A scandal filled election


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Here's more on the election: By Ari Berman | November 1, 2006

A Scandal-Filled Election—Two bribery convictions, one money-laundering indictment, two sex scandals, one Russian contracting fiasco and $90,000 stashed in a freezer. It's been that kind of a year for the 109th Congress. Here's how scandals are affecting some of the Congressional races across the country:
Duke Cunningham, California: Cunningham resigned from Congress and pled guilty last November to accepting bribes from defense contractors. In June, Republican Brian Bilbray narrowly defeated Democrat Francine Busby in a controversial (and disputed) special election to replace Cunningham. The two face off again in November. While the race has tightened in recent weeks, Bilbray is still favored.
Tom DeLay, Texas: DeLay stayed in Congress after an indictment on money laundering charges in Texas but decided against running for re-election after top aides became embroiled in lobbyist Jack Abramoff's bribery ring. Unfortunately for Republicans, DeLay's name remains on the ballot, forcing his replacement, Houston City Councilwoman Shelley Sekula-Gibbs, to mount a long-shot write-in campaign. Well-funded former Congressman Nick Lampson, a Democrat, should win big.
Mark Foley, Florida: As with DeLay, Foley's name remains on the ballot, even though he abruptly resigned from Congress when his explicit e-mails and IMs to underage male pages became public. As a result, Florida Republicans can only transfer support to his Republican replacement, State Representative Joe Negron, by voting for Foley, not exactly an easy sell. Democrat Tim Mahoney, a former Republican businessman, is poised to win this seat.
William Jefferson, Louisiana: After he was filmed accepting a briefcase of cash from an FBI informant, the Louisiana Democratic Party refused to endorse Jefferson for re-election. Nevertheless, he remains popular in heavily Democratic New Orleans. The Washington Post named Jefferson the favorite, "unless he's indicted."
Bob Ney, Ohio: Ney pled guilty last month to accepting bribes from Abramoff, but he refused to resign from Congress immediately. That's bad news for his successor, State Senator Joy Padgett, whom Democrats have relentlessly linked to the "culture of corruption" in D.C. (and Ohio). Her Democratic opponent, lawyer Zach Space, has lead in recent polls.
Don Sherwood, Pennsylvania: Last year Sherwood settled a multimillion-dollar lawsuit after he was accused of beating his 29-year-old Peruvian mistress in Washington. In the wake of the Foley scandal, Sherwood's days are numbered. A visit from President Bush during "National Character Counts Week" probably didn't help. Expect Sherwood to lose to former Navy Lieutenant Chris Carney.
Curt Weldon, Pennsylvania: Three weeks before the election, news leaked out that Weldon was under investigation by the FBI for illegally steering Russian business contracts to his family and friends. Then the FBI raided the home of his daughter. Weldon was already in a dead heat with retired Navy Vice Admiral Joe Sestak, who's now favored to win.
Long Shots No Longer—Republican Representatives John Doolittle and Richard Pombo are two of the sleaziest members of Congress—allies of big business, shills for DeLay and cronies of Abramoff. The aptly named Doolittle is the seventh-highest-ranking House Republican, and Pombo chairs the House Resources Committee. Thanks to positions of prominence, and large campaign war chests, they were expected to cruise to re-election in their nearby Northern California districts. Now both are in surprisingly tough races: Doolittle with retired Air Force pilot Charlie Brown and Pombo with wind-energy consultant Jerry McNerney. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee originally wrote off these seats before adding them to a list of twenty-six "emerging races" that have suddenly grown competitive. As we go to press, the GOP is scrambling to save seats in Republican strongholds ranging from western Idaho to upstate New York. Fat Cats on Parade—Houston multimillionaire Bob Perry was the largest donor to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in 2004. This year, he's the biggest donor period, in either party, dishing out $8 million to conservative groups and candidates. He's given $2 million to Americans for Honesty on Issues, which is paradoxically headed by a former lobbyist for Enron and adviser to DeLay. And he gave $1 million to the Free Enterprise Fund, which recently accused Tennessee Democratic Senate candidate Harold Ford, Jr., of living a "millionaire lifestyle." Oh, the irony Hey Vi, I'm startin to get the hang of this!
"Hey Vi, I'm startin to get the hang of this!"

A little one sided though don't you think? The article didn't mention the huge sums contributed to the Democratic Party by George Soros. I guess they just forgot.

Hey, at least I answer your questions and try to have a legitimate debate. You, on the other hand, have nothing but insults to contribute.

So calling me a commie is not an insult or a whining little bitch! Get real ,your as fucked up as I ever was. The difference is I'll admit it when I make a mistake! I've tried to put links on this site but I can't seem to find the handle. When I figure it out, I'll give you some, It's not that hard to find "facts" to back up my hypotheses!
So calling me a commie is not an insult or a whining little bitch! Get real ,your as fucked up as I ever was. The difference is I'll admit it when I make a mistake! I've tried to put links on this site but I can't seem to find the handle. When I figure it out, I'll give you some, It's not that hard to find "facts" to back up my hypotheses!

OK, I apologize for calling you a whining little bitch ... from now on, I'll just refer to you as a whining little Democrat.

And, I gave you the link to the U.S. Communist Party and you said that yoiu agreed with their platform. Like I said before ... if it quacks ....

OK, I apologize for calling you a whining little bitch ... from now on, I'll just refer to you as a whining little Democrat.

And, I gave you the link to the U.S. Communist Party and you said that yoiu agreed with their platform. Like I said before ... if it quacks ....

So I guess you quack like a Nazi or Fascist or Corporate zealot Or right wing phoblican> I know your somewhere in that mix, definently anti-humanity! Just pay your fair share of taxes and quit talking nonsense!
"Just pay your fair share of taxes and quit talking nonsense!"

And in your estimation, Med ... who is to determine exactly what a "fair share" is?

The government accounting office-GAO- which is in charge of bugeting the tax recources. They must start collecting (through the IRS) more than they are spending and they must start at the top! Now you have two choices, cut spending (a plan I'm in favor of as long as they cut Pork and Military and priveliges for corporations above human services) and raise taxes (a plan I'm in favor of as long as they start at the top). If they reversed all the bush tax cuts for the people making over 100,000 a year and added some extra for corporations and the super rich, they coukd reign in the deficit in record time. If they just pulled out of Iraq they'd save over a billion a day, give up some porky military stuff, bridges to nowhere, and giveaways to big pharma, big oil, big energy etc., etc.. you'd see the debt dropping faster than Foleys approval rating! Come on Vi, except the tax cuts for the rich, can't you agree with me on anything in this post?
the best part of my reading here is when you two get it going. both have valid points, but are afraid of "agreeing to disagree". there is a thread on this site of who you would like to smoke with. I change my request to you two (if it did not come to a fist fight).
Hey, at least I answer your questions and try to have a legitimate debate. You, on the other hand, have nothing but insults to contribute.

How can you have a legitimate debate when your post are one sided? This the the problem you had as politics mod over at CW.
How can you have a legitimate debate when your post are one sided? This the the problem you had as politics mod over at CW.

Of course my posts are one sided. I post what I believe in, which is limited government, free minds and free markets. To me Dank, there is only one side to the truth. As far as the CW Mod thing ... if you notice, I'm a LOT more aggressive on this site.

Med ...

I DO agree with you on some things. Eliminating pork is one. I've said continually that I don't agree with Bush on his lack of using his veto pen and his immigration policies. I think we are pretty will coordinated on spiritual values as well.

Vi the problem with what you are saying is that the right side of the asile is not always right (right as in correct or the truth)
Put it this way, you can not foster a debate when you only present one side of the issue. So if you want to foster a debate then present both sides, otherwise, pipe down.
Hahaha! Dank ... I am not always spewing right wing agenda stuff. The problem with you and Med is that you guys automatically think if a person speaks out against the ultra left wing, that person has to be a right wing nut job. Ideas like replacing the income tax with an excise tax isn't "right wing," its being a liberty devotee. Ideas like ending the drug war isn't "left-wing," its being a liberty devotee. That's just a couple of examples ... but you get the point, I'm sure. :)

Hahaha! Dank ... I am not always spewing right wing agenda stuff. The problem with you and Med is that you guys automatically think if a person speaks out against the ultra left wing, that person has to be a right wing nut job. Ideas like replacing the income tax with an excise tax isn't "right wing," its being a liberty devotee. Ideas like ending the drug war isn't "left-wing," its being a liberty devotee. That's just a couple of examples ... but you get the point, I'm sure. :)

Spin, Spin, Spin, you're worse than Bill fuckin O'Rielly!