NO defoliation appreciation thread.

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Well-Known Member
I can even take pretty clean shots of the base now. I realise there are still some dead leaves but I didn't want to go too crazy.View attachment 4521002
See personally I would clean up those little nodes in this pictures that won’t ever grow into anything. I see a bunch of nodes and a few small sucker branches I would be taking off so the plant isn’t trying to grow them.


Well-Known Member
See personally I would clean up those little nodes in this pictures that won’t ever grow into anything. I see a bunch of nodes and a few small sucker branches I would be taking off so the plant isn’t trying to grow them.
Tbh this is the first time I haven't touched the plants at all in regards to trimming...apart from removing the sick leaves earlier. So might as well see what the extreme end of the opposite end looks like as to find the right balance. Also...who else is genuinely doing this? I haven't seen anyone else take it this far without running into issues. If Wattzzup said anything right, it was that everyone does in fact take plant material off of their plants that wouldn't have fallen off itself at some stage of the grow.
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Well-Known Member
The thing about taking off branches is; you never know for sure if they really were going to end up creating more work than it's worth. This little guy wouldn't have been given a chance by most growers. Now he's made it all the way to the top. Think I'll name him F U doubter.IMG_20200403_190752.jpgIMG_20200403_190943.jpgIMG_20200403_190802.jpg


Well-Known Member
Also, I think it's better to take the wait n see approach. If the branch was going to be binned anyway it's still best to wait the week before harvest when you know for sure you don't want to waste time either making oils, hashes and rosins from it. That way you won't really hurt the yield of the plant and you save yourself that work when it comes time to trim.


Well-Known Member
A year and a half. So not long at all. The way I learnt so quick was by binning every plant where I started fucking up and starting over again making sure not to repeat that mistake. That was a years worth of growing a plants and binning them. This was my first grow from start to finish where I cured and actually ended up with smokable weed.



Well-Known Member
A lot of my knowledge is about horticulture in general, I didn't start researching cannabis specific knowledge but started with the entire field of horticulture itself. Then I worked my way back to cannabis. I still haven't watched YT videos from growers or read guides from sites like this. So if I seemed to have popped up out of nowhere than that's why.


Well-Known Member
To be honest the knowledge that is shared on here is quite atrocious in regards to accuracy, mainly due to the conflicting information. Nutrient company forum boards like Cannabuzz seem to be a much better source. THCfarmer isn't too bad from what I've seen of it so far. Though I would still take a university study over something some guy does in a tent on his own.

I guess you could say that's exactly what I'm doing but for anyone paying attention they will see I'm strictly following the rules.
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Well-Known Member
The focus is better when I don't zoom in but it's less impressive and again all those pesky leaves make it hard for the cola to stand out into the light.IMG_20200403_212709.jpg


Well-Known Member
30% of that plant needs to go. You wouldn't have regretted it if you did it before flower. Now it will stress out of the plant to remove that much all at once and most likely cause a herm if the genetics aren't rock solid. I wouldn't attempt at this juncture, but would use this as a comparison for your next grow where you do it right :)

The idea that you'll lose yield due to cutting off branches is not reality. If you trimmed the lowers off that plant and allowed it to recover before flowering the bud production from the removed limbs would have transitioned into the other nugs in the canopy. This is not broscience stoner shit. Cutting "Sucker" branches is regularly done in tomatoes to make for larger fruits rather than many smaller fruits.

I've not seen one Cannabis specific grow guide say to leave a plant without trimming lowers. It's pretty essential. Growing Cannabis like any other plant is not how you achieve the optimum quality end product, there's specific techniques that have been proven over the last 60 years of indoor growing. It's best to heed that advice rather than scoff it off as stoner shit.

It's like you're trying to reinvent the wheel by making it square. You're making this harder on yourself. Read any of the million grow guides out there and your results will improve.


Well-Known Member
30% of that plant needs to go. You wouldn't have regretted it if you did it before flower. Now it will stress out of the plant to remove that much all at once and most likely cause a herm if the genetics aren't rock solid. I wouldn't attempt at this juncture, but would use this as a comparison for your next grow where you do it right :)

The idea that you'll lose yield due to cutting off branches is not reality. If you trimmed the lowers off that plant and allowed it to recover before flowering the bud production from the removed limbs would have transitioned into the other nugs in the canopy. This is not broscience stoner shit. Cutting "Sucker" branches is regularly done in tomatoes to make for larger fruits rather than many smaller fruits.

I've not seen one Cannabis specific grow guide say to leave a plant without trimming lowers. It's pretty essential. Growing Cannabis like any other plant is not how you achieve the optimum quality end product, there's specific techniques that have been proven over the last 60 years of indoor growing. It's best to heed that advice rather than scoff it off as stoner shit.

It's like you're trying to reinvent the wheel by making it square. You're making this harder on yourself. Read any of the million grow guides out there and your results will improve.
You're a great example of someone that doesn't pay attention that I was priming for this WHOLE thread. I was waiting for you. The idiot who doesn't READ before he opens his mouth. You have obviously missed ALL of the points that make my grow possible. You're one of the conspirators that ensures there is less weed in the world. me your grow before you say shit.
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Well-Known Member
30% of that plant needs to go. You wouldn't have regretted it if you did it before flower. Now it will stress out of the plant to remove that much all at once and most likely cause a herm if the genetics aren't rock solid. I wouldn't attempt at this juncture, but would use this as a comparison for your next grow where you do it right :)

The idea that you'll lose yield due to cutting off branches is not reality. If you trimmed the lowers off that plant and allowed it to recover before flowering the bud production from the removed limbs would have transitioned into the other nugs in the canopy. This is not broscience stoner shit. Cutting "Sucker" branches is regularly done in tomatoes to make for larger fruits rather than many smaller fruits.

I've not seen one Cannabis specific grow guide say to leave a plant without trimming lowers. It's pretty essential. Growing Cannabis like any other plant is not how you achieve the optimum quality end product, there's specific techniques that have been proven over the last 60 years of indoor growing. It's best to heed that advice rather than scoff it off as stoner shit.

It's like you're trying to reinvent the wheel by making it square. You're making this harder on yourself. Read any of the million grow guides out there and your results will improve.
I'm glad you showed up though so as the people that have paid attention can see a prime example of what happens when you don't. How you can become. That resistance to a new idea...even though it's completely founded on SCIENCE.


I've tried multiple times defoliation and literally letting plants get as bushier as they can get and I personally think it is a matter of what works better for you. Defoliation will (for example) manage the energy that was once being delivered to a sick leaf to other healthy leaves, when cut, or even a leaf that is blocking a bud site will immediately allow more light penetration to that bud or it can even help with air circulation inside your grow tent and prevent mold. Although "there isn't much difference" there are guys out there including myself with some pretty nice results defoliating. I personally like to do some really heavy defoliation in the last week or two of flowering so that the lower bud sites get as much light as they need to fully grow or at least develop a bit more. As I said earlier it is a matter of what works better for you, just don't be afraid to try new stuff since cannabis is such a versatile plant. Good Grows and Happy 420!


Well-Known Member
30% of that plant needs to go. You wouldn't have regretted it if you did it before flower. Now it will stress out of the plant to remove that much all at once and most likely cause a herm if the genetics aren't rock solid. I wouldn't attempt at this juncture, but would use this as a comparison for your next grow where you do it right :)

The idea that you'll lose yield due to cutting off branches is not reality. If you trimmed the lowers off that plant and allowed it to recover before flowering the bud production from the removed limbs would have transitioned into the other nugs in the canopy. This is not broscience stoner shit. Cutting "Sucker" branches is regularly done in tomatoes to make for larger fruits rather than many smaller fruits.

I've not seen one Cannabis specific grow guide say to leave a plant without trimming lowers. It's pretty essential. Growing Cannabis like any other plant is not how you achieve the optimum quality end product, there's specific techniques that have been proven over the last 60 years of indoor growing. It's best to heed that advice rather than scoff it off as stoner shit.

It's like you're trying to reinvent the wheel by making it square. You're making this harder on yourself. Read any of the million grow guides out there and your results will improve.
You're taking a while to that because you're actually READING the thread properly?


Well-Known Member
You're a great example of someone that doesn't pay attention that I was priming for you this WHOLE thread. I was waiting for you. The idiot who doesn't READ before he opens his mouth. You have obviously missed ALL of the points that make my grow possible. You're one of the conspirators that ensures there is less weed in the world. me your grow before you say shit.
I figured you were trolling by the 15 posts saying the same thing, but I offered some help in case you weren't. You're not some genius provocateur there bud.

You can find my grows on here, or you can follow me on IG @mrheadgreengear

It took a while to respond as I'm trying to hold back my inner asshole from yelling at a child.
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