first indoor grow: power skunk

sikwidit bay kid 650

Active Member
G13 labs power skunk
so last week i got my seeds and started germination process on friday and so far 2/5 have cracked with root the other 3 show signs of cracking. tommorow ill see if there ready to go into soil. these seeds were the free offer from attitude seeds.


Well-Known Member
Good luck with that strain. My last order I got from Attitude apparently they ran out of power skunk and sent me some thai super skunk instead. When I made my first order with them I was shy of receiving free thai super skunk last time so I am stoked to try those out.

sikwidit bay kid 650

Active Member
Day 1
so 2 are fully germenated :clap:. they are in organic soil under 1 23watt cfl and 2 flourl tubes. no pics cuz its a waste of time posting pics of DIRT. one quick question, how often should i water this early?


Well-Known Member
The soil should be moist, but not muddy or soupy. Once it's like that don't water for awhile, just be patient and let them build their roots.


yea,like he should water atleast once a day......but becareful of over watering them because if you do it can kill/stunt your plants growth....good luck!


Well-Known Member
yea,like he should water atleast once a day......but becareful of over watering them because if you do it can kill/stunt your plants growth....good luck!

Nah man...I said to make sure it's moist and then to not water for awhile. That way it promotes root growth that isn't just at the bottom of the pot. I'd also feed a starter fluid. A medical grower on youtube by the name 'gro4me' has a video on their starter fluid. I use about the same mixture just less of the FF Grow Big.

sikwidit bay kid 650

Active Member
thanks guys. i have one problem tho. i couldnt go to a hydro shop so i had to go to homedepot,i kno im just impatient and dumb. i got miracle grow organic potting mix. i think ill just get fox farms when i transplant.

sikwidit bay kid 650

Active Member
lucky. if i put anymore power in my attic ill just start a fire. anyone have problems with tiny flies. one died in my water collection dish and laid thousands of eggs, i killed em but are they bad to have around?


Well-Known Member
My Power Skunk took about 2/3 days...
And all of a sudden bagseed are popping up like crazy even though i went digging for them and couldn't find them...they are taking 3-5 days?
It takes longer pending on how long you germed for. Make sure it's not too hot and that you keep it moist :)

sikwidit bay kid 650

Active Member
My Power Skunk took about 2/3 days...
And all of a sudden bagseed are popping up like crazy even though i went digging for them and couldn't find them...they are taking 3-5 days?
It takes longer pending on how long you germed for. Make sure it's not too hot and that you keep it moist :)
good to know. i was biteing my nails for a while and felt that i HAD to dig em up cuz i feared i burried them too deep. i was right. they were like 3 inches lower than i originally planted so i placed them closer to the top.


Well-Known Member
Good idea :)
Yeah since it's my first grow I got all worried and had to peek and see how they were doing.
So pretty much I'm thinking about starting in rockwool from now on...