lol I tried to offer some advice so you wouldn't harvest a bunch of garbage. I've made these mistakes before. You're the one that copped an attitude bud. Saying I'm not reading a thread that's mainly people bickering and shit... nah I'm not reading the thread... why would I. The fact of the matter is your canopy is way too dense. You have too much thin undergrowth and you're going to have a bunch of low quality product for no reason.
It's w/e live and learn. 2.7lbs isn't bad at all for a harvest if you're not counting the popcorn no one wants to buy or smoke...
You have the ability to keep plants healthy, that's a lot more than most new growers, shit there's guys on ig with 30k followers that flowers yellow plants EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME. And he's teaching seminars. You're doing real well. But you could be doing better if you followed the techniques that have been proven to work. I'd hate to see your whole shit molded out because you didn't want to listen, that's a lot of weight to lose.
Again I never meant to offend you. I am totally a dick head, you get it.