Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
Not too worry, unlike most, Canadians understand, but we are gonna make our own PPE and medical supplies from now on, and so are many states.
Canadians watch American news and most understand who is to blame and who is not, we remember Obama was president too, at one time. I hope it will all be for the best in the end and accelerates the political demise of these assholes and change. I'm pretty sure its gonna be a wipe out for the GOP in november, unless America is on some kind of a suicide pact with Trump. By the time november rolls around you might have a million deaths because of Trump, people will vote with gloves and masks, there will be messages printed on those masks too and messages sent with their ballots.
Its way too early to make a prediction about what will happen in the fall election.

Trump’s biggest 2020 pitch disintegrates

The fundamental pillars of Donald Trump’s presidency — a hot economy, strong job growth and a rocking stock market — are all being smashed to splinters by the ravaging coronavirus, which has shuttered much of the nation and now officially ended a streak of 113 months of job gains dating back to the end of the Great Recession a decade ago.

Trump and other White House advisers have regularly lamented that the economy was booming before the coronavirus hit and should have set up the president for a strong run to reelection. They now know that the president’s future depends on a quick decline in new coronavirus cases and a fast snap back in the economy in the second half of the year.

Other analysts note that Trump’s odds of winning in online betting markets have actually risen during the coronavirus crisis. And the nation is now so polarized — and Trump’s base support so solid — that the presidential election will likely be close no matter what happens with the economy.

He starts with 42% voting for him regardless of what happens this summer. It's going to be close and there is no cause to be confident in unseating him at this time.


Well-Known Member
Its way too early to make a prediction about what will happen in the fall election.
I'll make a prediction right now, and that is the Southern Red States especially, such as Florida, that ignored warnings until recently are gonna get fucking ravaged soon by COVID-19, and a lot of Trump supporters are going to die as a result.
The sane Dem's & Independents that isolated & maintained social distancing will become the dominants,
Hence, what once was a Republican/Trump stronghold no longer exists, they all killed themselves.
Simple math


Well-Known Member
Dr. Fauci Shuts Down ‘Fox & Friends’ on Coronavirus Cure: ‘We Don’t Operate on How You Feel’ .... ( Mic drop )

Top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci left the hosts of Fox & Friendsdisappointed and frustrated :mrgreen: Friday when he threw cold water on their insistence that the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine is a game-changing cure for the coronavirus.

Citing a recent poll showing that 37 percent of doctors around the world feel the drug is currently the most effective treatment of COVID-19, co-host Steve Doocy added that frequent Fox News guest Dr. Mehmet Oz ( fuck Dr. OZ / quack ) recently touted a small Chinese study that found the drug had some efficacy in treating the virus.

Doocy went on to play a clip of Dr. Oz wondering whether Fauci was impressed with the results of that study. The Fox host asked the top physician to respond to the TV doctor.......... Wait for it ....


“That was not a very robust study,” replied Fauci, a member of the White House coronavirus task force. He also pointed out that while there’s still a possibility of a “beneficial effect,” the scale and strength of the evidence is not “overwhelmingly strong.”

“But getting back to what you said just a moment ago that ‘X percent’—I think you said 37 percent—of doctors feel that it’s beneficial. We don’t operate on how you feel. We operate on what evidence is, and data is,” he continued. “So although there is some suggestion with the study that was just mentioned by Dr. Oz—granted that there is a suggestion that there is a benefit there—I think we’ve got to be careful that we don’t make that majestic leap to assume that this is a knockout drug.”

Co-host Brian Kilmeade, meanwhile, pushed back against the disease expert, claiming a large percentage of doctors in other countries are now prescribing the drug to treat coronavirus. He then speculated as to whether those taking the drug for other conditions were prevented from infection of COVID-19...........

“I would be very curious, doctor, to see if anyone who was taking this for lupus or arthritis has gotten the coronavirus, that would be one way to go the other way to see about this study,” Kilmeade wondered aloud. DERP ! :wall:

“I mean, obviously this is a good drug in many respects for some of the diseases you mentioned, and the one thing we don’t want to happen is that individuals who really need a drug with a proven indication don’t have it available,” Fauci responded, adding that it doesn’t matter if a large percentage of doctors “think that it works.”


Co-host Ainsley Earhardt then jumped in, suggesting that “Democratic leaders” are preventing patients from receiving hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the disease and asking Fauci what could be done to make sure we’re giving it to everyone in need....... RRRRIGGGGGHHHTTT ! ( same song and dance ) ...


“Well first of all, this is an approved drug for another indication, and doctors can, and the FDA has made it very clear that doctors can prescribe it on what we call off label,” he explained. “There’s no inhibition for that. So a considerable amount of drug was made available, as you remember, just a few days ago. But the FDA was very clear that they’re not going to be inhibiting anyone from doing an off label prescription of the drug. So they’re free to do that if they want to.”

While President Donald Trump and many Fox News personalities have been bullish on the possibility that the drug is a miracle cure for the virus, Fauci has repeatedly attempted to temper expectations, noting that the benefits have largely been anecdotal and that there are other studies showing no noticeable effects at all..... Read ... NO NOTICEABLE EFFECTS .


This isn’t the first time that pro-Trump Fox News hosts have tried to get Fauci to boost hydroxychloroquine. Laura Ingraham, who has been at the forefront of touting the drug, asked the doc last week if he would take it if he were stricken with the virus. Fauci, for his part, said only if it were part of a clinical trial.

Fox News murder people ...... Open your fucking eyes.


Well-Known Member
Dr. Fauci Shuts Down ‘Fox & Friends’ on Coronavirus Cure: ‘We Don’t Operate on How You Feel’ .... ( Mic drop )

Top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci left the hosts of Fox & Friendsdisappointed and frustrated :mrgreen: Friday when he threw cold water on their insistence that the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine is a game-changing cure for the coronavirus.

Citing a recent poll showing that 37 percent of doctors around the world feel the drug is currently the most effective treatment of COVID-19, co-host Steve Doocy added that frequent Fox News guest Dr. Mehmet Oz ( fuck Dr. OZ / quack ) recently touted a small Chinese study that found the drug had some efficacy in treating the virus.

Doocy went on to play a clip of Dr. Oz wondering whether Fauci was impressed with the results of that study. The Fox host asked the top physician to respond to the TV doctor.......... Wait for it ....


“That was not a very robust study,” replied Fauci, a member of the White House coronavirus task force. He also pointed out that while there’s still a possibility of a “beneficial effect,” the scale and strength of the evidence is not “overwhelmingly strong.”

“But getting back to what you said just a moment ago that ‘X percent’—I think you said 37 percent—of doctors feel that it’s beneficial. We don’t operate on how you feel. We operate on what evidence is, and data is,” he continued. “So although there is some suggestion with the study that was just mentioned by Dr. Oz—granted that there is a suggestion that there is a benefit there—I think we’ve got to be careful that we don’t make that majestic leap to assume that this is a knockout drug.”

Co-host Brian Kilmeade, meanwhile, pushed back against the disease expert, claiming a large percentage of doctors in other countries are now prescribing the drug to treat coronavirus. He then speculated as to whether those taking the drug for other conditions were prevented from infection of COVID-19...........

“I would be very curious, doctor, to see if anyone who was taking this for lupus or arthritis has gotten the coronavirus, that would be one way to go the other way to see about this study,” Kilmeade wondered aloud. DERP ! :wall:

“I mean, obviously this is a good drug in many respects for some of the diseases you mentioned, and the one thing we don’t want to happen is that individuals who really need a drug with a proven indication don’t have it available,” Fauci responded, adding that it doesn’t matter if a large percentage of doctors “think that it works.”

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Co-host Ainsley Earhardt then jumped in, suggesting that “Democratic leaders” are preventing patients from receiving hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the disease and asking Fauci what could be done to make sure we’re giving it to everyone in need....... RRRRIGGGGGHHHTTT ! ( same song and dance ) ...

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“Well first of all, this is an approved drug for another indication, and doctors can, and the FDA has made it very clear that doctors can prescribe it on what we call off label,” he explained. “There’s no inhibition for that. So a considerable amount of drug was made available, as you remember, just a few days ago. But the FDA was very clear that they’re not going to be inhibiting anyone from doing an off label prescription of the drug. So they’re free to do that if they want to.”

While President Donald Trump and many Fox News personalities have been bullish on the possibility that the drug is a miracle cure for the virus, Fauci has repeatedly attempted to temper expectations, noting that the benefits have largely been anecdotal and that there are other studies showing no noticeable effects at all..... Read ... NO NOTICEABLE EFFECTS .

View attachment 4523328

This isn’t the first time that pro-Trump Fox News hosts have tried to get Fauci to boost hydroxychloroquine. Laura Ingraham, who has been at the forefront of touting the drug, asked the doc last week if he would take it if he were stricken with the virus. Fauci, for his part, said only if it were part of a clinical trial.

Fox News murder people ...... Open your fucking eyes.
Dr Fonzi now has 24/7 police protection b/c the Trumptards don't appreciate him not agreeing with the Orange Shrimpdix.


Well-Known Member
I'll make a prediction right now, and that is the Southern Red States especially, such as Florida, that ignored warnings until recently are gonna get fucking ravaged soon by COVID-19, and a lot of Trump supporters are going to die as a result.
The sane Dem's & Independents that isolated & maintained social distancing will become the dominants,
Hence, what once was a Republican/Trump stronghold no longer exists, they all killed themselves.
Simple math
Hence Republican efforts to suppress voting by undesirables. With Gerrymandering, voter ID, police menacing, manipulating poll locations, high rates of faulty equipment in Democratic districts and the inherent bias built into the electoral college, Democrats need to win by more than 5% margin to be certain of retaking the WH. The Senate is probably already our of our reach.

No way Republicans are going to allow vote by mail where it doesn't already exist. They don't want a high turnout. They don't want paper ballots that are traceable.

So, while I'd like to agree with you, I'm of the opinion that the election is Trump's to lose and Biden has to win by a good margin of the popular vote in order to barely edge Trump out of office. The turnout in 2018 gave me a lot of hope. OTOH, the map of turnout in 2018 is exactly what Republicans are working to change through their campaign to suppress our votes.
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Well-Known Member
Caught just a little of task force update.

This man is not sane, he just isn’t.
It's Malignant Narcissism, and it's very dangerous.

Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder:
  • grandiose fantasies and behavior, such as a preoccupation with thoughts of personal success, power, and attractiveness or sex appeal
  • little or no empathy for other people’s emotions or feelings
  • a significant need for attention, admiration, and recognition
  • an inflated sense of self-importance, such as a tendency to exaggerate personal talent or achievements
  • a belief in personal specialness and superiority
  • a sense of entitlement
  • a tendency to take advantage of others or exploit people for personal gain
  • arrogant or conceited behavior and attitudes
  • a tendency to envy others and believe others envy them

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Well-Known Member
Tennessee tells nurses to try diapers if they run out of surgical masks
The Tennessee Department of Health says health providers should be prepared "for such extreme situations when there is an absence of any other approved PPE."

OAK RIDGE, Tenn. — In a worst-case scenario, the Tennessee Department of Health instructed healthcare providers to use diapers instead of facemasks, swim goggles instead of eye protection and plastic bags in lieu of gloves to protect themselves against COVID-19.

Making America Great Again ! ..... WINNING !



Well-Known Member
Hence Republican efforts to suppress voting by undesirables. With Gerrymandering, voter ID, police menacing, manipulating poll locations, high rates of faulty equipment in Democratic districts and the inherent bias built into the electoral college, Democrats need to win by more than 5% margin to be certain of retaking the WH. The Senate is probably already our of our reach.

No way Republicans are going to allow vote by mail where it doesn't already exist. They don't want a high turnout. They don't want paper ballots that are traceable.

So, while I'd like to agree with you, I'm of the opinion that the election is Trump's to lose and Biden has to win by a good margin of the popular vote in order to barely edge Trump out of office. The turnout in 2018 gave me a lot of hope. OTOH, the map of turnout in 2018 is exactly what Republicans are working to change through their campaign to suppress our votes.
I think the democrats will win by a landslide, but I like your attitude! Take nothing for granted and go all out to win the country back and save your own lives. Trump will still get his 40% no matter what, they are rewriting history for them as we speak, 40% is not enough to carry the day, this threw a monkey wrench into everybody's plan and Donald is not very flexible, he's a creature of habit. I think the Russians might have written him off and are cutting their losses, One thing we are certain of though, Donald and the GOP will try to lie cheat and steal their way to power in november.


Well-Known Member
No way Republicans are going to allow vote by mail where it doesn't already exist. They don't want a high turnout. They don't want paper ballots that are traceable.
They'll have too, the Nation will demand it & that should be the end of the GOP for at least 8 years
What else can/could the Pukes do?
Not hold an Election?
They're stuck in a corner & there's no fucking way out that I can see.
Very cool :)


Well-Known Member
Tennessee tells nurses to try diapers if they run out of surgical masks
The Tennessee Department of Health says health providers should be prepared "for such extreme situations when there is an absence of any other approved PPE."

OAK RIDGE, Tenn. — In a worst-case scenario, the Tennessee Department of Health instructed healthcare providers to use diapers instead of facemasks, swim goggles instead of eye protection and plastic bags in lieu of gloves to protect themselves against COVID-19.

Making America Great Again ! ..... WINNING !

View attachment 4523365
Mitch don't like no big guberment! Trumperators instead of respirators.

Trump is the one who should be wearing a diaper over his mouth, to catch the shit that falls out of it constantly.


Well-Known Member
Well, for the man who called it Chinavirus only to see China send millions of N95 masks to the USA due to a severe shortage, what else would one call it? ;)
Expect Donald to choke on a lot of Chinese aid and PPE for a little while, it's an excellent PR weapon to use against him and I'm all for all the aid and PPE they want to send, both to America and Canada. I don't think this will be the end of it either, a plane load of PPE for free along with a few salesmen at airports in every state in the union. I think China has been preparing this shit bigly, both for themselves and other countries (to make money) and social distancing and other measures are working there now and they have an excess. They have a lot of kissing and making up to do and this is a great way to do it and make a fortune too. You might not like the pricks sometimes, but they are smart and saw the need months ago. If they can build hospitals in a week, they can mass produce PPE and even ventilators in 2 months and most likely have been, under emergency 24/7 conditions. The world needs this shit now in massive quantities and China knew it in January.

The chinese symbol for opportunity is a mirror image of the one used for problem. In every problem there is also an opportunity, to profit, even if only from the experience, there is also an opportunity to fail and to fail to learn from experience too.


Well-Known Member
there is also an opportunity to fail and to fail to learn from experience too
Unfortunately, everyone in the position to take note and learn are narcissistic sociopaths who only see themselves as right at all costs, so that will not happen.

Logic, such as learning from mistakes does not take hold when the beholder accepts they never do anything wrong.

What a situation we're all in ;)


Well-Known Member
and now she’s on end of life care
Sorry Buck, this stuff has a real human cost and is not merely an abstraction. Behind every number in the grim statics lies a tragedy for the victims and families. Donald made it 5 times worse and more than it had to be, but you know that already.
May she RIP and your heart heal quickly, make her count at the polls, bring a replacement for her along with you.
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