Cancel Rent?

You don't seem to understand what I was complaining about, and I'll let you know, it wasn't the oven. The oven was just an example of dumb tenants not grasping the situation. Have a ton of them. Other tenants are letting their kids play together in the parking lots. Others threw a birthday party in the common area. Others are calling up because one of their light-bulbs in their vanity is out. So no, I'm not complaining about the oven, doesn't bother me one at all, was a 1 minute conversation on the phone. And I have no complaints about the rental laws where I am either, in fact I love them. Well, actually service animals...fck them. No you are not allowed your companion donkey.
Your posts are filled with hubris.
Of course, because no one can stand a bullshitter.
You started this shit, on an open forum.
Are you some kind of fuktard? I think so...
Do I pity you, sure.
Do I give two fucks what, who and how much you make moron?
You admit to fleecing disabled tenants, keeping dd for any and all minutia, all because you are an entitled, self serving piece of shit.
End of story.
You suck.
You know, and now, so do we.
Fuck you Dapedo. May you suffer greatly.
Karma is great.
See ya...never you hope.

lol, and why is that guy, in your fantasy world what would you do if you saw me? Make your wife regret marrying you? Get spittle on me? And no disabled tenant was fleeced. The woman you're talking about isn't disabled anyway unless you count being white trash disabled (case could be made). 62 or older and or with a disability.
His actions and behavior are exactly why California recently enacted laws to limit rent increases and evictions. The worse he and his kind act, the more draconian rent laws will become. Yet he sits on his ass here to complain when he could have gotten the problem with that oven handled. Yes, his posts are filled with hubris.

Did your neighbors dog rip out the last part of your brain finally? Did Bernie Sanders give you economics lessons ?

Your post reveals your lack of understanding of the role of competition and customer feedback in rental rates etc.

Government restrictions and legislation are a primary cause of high rents, since they limit supply. Do I need to explain the rest ?
Lol, I feel sad for your family because they have a retard for a father. Tell me this Freddy, what about me housing people in good safe homes for fair prices and treating them respect pisses you off? None of my buildings are slums, some are in the process of being improved and not up to my standard, but that happens when you buy distressed properties, the residents for the most part thank me, can’t make everybody happy mind you. What about that pisses you off? Or does it piss you off that I don’t respect my tenant who prostituted his preteen children for heroine? You guys live in a fantasy land. All of my residents are treated with respect till they don’t derserve it. But that lady will have to wait for her oven to be repaired.
Now he’s judge jury and executioner
Government restrictions and legislation are a primary cause of high rents, since they limit supply. Do I need to explain the rest ?

Yup. We kind of thought that tiny homes were going to be a solution a few years back but they don't want solutions because in their eyes it's not a problem.
Yup. We kind of thought that tiny homes were going to be a solution a few years back but they don't want solutions because in their eyes it's not a problem.

Tiny homes on wheels are one way around the restriction horse shit from the parasitic overlords. Converted school buses etc.
That's not "how long you have to repair it", that's a law that states the bare minimum and a date which it HAS to be done by. The fact that you interpret it the way you do tells me that you are exactly the piece of shit I thought you were.

Fix the disabled lady's stove, it's your job.
But who would create useless threads and argue?
Right, that’s how long we have, a month. Like I said, under normal situations we don’t wait, just get it done, but these are not normal conditions.

View attachment 4526298 Now take a look at this fridge. This lovely tenant was moving out and told me that she couldn’t clean the unit because of corona. She was totally shocked that I told her she would not be getting her security deposit back. This is not my building, just took over management, previous management obviously did not take inspections seriously. Would any of you treat your own property let alone somebody else’s property this way? This pic came just came in. Would you respect somebody who trashed your unit like this?
Sounds like the “karma” virus strikes again. These people will NEVER stop shitting on you until you stop shitting on them. But you’re waiting for them to make the first move. Good luck in life. When you’re wondering why shit doesn’t work for you. This is why.
Yes it is a cheap apartment, she tried to sell it to me but not interested, we just manage this one. She lost her SD, think it was around $600. $100 for trash people to get rid of the crap she left behind and the rest in cleaning. They are cleaning today so I haven’t seen the bill yet but we charge $56 an hour and there is a full day of cleaning. Just the fridge looks like 3 hours. You don’t even want to see the bathroom.
Wait so you’re cleaning that AND having the next person use it? 3 hours @ $56 is over $150 probably what u paid for that POS fridge anyway
Tiny homes on wheels are one way around the restriction horse shit from the parasitic overlords. Converted school buses etc.
We looked into that as well. Even thought about building a parking lot for them, city wasn't going to have it one way or the other.
Wait so you’re cleaning that AND having the next person use it? 3 hours @ $56 is over $150 probably what u paid for that POS fridge anyway
No we are replacing the fridge. I was just saying that if we were to clean it, it would take over 3 hours. But when they get that bad it just makes more sense to replace them. My cleaning lady sent me the pic to ask what I wanted to do is all. This building is not mine, we only manage it. New Fridge is like $350ish.
Sounds like the “karma” virus strikes again. These people will NEVER stop shitting on you until you stop shitting on them. But you’re waiting for them to make the first move. Good luck in life. When you’re wondering why shit doesn’t work for you. This is why.
Just took over management so this had nothing to do with us. You would be shocked at how poorly people treat their units. The stuff I've seen.
Just took over management so this had nothing to do with us. You would be shocked at how poorly people treat their units. The stuff I've seen.
No I’m not shocked you’ve described in detail how poorly you manage your units. Maybe they treat the unit the way they are treated? That karma again