

Well-Known Member
Just to get an idea about CalMag my friend, if your tap has Ca in the region of 100-120mg/l & Mg of 30-40mg/l that would be perfect. Ususally if you look at your water you search for culprits like Na & Cl which can cause problems due to their osmotic potential.
Or you use RO water + CalMag, which you can draw from multiple sources like bottled, which mostly is 3:1 CalMag-ratio.
You start on young plants low on seedligns EC 150mS, then up this to EC 250mS in Veg, then in flower increase to about 400mS using Epsom Salt (because this will increase the CalMag ratio to 2:1).
However, these numbers aren't definite, and you ould also use different forms of Mg-chalk and put that directly into the soil (well mixed)


Well-Known Member
So just watered with 1/2 teaspoon Cal-mag per gallon of water. Also then opened up the canopy by removing a few of the upper fan leaves in hopes
of allowing the lower growth a chance to see the light. Posted the pictures of the fan leaves for feedback, they seem healthy but I do notice some yellowish areas on a few hence the Cal-Mag. Thanks



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I was treating my super high PH of 8 sumthing with vinegar the first half of their lives, I think my soil ph is high, also I only been using 3-4ml per gallon instead of 5 of calmag and my ppm is 0... iron lock out due to high soil ph? I never fed em heavy yet with my advanced nutes 3 part but they may b low on micros er sumthin? Also now I have distilled water and ph down to level out my tap water if need b



Well-Known Member
0 ppm to begin with = distilled water man.. can anybody answer questions
You said "also I only been using 3-4ml per gallon instead of 5 of calmag and my ppm is 0" and you expect me to understand that you meant it was at 0 before adding the calmag? Also, how would I assume you are using distilled water when properly distilled water has a pH of 5.8 to 7? It starts out at 7 but slowly lowers once it is exposed to CO2 in the air. You mention mixing tap with distilled, but that should also result in far more than 0 ppm. If you are growing in soil, and using tap water mixed with distilled that also has CalMag in it, then the chances of your soil not having enough calcium or magnesium in it is slim. Have you taken a soil sample and tested the N/P/K and pH values of it? That would be my first recommendation.


Well-Known Member
You said "also I only been using 3-4ml per gallon instead of 5 of calmag and my ppm is 0" and you expect me to understand that you meant it was at 0 before adding the calmag? Also, how would I assume you are using distilled water when properly distilled water has a pH of 5.8 to 7? It starts out at 7 but slowly lowers once it is exposed to CO2 in the air. You mention mixing tap with distilled, but that should also result in far more than 0 ppm. If you are growing in soil, and using tap water mixed with distilled that also has CalMag in it, then the chances of your soil not having enough calcium or magnesium in it is slim. Have you taken a soil sample and tested the N/P/K and pH values of it? That would be my first recommendation.
My tap water is filtered it’s pretty near 0


Well-Known Member
How can it be 0 when you add CalMag? How do you measure this?
Im more less asking you if u know what to do here my plants were healthy there on day 33-34 from sprout gorilla zkittlez 8ball kush n blue cheese the bigger 6 started yellowing from new growth should I add more 3 part base next time or should I be soaking em down with pure distilled + calmag next time. I just bought Epsom salts I heard that could help?


Well-Known Member
Im more less asking you if u know what to do here my plants were healthy there on day 33-34 from sprout gorilla zkittlez 8ball kush n blue cheese the bigger 6 started yellowing from new growth should I add more 3 part base next time or should I be soaking em down with pure distilled + calmag next time. I just bought Epsom salts I heard that could help?
I did just tell you how to help your plants. Test the soil to see where it is at. People like to throw Cal Mag at every issue like it is some sort of miracle cure. Most of the "Cal Mag" deficiencies you see can't be fixed by throwing Cal Mag at the plant because the reason the plant is deficient in calcium, and/or magnesium, is usually due to the fact that the soil pH is off and that is causing the plant to not be able to pull in the calcium and/or magnesium that is already in the soil.


Well-Known Member
Look the problem is that there's nutritients in your soil and they get depleted over time. New growth yellowing up is also something normal, but it could also be a sign of nute def - oftentimes just nitrogen.

You need to feed your plants CalMag in the region of EC 0.2-0.4 mS (slightly more if organic or Coco) and then up to EC 0.7-1.2 mS in fertilizer. That's low because it'll be added to whatever nutritents are still in your pots. Then you observe how your plants are responding and usually, gradually increase that up to EC 2.x mS, just as the plants needs it. Around EC 3.2mS it'll become toxic for most strains.

Ca to Mg ratio can be from 4:1 to 2:1, but most use 3:1.

You could make a test of your soil, like 1 part COMPLETELY DRIED soil + 5 parts (weighted) in purewater, and then measure both pH & EC with the filtered solution. A allmix type of soil that is full in nutrients does have an EC of somewhere around 2.0 and Lightmixes are half of that.

But you need to do this with precisely working instruments because false numbers could do more damage than good!

Hope this helps :weed:


Well-Known Member
I did just tell you how to help your plants. Test the soil to see where it is at. People like to throw Cal Mag at every issue like it is some sort of miracle cure. Most of the "Cal Mag" deficiencies you see can't be fixed by throwing Cal Mag at the plant because the reason the plant is deficient in calcium, and/or magnesium, is usually due to the fact that the soil pH is off and that is causing the plant to not be able to pull in the calcium and/or magnesium that is already in the soil.
I can’t get a blue lab pen rn , to me the soil is high what’s ur opinion? Run sum tap water PHed lower @like 5.8 er sumthin? Or distilled b the best choice for now?


Well-Known Member
I suppose I could check my runoff ph
I did just tell you how to help your plants. Test the soil to see where it is at. People like to throw Cal Mag at every issue like it is some sort of miracle cure. Most of the "Cal Mag" deficiencies you see can't be fixed by throwing Cal Mag at the plant because the reason the plant is deficient in calcium, and/or magnesium, is usually due to the fact that the soil pH is off and that is causing the plant to not be able to pull in the calcium and/or magnesium that is already in the soil.
I suppose I could check my runoff ph but I only have test strips


Well-Known Member
Look the problem is that there's nutritients in your soil and they get depleted over time. New growth yellowing up is also something normal, but it could also be a sign of nute def - oftentimes just nitrogen.

You need to feed your plants CalMag in the region of EC 0.2-0.4 mS (slightly more if organic or Coco) and then up to EC 0.7-1.2 mS in fertilizer. That's low because it'll be added to whatever nutritents are still in your pots. Then you observe how your plants are responding and usually, gradually increase that up to EC 2.x mS, just as the plants needs it. Around EC 3.2mS it'll become toxic for most strains.

Ca to Mg ratio can be from 4:1 to 2:1, but most use 3:1.

You could make a test of your soil, like 1 part COMPLETELY DRIED soil + 5 parts (weighted) in purewater, and then measure both pH & EC with the filtered solution. A allmix type of soil that is full in nutrients does have an EC of somewhere around 2.0 and Lightmixes are half of that.

But you need to do this with precisely working instruments because false numbers could do more damage than good!

Hope this helps :weed:
It did help thanks! I run a lot of pure distilled through them to flush n b ready for flower and I think there finally responding to it anyways ! Looks like it’s coming around donno fully yet tho praying

