Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
Kushner say's I got mine, go fuck yer selves, essentially

How the fuck can this be actually happening, where Trump, Kushner & Pence are in charge of saving the lives of millions of Americans?
Ok, this is just a bad Trip, right?
This ain't really happening, right?
I'm still 14 & it's 1969 and it's just a bad trip & I'll wake up & all will be fine, right?
Ok, let me turn on the radio

Nope, this is real
Oh well, anyone got any links to 25?
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Well-Known Member
Anybody want to comment on this? Chris tells it like it is and will be soon, from yesterday. I wonder if the southern states will have issues with supplies after gobbling up the national supply by acting like ignorant assholes, wait, they are ignorant assholes.
Chris Hayes: The Pandemic Is Coming For Every State | All In | MSNBC
Some Republican governors continue to act like coronavirus is not going to hit them hard. They’re wrong.


Well-Known Member
Kushner say's I got mine, go fuck yer selves, essentially

How the fuck can this be actually happening, where Trump, Kushner & Pence are in charge of saving the live of millions of Americans?
Ok, this is just a bad Trip, right?
This ain't really happening, right?
I'm still 14 & it's 1969 and it's just a bad trip & I'll wake up & all will be fine, right?
Ok, let me turn on the radio

Nope, this is real
Oh well, anyone got any links to 25?
"What's that smell like fish, oh baby?" It's Hot Tuna. Damn, Jim, yew keep "pinging" me!



Well-Known Member
Kushner say's I got mine, go fuck yer selves, essentially

How the fuck can this be actually happening, where Trump, Kushner & Pence are in charge of saving the live of millions of Americans?
Ok, this is just a bad Trip, right?
This ain't really happening, right?
I'm still 14 & it's 1969 and it's just a bad trip & I'll wake up & all will be fine, right?
Ok, let me turn on the radio

Nope, this is real
Oh well, anyone got any links to 25?
Its real.. I found a pic I was gonna post here but you covered it


Well-Known Member
Kushner say's I got mine, go fuck yer selves, essentially

How the fuck can this be actually happening, where Trump, Kushner & Pence are in charge of saving the live of millions of Americans?
Ok, this is just a bad Trip, right?
This ain't really happening, right?
I'm still 14 & it's 1969 and it's just a bad trip & I'll wake up & all will be fine, right?
Ok, let me turn on the radio

Nope, this is real
Oh well, anyone got any links to 25?


Well-Known Member
45% of Americans and a majority of white males will vote for Donald Trump in November, in spite of it all, blinded by fear and hate they march towards the the edge and abyss. Donald kills their parents, grandparents and even themselves with dereliction of duty, malicious incompetence and just plain stupid, yet they still think the sunshines outta his asshole. They come on RIU and wonder why they are treated with contempt, some to argue like fools for the great leader and carry his water, others to psycho or revenge troll. Most care about their "issues" more than their country and will not only vote for this utter failure as a human being and president, they will defend the indefensible and become apologists for a sociopath.

He just put his son in law Jared Kushner in charge of the pandemic response FFS, I guess in his wisdom he figured this little no nothing shit should be Dr. Fauci's boss and supervisor. Not someone with experience deploying vast resources in an emergency situation, someone whose career was in planning and logistics, someone like a military person. Not somebody competent, but a toadie loyal to himself, how many will die over that one little decision? Donald is golfing in Virginia this week end SS hired $40,000 worth of golf carts at HIS country club there, the cockroach and bed bug infested Mar Logo was closed by the local health authorities over coronavirus issues. Donald might as well golf, he's done nothing in this crises but cause it, but continues to get in the way and fuck things up when he involves himself in it even slightly.

Never let a good crises and distraction go to waste, never forget to get your enemies, real or perceived, maybe it will frighten others who might challenge you and discover there's just nothing but an an empty suit. Another day, another competent person fired for doing their job, this is how you got to where you are, good people leaving and bad people coming in, or the post left vacant.

Trump fires intelligence community watchdog who told Congress about whistleblower complaint that led to impeachment

(CNN)President Donald Trump on Friday fired Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson, who had told Congress about the whistleblower complaint that led to Trump's impeachment, the President told Congress in a letter obtained by CNN.
Atkinson will leave his job in 30 days, Trump told the House and Senate Intelligence committees, and he has been placed on administrative leave effective immediately, according to a congressional source.
Trump did not name a permanent successor.
"As is the case with regard to other positions where I, as President, have the power of appointment ... it is vital that I have the fullest confidence in the appointees serving as inspectors general," Trump wrote. "That is no longer the case with regard to this Inspector General."

The announcement that he's firing Atkinson late on a Friday night comes as the President is dealing with a worldwide pandemic from the novel coronavirus, which has consumed his presidency since the end of the impeachment trial only two months ago. Trump has faced widespread criticism for the federal government's response to the outbreak, and has said the impeachment trial "probably did" distract him from responding to the virus' outbreak during the trial in January and early February.

READ: Trump's letter removing intelligence community inspector general

Atkinson's firing is the latest case of the Trump administration removing officials who took part in the President's impeachment. Trump also removed Alexander Vindman, a then-National Security Council official who had testified in the House's proceedings, along with Vindman's twin brother, both of whom were reassigned out of the NSC, and fired then-US Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland.
Other officials, including then-US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch and her acting successor, Bill Taylor, left the Trump administration after the impeachment proceedings.

Trump also fired former FBI Director James Comey in 2017 while the FBI was investigating the President.
The congressional source said that Atkinson was informed on Friday evening that Trump had fired him. The statute for the intelligence community inspector general requires that both intelligence committees be notified 30 days before the inspector general can be dismissed, so Trump could not immediately remove Atkinson -- he could only place him on leave until the 30 days pass.

Top Democrats on the House and Senate Intelligence committees blasted the move.
House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff of California, who led the House's impeachment investigation, said the firing was "another blatant attempt by the President to gut the independence of the Intelligence Community and retaliate against those who dare to expose presidential wrongdoing."
"This retribution against a distinguished public servant for doing his job and informing Congress of an urgent and credible whistleblower complaint is a direct affront to the entire inspector general system," Schiff said in a statement.
Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said, "In the midst of a national emergency, it is unconscionable that the President is once again attempting to undermine the integrity of the intelligence community by firing yet another an intelligence official simply for doing his job."

Atkinson -- a career, nonpartisan official -- came under fire from the President's allies last year for alerting lawmakers to the then-unknown whistleblower complaint, which Congress later learned was an allegation that Trump had sought dirt on his political rival former Vice President Joe Biden from Ukraine's President while withholding US security aid from Kiev.
The allegation sparked a House impeachment inquiry that detailed the quid pro quo effort and led to Trump's impeachment in December on two articles. The Senate acquitted Trump on both charges in February.

Atkinson said he had shared the complaint with Congress because he found it rose to the level of an "urgent concern," clashing with his boss, then-acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire, over the determination.
After the whistleblower complaint was shared with Congress, Atkinson testified before the intelligence committees, explaining how he had attempted to corroborate the complaint in order to determine it was credible and should be shared with Congress. Maguire initially pushed back on that recommendation, but the White House ultimately relented and released the complaint.
Maguire formally resigned from US government service in February after Trump made it clear he would not be nominated for the job full time, a source familiar with the matter told CNN.

Other top intelligence officials also have recently left the administration, after Trump picked US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell to replace Maguire as acting director of national intelligence. Russ Travers, who was head of the National Counterterrorism Center, was fired last month by Grenell in a move that was seen as a removal of someone not perceived as loyal enough.
Tom Monheim, a career intelligence official, will be the acting intelligence community inspector general, according to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.


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New Rule: Worst Responder | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

In his editorial New Rule, Bill warns Americans not to make the mistake of rallying around an inept leader like Donald Trump.


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Should people wear masks during the pandemic? We asked 2 doctors
Politicians and medical officials are often asked whether members of the general public should wear masks during the coronavirus pandemic. We asked two researchers: Dr. Michael Lin, an associate professor of neurobiology and bioengineering at Stanford University, and Dr. Iris Gorfinkel, a family doctor and clinical researcher in Toronto.


Well-Known Member
Of course our governor is a fuckin Republican. No “Stay At Home” order here. 70 people at a fucking birthday party at a public park.


Well-Known Member
President Donald Trump berated a female reporter's "nasty tone" after she asked him to clarify comments made by his son-in-law and White House advisor Jared Kushner the previous day.

CBS News' Weijia Jiang asked Trump to explain Kushner's apparent assertion the day before that the Strategic National Stockpile was not intended for the states to use, but rather the federal government.
The stockpile was established by Bill Clinton to supplement states' medical supplies during a health crisis or biochemical attack.

"It's such a basic simple question and you try and make it sound so bad," Trump said, adding, "You ought to be ashamed."

You Sir, along with most, if not all of your immediate family, should be taken out the back door of the WH into the Rose Garden and have some good old fashioned Asian justice administrated unto thee, sorta like this.


God damn it, that motherfucker brings out the absolute worst in me, but I just can't help it.
I've hated other Pukes over my lifetime, like Nixon, Kissinger, Reagan, GW, Chaney & a host of other Republican clowns, but nothing like the hate I feel for the present occupant of the WH.
He's killing my soul & that is turning into a problem for me I think.
I don't want to die angry, but unfortunately, that seems to be inevitable & that's very fucking sad, indeed.
It's time I think to pick up some old books & listen too some old songs and try to get back to square.

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Well-Known Member
Should people wear masks during the pandemic? We asked 2 doctors
Politicians and medical officials are often asked whether members of the general public should wear masks during the coronavirus pandemic. We asked two researchers: Dr. Michael Lin, an associate professor of neurobiology and bioengineering at Stanford University, and Dr. Iris Gorfinkel, a family doctor and clinical researcher in Toronto.
My wife is sewing masks as I type this for our family seeing as none are available in stores.
They might not be actually be helpful, and probably are not, but they do give one a sense of community & at least the feeling of no surrender, we will fight back against COVID-19 and that is imperative.


Well-Known Member
Of course our governor is a fuckin Republican. No “Stay At Home” order here. 70 people at a fucking birthday party at a public park.
Here's a list of the States that still are ignoring stay at home rules.
Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Missouri, N. Dakota, Nebraska, S. Carolina, Utah & Wyoming.
All Red states that are about too kill themselves out of shear stupidity.
Good fucking riddance :)
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