits......

Fox Business announced Friday that it has "parted ways" with Trish Regan, a prime time host who gained notoriety for suggesting on her March 9 show that the COVID-19 coronavirus was a politically motivated "scam." The decision "took some journalists and anchors at the network by surprise," The New York Times reports, because "Fox executives are accustomed to withstanding public pressure, and rarely make personnel moves that can be construed as validating criticisms of the network."

Fox Business wished Regan the best and said the network "will continue our reduced live primetime schedule for the foreseeable future" to focus on "the coronavirus crisis." On MNSBC Sunday morning, Vanity Fair's Gabriel Sherman said ousting Regan appears to be part of a larger effort to limit legal liability tied to the disconnect between Fox's public and private responses to the pandemic.

In early March, "Fox News tried to do their original playbook, which was dismiss it as a hoax, say that this is another partisan attempt by Democrats to hurt Donald Trump, and this was the case where they could not prevent reality," Sherman said. "Fox News is a very powerful media organization, but it cannot stop people from dropping dead."

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GOD .... I’M IN ... ( Class action time )
Need money for some new lights ... bwhahaha
Wuhan Residents Dismiss Official Coronavirus Death Toll: ‘The Incinerators Have Been Working Around the Clock’ ... 24/7

Wuhan residents are increasingly skeptical of the Chinese Communist Party’s reported coronavirus death count of approximately 2,500 deaths in the city to date, with most people believing the actual number is at least 40,000.

“Maybe the authorities are gradually releasing the real figures, intentionally or unintentionally, so that people will gradually come to accept the reality,” a Wuhan resident, who gave only his surname Mao, told Radio Free Asia.

A city source added that, based on the aggregation of funeral and cremation numbers, authorities likely know the real number and are keeping it under wraps.

Every funeral home reports data on cremations directly to the authorities twice daily,” the source said. “This means that each funeral home only knows how many cremations it has conducted, but not the situation at the other funeral homes.”

Think about that for a second .....

The city began lifting its lockdown on Saturday after two months of mandatory shutdown, with a complete lift of restrictions set for April 8. Funeral homes in Wuhan have been handing out the cremated remains to families every day, but rumors began circulating after one funeral home received two shipments of 5,000 urns over the course of two days, according to photos reported by Chinese media outlet Caixin, which were later censored.

Reports of the funeral’s crematoriums working nonstop also raised questions.

It can’t be right … because the incinerators have been working round the clock, so how can so few people have died?” a man surnamed Zhang told RFA.

Wuhan residents said the government was paying families 3,000 yuan for “funeral allowances” in exchange for silence.....
“For their SILENCE “ .....

Why would an authoritarian government release truth when its entire existence relies on suppression and deceit.

Bottom line ...... NOBODY , I mean NOBODY , including the orange imbecile should trust any kind of numbers , “ facts “ or information
released from this country. They have no reason to.
Keeping Health Care Workers, Public Safe Amid Coronavirus | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Drs. Leana Wen and Siddhartha Mukherjee discuss measures to keep medical workers and the public safe as coronavirus infections across the globe are on the rise. Aired on 3/30/2020.
Our President is such a baby.

Trump: "I don't like your question, Russia, I mean OANN can you please ask me a nice propaganda-esq question please"...

OANN: "Children killing Democrats are killing more Children than this virus, can you please use that to kill a couple minutes to play to the evangelicals. "

Trump: "What a lovely question"

Later in the rally...

"... Russia sent us a plane full of stuff, it was very nice of them...."

PBS Reporter: "Can you please talk about how we can get up to par with a per-Capita testing for this virus that is infecting a lot of people and killing us"...

Trump: "I know South Korea better than anyone, do you know how many people live in Seoul? We inherited a system that was bad (ignoring the fact he has been President for almost an entire term)....You ask nasty questions, I am going to go inside and watch TV"... Storms away.....
Some places are not fucking around with idiot COVID-19 law breakers..... you hear that you stupid young fucks ?

COSTA RICA COPS take shots at surfers not complying with beach closure orders .....

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