Hydroxychloroquine, yes I would take it, or fuck Trump?

Would you take hydroxychloroquine to fight Covid 19?

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Well-Known Member
This is the last time I'm posting to this thread, if you want it to go to the back of the pack, don't post to the thread, let Buggy keep it alive. Is there really anything to say here that's meaningful? It's just a troll thread and that's what it's purpose was, and I have to say it worked really well, buggy trolled a few with this one.
No problem, your comments are never mandatory in my threads. That said, I will miss you dear friend.


Well-Known Member
I like my doctor and would go with her opinion on best treatment plan. Trump would not factor into it.
So you would act rationally in real life because you know that this thread is just a political troll to push a topic Trump wants out there so he can start his brainwash campaign about how up is down and right is left. And his base can continue to see it as 'they' are out to hurt Dear Leader.


Well-Known Member
So you would act rationally in real life because you know that this thread is just a political troll to push a topic Trump wants out there so he can start his brainwash campaign about how up is down and right is left. And his base can continue to see it as 'they' are out to hurt Dear Leader.
You dislike Trump, I get it, but no need to go completely nuts.


Active Member
I meen I voted for trump but my feelings changed when he abandoned the Kurds in northern Syria, however, of course I'd take that shit...r u crazy? Y not!?...I wldnt make a decision that wld kill me in an act of defiance lol, but fuck Biden as well, I hate dems, but biden gets my vote this year bc trump isnt presidential, in my opinion he did what we needed to with china n I thank him but time for this kiddo to go back to trump tower.


Well-Known Member
“A couple of careful studies of hydroxychloroquine are in progress, but the results may take weeks or longer. Infectious-disease experts are already using hydroxychloroquine clinically with some success. With our colleague Dr. Joe Brewer in Kansas City, Mo., we are using hydroxychloroquine in two ways: to treat patients and as prophylaxis to protect health-care workers from infection.
“We had been using the protocol outlined in the research from China, but we’ve switched to the combination prescribed in the French study. Our patients appear to be showing fewer symptoms.
“Our experience suggests that hydroxychloroquine, with or without a Z-Pak, should be a first-line treatment. Unfortunately, there is already a shortage of hydroxychloroquine. The federal government should immediately contract with generic manufacturers to ramp up production. Any stockpiles should be released.”


Well-Known Member
So googled this just to see what popped up,
View attachment 4527674View attachment 4527675

About par for the course, I wasn't sure if the 'cougar board' would take me to a older lady out on the prowl website or not, so I popped in. I loved the description:

View attachment 4527676

About as credible as people trying to sell Rhino Horn for erectile medication.

And again, I truly hope that Trump has some kind of insider knowledge he got form a evil dictator that would have cooked this up along with a cure for it. Unfortunatly if he does have that knowledge he is more concerned about hiding how he knows it than letting us all know so we can be safe.
Exactly as I thought there needs to be double blind studies with MANY more patients in the control group. Trump Tards are living in a perpendicular universe, I say allow Trump Rallies first and do a study on how many contract it. At the very least it will cull the herd.

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
I meen I voted for trump but my feelings changed when he abandoned the Kurds in northern Syria, however, of course I'd take that shit...r u crazy? Y not!?...I wldnt make a decision that wld kill me in an act of defiance lol, but fuck Biden as well, I hate dems, but biden gets my vote this year bc trump isnt presidential, in my opinion he did what we needed to with china n I thank him but time for this kiddo to go back to trump tower.
Up yours


Well-Known Member
Lol u must be a dem, u on food stamps? Government assistance? Cant survive without it? Dont ever plan on getting off it? That's exactly what the dems want bc as long as ur dependent on government assistance your vote belongs to them...
I thought that was you @Jefferson1977

you must really be butt hurt

ya, fuken banana


Well-Known Member
With azithromycin-laced bread
what a nice segue. i made the Beard Irish soda bread yesterday. came out awesome! wish i had a nice bowl of guiness stew or similar to soak it up with. my first attempt at bread making. thanks for the recipe!


Well-Known Member
Trump says take it. Your kind are putting it into soup and slurping it down. With azithromycin-laced bread.

I know you are too ashamed to admit that you do that. I'd be embarrassed if I were caught following what your maximum leader says too.
Whatever you say brother. I’m at peace. Be well.