best things to do with resin


New Member
@smokeysmokey9 I wouldn't suggest putting it in your butter because the chemicals from the lighter have been all over the bowl and it COULD cause you to get sick, not saying it will but I wouldn't to be sure
I totally agree the people saying resin is mostly str8 thc are 100% wrong its mostly tar and ash and 1-3% thc. So unless u wanna mix a shit load of tar into your butter for only 3% thc. Id go with rolling it around it lots of shake n mix that with a lil str8 bud n it burn prettt good cant taste it much n makes bowl burn longer


New Member
Im new (don't know how to start thread so maybe ill get some answers at least for my question. It is resin related i scraped a big ball of res i rolled it around in lots of shake until covered like 2 weeks ago now i scraped it again n covered all over the older ball with the fresh res, then rolled that until around in until covered in shake too, my question is would frerzing help it anymore at this point i notice when i pinch a peice off its all still real sticky on inside


Well-Known Member
Im new (don't know how to start thread so maybe ill get some answers at least for my question. It is resin related i scraped a big ball of res i rolled it around in lots of shake until covered like 2 weeks ago now i scraped it again n covered all over the older ball with the fresh res, then rolled that until around in until covered in shake too, my question is would frerzing help it anymore at this point i notice when i pinch a peice off its all still real sticky on inside
the freezer will jut freeze it then it will thaw quickly, put it in tinfoil encase it poke holes smoke it, you probably could use Brillo as well, I personally think the Rez should go in the garbage.(you’d make fun of a crack head for scraping their pipe, what’s the difference in what your doing?)


New Member
the freezer will jut freeze it then it will thaw quickly, put it in tinfoil encase it poke holes smoke it, you probably could use Brillo as well, I personally think the Rez should go in the garbage.(you’d make fun of a crack head for scraping their pipe, what’s the difference in what your doing?)
Yeaa truu i really only have it for really hard times when im broke


New Member
Yeaa truu i really only have it for really hard times when im broke
Yeaa truu i really only have it for really hard times when im broke also this is a pic wat the ball looks like now n theres another ball in the n middle that lookked just like that too so its layered bud,res,bud ,then res. Anyways wiht the bud being frozen it wouldnt hurt / help it none
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Well-Known Member
resin is nasty for me a 10 min high isnt worth the 4 hr headache after i even keep my peices clean because when they start to get dirty i get headaches... my now my dog roxi... she loves when i forget to pick up the papertowel with resin turds in it... shes old n lazy usually i know whats up when i come home and shes all hyper and playful and... wobbley lol


Well-Known Member
In HIGH school I cleaned out my pipe at the end of the soldering class when the irons cooled down and rubbed it on a few of them. The next period they turned them on and the whole room reeked.