Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
This is a good one.
There're gonna be planting bodies in Central Park this year instead of tulips.

Motherfucking son of a bitch, this is incredible, and most of it's a direct line to Trump's incompetency
Next time when I'm allowed to social interact & I'm alive still & I see a MAGA hat, I'm gonna walk up to him/her & knock their fucking teeth out, without any hesitation and with a vast amount of glee :)
My peace , love & understanding shite is by the wayside now for Trump supporters.
They are/have been a clear & present danger to society, and should be treated as such, like beat the fuck out of them & shove their hats up their asses
at least.
Yea, yea, I know that's a bad attitude but I really don't give a fuck anymore.
Where I live in Fairfield county, CT alone there's over 100 dead so far as of today with over 3000 infected and we all know that is just the beginning
I saw Cuomo asked about this yesterday, fake news.


Well-Known Member
Trump removes inspector general who was to oversee $2 trillion stimulus spending .....

Glenn Fine, the acting inspector general at the Defense Department, was dismissed from his acting position at the Pentagon, making him ineligible to be the watchdog over spending to counter the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic.

Fine, a career official who will remain a deputy inspector general, had been chosen for the spending role by a committee of inspectors general. The move will be seen by some as another instance of the president chafing at independent oversight.

So here we go again .... no oversight ... hmmm
“ What could happen ? “


Well-Known Member
Trump removes inspector general who was to oversee $2 trillion stimulus spending .....

Glenn Fine, the acting inspector general at the Defense Department, was dismissed from his acting position at the Pentagon, making him ineligible to be the watchdog over spending to counter the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic.

Fine, a career official who will remain a deputy inspector general, had been chosen for the spending role by a committee of inspectors general. The move will be seen by some as another instance of the president chafing at independent oversight.

So here we go again .... no oversight ... hmmm
“ What could happen ? “
This hole administration is "acting", in particular, the "performer" in chief. "Did you know I'm number one on facebook?"


Well-Known Member
That cunt in the WH just found a new scapegoat to explain his incompetency in dealing with the Virus.
Trump suggested this morning that he might consider cutting funding for the World Health Organization over its handling of the coronavirus crisis and alleged role in helping China downplay the severity of the outbreak.

This is his Tweet

“The W.H.O. really blew it. For some reason, funded largely by the United States, yet very China centric. We will be giving that a good look. Fortunately I rejected their advice on keeping our borders open to China early on. Why did they give us such a faulty recommendation?” he tweeted.

You, yourself blew it, you asshole, when YOU refused to accept the test kits offered in fucking February by the W.H.O

That's all that jerkoff does is blame everyone else for the shit he personally creates.
Well, I think those day's that he was able to get away with spewing shit every time he opened his mouth are finally going to be over.
We shall see coming this November.

Oh, and here's my Intermission song of the day :)



Well-Known Member
More shenanigans from the cheeto chief ...

Now he's trying to steal the world supply of PPE and drugs in a panic and fucking over everybody in sight to do it. An American official was quoted as saying "we're gonna buy way more than we need". If he keeps this up other countries are gonna band together and embargo America as far as medical supplies go, if the moron pisses off China too, then they will be in deep shit. Canada is playing it smart with Trump, but rest assured, he screwed every American medical supplier out of their biggest customers with just the threat. We will be making our own stuff soon and if 3M wants to sell masks here, they are gonna have to setup a shop here to do it. I'll personally move heaven and earth to make it so and everybody else I talked to is mighty pissed too.


Well-Known Member
It's funny that Trump recently called himself a "wartime President".

The commander in chief leading the charge:

- Blames his Generals, and throws them under the bus even when they're unrelated to the current operation
- Denounces all accountability for everything
- Publicly states openly that he takes no responsibility whatsoever
- Multi-case draft dodger
- Extremely childish and reckless with his assertions
- Consistently backtracks on his own orders and statements
- Informs about operational plans even before the operation has begun
- Lies openly to his entire armed forces
- Takes tactical and strategic advice from Fox News pundits

Those are very scary qualities in a leader to say the least :)


Well-Known Member
The thread is of a general nature and much has to do with sharing the experiences of lock down, as well as, discussing current events. This is a novel and very human situation of shared experiences, fears and hopes. Some guys are bored and would just like to share a few tunes or even fears with friends, something they can't do at home right now. We are all starting to get somewhat used to the situation now and becoming psychologically adapted to the new environment and social rules.
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