Cancel Rent?

He thinks his garbage is true...that's the sad pathetic part. He truly believes he is the messiah of renters everywhere.
Betcha got a little kiddie porn kicking about in times no one wishes to engage your bullshit here...
Hey man that “stupid bitch” (your words) doesn’t need an oven on lockdown in a killer pandemic with kids to feed, she can heat soup up on the radiator, assuming the boilers work in your slums.
Fuck it’s like your talking about the pope. Such an humanitarian!!! I’m thinking sainthood. More holes than Texas lol.
Can’t give consent after you’re beat to unconsciousness
His actions and behavior are exactly why California recently enacted laws to limit rent increases and evictions. The worse he and his kind act, the more draconian rent laws will become. Yet he sits on his ass here to complain when he could have gotten the problem with that oven handled. Yes, his posts are filled with hubris.
Can’t give consent after you’re beat to unconsciousness
How was your "birthday surprise
And that’s why you keep coming back you dumb shit
You are an entertainment for not think you are any more to me than an occupier of an extremely bored mind at the moment, you nonsensical fool. Now go play with that silicone preadolescent boy doll with correct anatomical features that you have hiding in the storeroom, Dapedo.
no one wishes to engage your bullshit here...

You are an entertainment for me.

Which one is it Freddy? Basically you are the same for me, just wasting time because I can't really do anything else with babies in the house. Secretly I still hope for some intelligent conversations but not in politics, and actually I didn't post this in politics but it was rightfully moved her, posted it in toke it up or whatever that forum is because I was expecting to joke about it, but the politics forum here is more like the tank at other forums. Circle jerk.
Which one is it Freddy? Basically you are the same for me, just wasting time because I can't really do anything else with babies in the house. Secretly I still hope for some intelligent conversations but not in politics, and actually I didn't post this in politics but it was rightfully moved her, posted it in toke it up or whatever that forum is because I was expecting to joke about it, but the politics forum here is more like the tank at other forums. Circle jerk.
have you noticed that members who all hate each other have all come together to hate you
His actions and behavior are exactly why California recently enacted laws to limit rent increases and evictions. The worse he and his kind act, the more draconian rent laws will become. Yet he sits on his ass here to complain when he could have gotten the problem with that oven handled. Yes, his posts are filled with hubris.

You don't seem to understand what I was complaining about, and I'll let you know, it wasn't the oven. The oven was just an example of dumb tenants not grasping the situation. Have a ton of them. Other tenants are letting their kids play together in the parking lots. Others threw a birthday party in the common area. Others are calling up because one of their light-bulbs in their vanity is out. So no, I'm not complaining about the oven, doesn't bother me one at all, was a 1 minute conversation on the phone. And I have no complaints about the rental laws where I am either, in fact I love them. Well, actually service animals...fck them. No you are not allowed your companion donkey.
have you noticed that members who all hate each other have all come together to hate you
No, I see 6 faces here and I don't pay attention to them usually. I know your avi, one other's avi and the rest I won't remember. If I see them in another thread I wouldn't know who they are.