Pandemic 2020

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Admission Of Failure:’ Chris Hayes On Trump Saying Virus Should Soon Be Forgotten | All In | MSNBC
The President tweeted that the virus “must be quickly forgotten.” Chris Hayes says that is an admission of guilt and failure—and a recipe for disaster. Aired on 4/08/2020


Well-Known Member
Wow, big choice there. It's up to the kid, isn't it? Still, though with your concerns over susceptibility factors, maybe you and him would have to find ways to isolate. Could you put him up in a separate apartment? Maybe he lives in a motor home or trailer in your driveway?

We are going to have to figure this out. Risks to elders and others with vulnerabilities isn't goin into the Worldg to be over in May. Not going to be over until a vaccine is developed, which is a year and a half away if we are lucky.
He & I discussed it at length & decided mutually to say fuck it for now too the job offering.
It's just not worth it now for the possible danger involved to himself & the family unit as a whole by the Virus
Wouldn't it be nice for a 20 year old man to go out and expand Horizons without fear of dying as a result of it?
I can remember that feeling at that age, feeling like the World was my Oyster, then came AIDS which probably was a wake up call that stated you are not invincible nor invulnerable to what the Planet Earth will present too you while you are here.
I thought I had it bad in the 60's & the 70's with the shit going down then in America, like the war in Vietnam, the dead Kennedys & MLK, LA & Newark & Detroit burning down, but shit, this is worse.
I just wanted for a couple of years in my existence to chill, but nope, that it seems ain't happening.
We, this Nation, just keep fucking electing Republicans, and they have NEVER done our Nation any fucking good (do the data/math)
So, here we are again, 4 years of Republican leadership and we're about to crash into the cliffs again, after Obama spent 8 years rectifying GW's fuck up's & 4 years of Trump undoing them.
So, where are we today?
Totally fucked, like really totally fucked as a result of Republican leadership.
God damn it, will we ever fucking learn?


Well-Known Member
Here another nail in the fucker's coffin, none of these pricks who were advising him will be safe in New York after this, if they live there, they had better move. Donald is more dangerous in this situation than most people realise, he will collapse the economy with failed restarts.
Virus Spread Sooner Than Thought, Mostly Came From Europe: Report | Morning Joe | MSNBC


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Trump Wants Everyone to Forget He Ignored Repeated Coronavirus Warnings: A Closer Look

Seth takes a closer look at the president speculating about an unproven medical treatment for coronavirus after ignoring repeated warnings about the threat of a pandemic.


Well-Known Member
Trump Wants Everyone to Forget He Ignored Repeated Coronavirus Warnings: A Closer Look

Seth takes a closer look at the president speculating about an unproven medical treatment for coronavirus after ignoring repeated warnings about the threat of a pandemic.
Do you remember this?



Well-Known Member
way too late to recommend everybody wearing masks. of any kind would be better than nothing. masks + social distancing would have been much better IMO
but then again we have those with "Western Spririt' who refuse to heed Governor Polis' warning- they really have Western Spirit in Wyoming..tick tock.
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