Cancel Rent?

When I was a teen, my father poured concrete down the sewer line of the neighbor's rental. It remained unoccupied for at least five years after that. @DaFreak have you ever had someone remove a toilet and pour concrete down your sewer line? Did you know when the old tar paper like sewer line is not in use it does what we call potato chipping, because the inside layers literally crumble as they dry. I suspect that's what happened to that line after the initial 80lbs of concrete plugged it.
I have elderly housing and the government in all their wisdom decided to open it up with anybody with a disability. Also in order to streamline the process of receiving disability you no longer need a doctor to decide and now there is a spike in soft disabilities, things that cannot be proved one way or the other. So day in day out I have to turn away little old ladies that have nowhere to go because some punk 20 something has PTSD. Not a soldier mind you, just some kid who hounded his case worker and worked the system. I see so much fraud every day but there is literally nothing I can do about it. And I know they are scamming the system because they are idiots and tell me. I however cannot report that to anybody who cares, because they don't. Now I am from a country where the government hires people with disabilities and I am used to seeing people with walkers, cranes, wheelchairs all working because they can. Something is wrong with America where they decide they won't.

Not waived, deferred. Big difference. And yes, anybody who is living off the state and asking for free rent is a piece of shit. I stand by that.

ohhhhhhhh, don't you worry..Trumpy* fixed that so now you will have to 're-qualify' for think you have issue getting paid now?:lol:

you know you really need to stop watching FOX..they don't report what's going on..wait until all you hillbillies HAVE TO RE-QUALIFY EVERY TWO YEARS
When I was a teen, my father poured concrete down the sewer line of the neighbor's rental. It remained unoccupied for at least five years after that. @DaFreak have you ever had someone remove a toilet and pour concrete down your sewer line? Did you know when the old tar paper like sewer line is not in use it does what we call potato chipping, because the inside layers literally crumble as they dry. I suspect that's what happened to that line after the initial 80lbs of concrete plugged it.
I have not, but a friend had that happen to his rental. Just a nice guy who was trying to put a little away for retirement and rented out to the wrong asshole who didn't pay rent for a year and took that action when he was finally evicted. He didn't do background checks and landlord references because he didn't know better. He knows now. Sorry that you had a piece of shit father.
I don't watch fox. I've always voted democrat and consider myself a progressive. News Flash, not all democrats are just pieces of shit who don't want to work for what they got.
I hope that you are a delivery girl working your way through college and that you didn’t compete college to become one.
I hope that you are a delivery girl working your way through college and that you didn’t compete college to become one.
Nice to say to a lady that’s working for a living. Delivery or not it’s a job. Not as good as being a slum landlord but hey
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So that makes her less than you? Wow the insight into how you think about yourself is amazing. You’re probably the coolest person you know.

if you’re going to make fun of someone for being dumb double check your post for errors. Just a tip they must not have went over with u at your college.
ohhhhhhhh, don't you worry..Trumpy* fixed that so now you will have to 're-qualify' for think you have issue getting paid now?:lol:

you know you really need to stop watching FOX..they don't report what's going on..wait until all you hillbillies HAVE TO RE-QUALIFY EVERY TWO YEARS
Do not click on that link. That’s a sad truth.
So that makes her less than you? Wow the insight into how you think about yourself is amazing. You’re probably the coolest person you know.

if you’re going to make fun of someone for being dumb double check your post for errors. Just a tip they must not have went over with u at your college.
Lol, defender of deliver boys and girls everywhere.
That is the absolute truth. A large percentage of people on disability are lazy fucking scammers!! Or "disabled" because of there own stupidity! Just living from free handout to the next free handout.

I'm a student landlord...They are just packing up and leaving, after trashing their apartments the past month from 24/7 partying while school was out. Not even a call to say "I'm outta here". Actually it's a good thing because they are the ones spreading the disease like wildfire here in upstate NY...Go home to the city...brilliant!!
number one, everything you said was bullshit

Number two, hundreds of thousands are facing death and millions more economic despair and you’re worried about carpet stains?

You dumb bitch. Need a hanky to wipe those tears?