Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
Upper Midwest bankers owned a lot of dairy farms and truck farms by the end of The Depression and now it’s the great grandchildren and beyond. They kept those farms and land.


Well-Known Member
Been there, done it on a good day & it was still a nightmare

This is going to be a complete & utter meltdown of the system that never actually worked well anyway, at least in the State of Connecticut.
Well, boy's & girls we always wanted deep down inside to be a part of History, & now we're there.
We will either be a Survivor or a Causality of the greatest Pandemic probably in the History of the World.
Amazing shit, right? :)
welllllll, Jim..the Black Plague kind of beat this but they didn't have medication or ventilators..Revolution or Assassination?


Well-Known Member
Hey, one good thing about this "shelter in place" thing is, I found that "Pornhub" site all the late night comedians joke about!


Well-Known Member
Revolution or Assassination?
No, just a massive death toll experienced by the USA in particular & the World in general.
The Black Plague will just be a blip on the screen of Life historically, but as far as the affects of COVID-19 on the World as we know it today, it is mind boggling
Spanish flu?
Ebola ?
AID's ?
Nothing is going too be close to the devastation wrought by the COVID-19 virus on Mankind, but at least we have Netflix right, which is comforting :)


Well-Known Member
Did you have one?
It took me a year of tossing papers but I got it & ruled the fucking road :)

Great bike ... i had the Raleigh Chopper with that stick shift gear .... british green. Wish i still had that lots of memories , knocking trash cans over , jumping shit , power slides , wheelies down the street and hanging out at dark. Best of times8-)


Well-Known Member
Great bike ... i had the Raleigh Chopper with that stick shift gear .... british green. Wish i still had that lots of memories , knocking trash cans over , jumping shit , power slides , wheelies down the street and hanging out at dark. Best of times8-)
Monkey Bars, Banana Seat w/ Backrest (of course)
Shit, how much more could a 12 year kid want in 1968?
Nothing :)


Well-Known Member

Biden tells Sanders he's pushing ahead with VP, cabinet picks
Biden told donors at a virtual fundraising event his campaign is to unveil a committee to vet potential vice presidential candidates “sometime in the middle of the month."

Joe Biden disclosed Friday evening he has told his Democratic rival Bernie Sanders that he is moving forward with cabinet and vice presidential picks.
Biden told donors at a virtual fundraising event his campaign is to unveil a committee to vet potential vice presidential candidates “sometime in the middle of the month," and said he has held discussions with others about potential cabinet positions.


Well-Known Member
Oregon's leaders had a good vantage point and called it right when they made that state one of the few without a crisis already underway when they issued lockdown orders.

We are benefitting now, with zero new cases, zero new deaths and the ability as well as the will to send excess equipment to a sister state in terrible straits.

‘Strong evidence’ seen that Oregon’s coronavirus restrictions are working

Both the research released Wednesday and another model by University of Washington researchers forecast that Oregon’s hospital system will be capable of handling the flow of patients with the novel coronavirus, making the state a potential bright spot in the United States -- if residents continue to stay home.

I was out this morning to re-supply The State of Squabble with fresh vegetables, eggs and other staples. First time in ten days. Wore my mask. Things are better in the stores. TP is still in short supply but everywhere else in the store things were in good order. Not enough other people wearing masks and social distancing measures were not being held to. So, we haven't yet gotten the hang of life with this virus. From what I've seen, early adopters like me are needed to be out there and visible to give others permission to look foolish, as those masks certainly make us look. Mine was this dumb paint mask that sat over my beard and made me look like a mole but whatever. I wore it.

We are doing OK. After 20 days isolation, we've settled into a routine. The kids have their own little shelters where they can get away from others. We drew up articles of the confederation, where each kid-state has rights to commodities in their territory. There is even trading going on between the states. The state with bamboo has the hottest economy right now. Another state was lucky enough to have a pile of cinder blocks. Everybody is looking for an edge.

The vegetable garden is federal property without any states rights though.
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Well-Known Member
Canada vs USA covid19 new deaths, might be the best way to compare the responses and see just how much Donald fucked this up, measured in human lives.

New Deaths
USA = +902
CDN= +20 x 8.6=172* (to equal USA per capita)

902/176=5.24x more new deaths

Deaths per million
USA = 25
CAN = 6

25/6=4.16 x more deaths per million. Maybe I'll call them DD's for Donald Deaths, unnecessary deaths due to dereliction of duty and criminal incompetence. Mention these facts to a Trumper near you who will be rewriting history soon, it was a "perfect response"...

He still hasn't issued a national stay at home order or invoked the power of the US government in any meaningful way. He appears to be trying to profiteer and steal money for his failing facade of a business too . Hotels might be of some use, golf clubs not so much, his businesses are going under in the first month of the shit hitting the fan. I don't think he can launder any more money from the Russians, or get a bailout through Deutsche bank for them. The revenue has dried up and he was in trouble before. Of course he's got his tongue out for bailout money and he controls it, the GOP made sure he had lots, wouldn't want him going bankrupt in the middle of an election. Donald gets his piece of the action and more, or you peasants starve, simple, Donald is desperate and so are the republicans.


Well-Known Member
Yet one more time, the US, under Republican leadership, missed another opportunity to forge a deeper alliance and instead broke one.
Not too worry, unlike most, Canadians understand, but we are gonna make our own PPE and medical supplies from now on, and so are many states.
Canadians watch American news and most understand who is to blame and who is not, we remember Obama was president too, at one time. I hope it will all be for the best in the end and accelerates the political demise of these assholes and change. I'm pretty sure its gonna be a wipe out for the GOP in november, unless America is on some kind of a suicide pact with Trump. By the time november rolls around you might have a million deaths because of Trump, people will vote with gloves and masks, there will be messages printed on those masks too and messages sent with their ballots.


Well-Known Member
Oregon's leaders had a good vantage point and called it right when they made that state one of the few without a crisis already underway when they issued lockdown orders.

We are benefitting now, with zero new cases, zero new deaths and the ability as well as the will to send excess equipment to a sister state in terrible straits.

‘Strong evidence’ seen that Oregon’s coronavirus restrictions are working

Both the research released Wednesday and another model by University of Washington researchers forecast that Oregon’s hospital system will be capable of handling the flow of patients with the novel coronavirus, making the state a potential bright spot in the United States -- if residents continue to stay home.

I was out this morning to re-supply Fort Squabble with fresh vegetables, eggs and other staples. First time in ten days. Wore my mask. Things are better in the stores. TP is still in short supply but everywhere else in the store things were in good order. Not enough other people wearing masks and social distancing measures were not being held to. So, we haven't yet gotten the hang of life with this virus. From what I've seen, early adopters like me are needed to be out there and visible to give others permission to look foolish, as those masks certainly make us look. Mine was this dumb paint mask that sat over my beard and made me look like a mole but whatever. I wore it.

We are doing OK. After 20 days isolation, we've settled into a routine. The kids have their own little shelters where they can get away from others. We drew up articles of the confederation, where each kid-state has rights to commodities in their territory. There is even trading going on between the states. The state with bamboo has the hottest economy right now. Another state was lucky enough to have a pile of cinder blocks. Everybody is looking for an edge.

The vegetable garden is federal property without any states rights though.
That's what I'm advocating here, lockdown so we can send resources to hard hit areas like NY. That is what the southern states are failing to do, because they are morons. I hope it will spur other places not locked down and who feel it's safe enough to do so, to donate ventilators too. It should have been part of a federal plan, a mobile reserve and probably is, but it's collecting dust on a shelf in some empty office.
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