Confused male, female or both

I myself believe it is a morphidite that is literally half male on one side and female on the other
I think you may be confusing that with a monoecious plant, which pretty much every "hermaphrodite' cannabis plant is. True hermaphrodite cannabis plants will have both pollen sacs and female pistils mixed together in the flowers.
At any rate it cant be made to a fully female especially without puttin the others at risk if its not too late. I think I let my root temp hit like 77 81 f which is a no no so I lean toward that being the culprit. Any advice on keeping soil temp regulated
At any rate it cant be made to a fully female especially without puttin the others at risk if its not too late. I think I let my root temp hit like 77 81 f which is a no no so I lean toward that being the culprit. Any advice on keeping soil temp regulated
I don't see any female pistils on that plant at all. Even if it has some, it has way too many pollen sacs to try to pluck them all.
My thoughts also, looks like brownies in the future. Im looking for a good tincture recipe also, both quick and long methods or any other better way to help with my extremely chronic pain and panic attacks anxiety ptsd etc.
I have no idea where you live but quality CBD helps with those issues, too. I'm starting my first CBD hemp flower grow now, but you can legally purchase good CBD hemp flower online, and have it delivered to your door, in any state of the US. I have no idea what the laws are anywhere else, though.
I live in illinois, not legal to grow without a medical card but recreationally legal and alledgedly decriminalized as in 5 plants is a $200 fine per city ordinance. Can I safely grow the plant elsewhere in the house for a bit or no? Ive heard pollen can carry over 5 miles so probably not a good idea. Looking for 2 good strains for daytime pain/anxiety without the couch lock and a nightime I have insomnia bad sedative strain. My tolerance is of an overgown giant
Right now ive got 3 gorrilla glue #4 females and a bruce banner female that have been in flowering for a week, had to eliminate 3 of my six due to sex issues. Not much experience in cloning but im sure I can pull it off, just not sure whether it would be worth the effort to clone what may be a lost cause if they are fertilized as far as uping my yield with what I have to work with. By the way thank you very much for the information and help it is greatly appreciated
There's no point in keeping a male unless you plan on breeding. If you clone a female in flower then it takes a lot longer to grow out, because it has to reveg before it really starts growing normally again. If you don't have access to by any grass for yourself, then I would highly suggest ordering some CBD flower from Berkshire CBD. I have anxiety issues and I have bought a few of their different strains, over the last year. I use it to help relieve my anxiety during the work day and I even mix it in with my homegrown weed to help prevent high THC strains from kicking my anxiety into overdrive. I've had their Cherry Wine, White Rabbit, Suver Haze, and Hawaiian Haze and they all were fantastic. Every time I've ordered from them I have had it show up within a few days. I'm only a few states over from them so it may take a little longer to get out your way. I know there are some other places you can buy quality CBD hemp flower from, but I've only bought from this site, so I don't know how good the others are.