Cant root my clones! Tried everything. Any help

After several failed attempts with coco and cell trays, I decided to clone in perlite. I take a solo cup and put 4 holes around the base, 1 inch from the bottom, and a few holes in the bottom. Then I fill them with perlite and set them in a sterilite tote filled with 3/4" of water. After the perlite is hydrated, I stick in my cuttings, sometimes using a bamboo skewer to loosen up the perlite. I like to cut at a 45º angle just below the node. I use the lid to control humidity, no heat mat.

I've been wanting to upgrade to an aerocloner for awhile now, but haven't felt the need since my perlite method works so well.

I've cloned in perlite with great success in the past. It's really easy to maintain by just keeping a little water in the bottom of what you use. But I despise perlite and no longer use it anywhere in my grows.
I've cloned in perlite with great success in the past. It's really easy to maintain by just keeping a little water in the bottom of what you use. But I despise perlite and no longer use it anywhere in my grows.
Me too, bad for the lungs and it gets everywhere, pumice and rice hulls now
Have you tried letting the cutting sit in water for a few days first then tossing it in a cup with soil? Keeping it super simple is usually the best way to go. I struggle to get humidity over 40% here so I was shocked when this method gave me the most consistent results.
So if i put them in soil after a while in water, would i have to water them constantly
So if i put them in soil after a while in water, would i have to water them constantly
Not at all. When I move them into the cup with soil I water until runoff. Then its about once a week and I do not give much water after the initial watering. I just toss them in the corner of my veg tent and about 10-14 days later they have roots.
20200409_075016.jpg This is probably day 10-14. I'm sure other methods will produce a lot more roots in less time but this works for me and its pretty dang simple.
I have had success many ways, with or without hormones. Recently I've been putting cut clones directly into small pots with pre-dampened soil that will fit under a dome. Tightly packed soil around the stalk without hormones, and putting the dome outdoors in an area that never gets direct sunlight(all day shade).
I use root riot plugs with about a 95% success rate. I always cut at a 45 degree angle scrape the side of the stem dip in clonex cut again at another 45 degree angle then insert into the plug place into a propagation tray with a humidity dome and a heat matt controlled with a thermostat.
And if all else fails look in the dessert isle in your local convenience store for these.

again straight coco no hormone. Just cut and plant pretty much. Roots in 7-10 days. B01F9050-7230-4A56-8AEA-4DB9123176D1.jpegEDE8C5F5-0939-4D6C-8543-F453A4092C72.jpegEA5BE109-A6E9-4ECC-93F6-F5C400AB41E8.jpeg
I have tried 3 different times to root clones. They just wont take root. The last ones i kept for over a month and not so much as a single root. I dont have an elaborate setup. But ive read about everyone just cutting using rooting hormones, then put on a heating pad in water, then wait. But no success any tips. I really need these clones.

Dont listen to any of that. Your clones arent rooting because they’re too wet. Roots need to look for water.
Keep it simple. Get a tray, a Tall dome with vents, and one 25w t5 strip for seedlings. Cut clones, drop in a solo cup with ro water. When you’ve taken all your cuttings, pull them out of the cup one by one and;

trim off all but top node leaves
Cut ends off of top leaves
Recut stem right above a node and dip in clonex gel. Let it sit in the gel for 30 seconds or however long. Then stick into root riot plug, put under dome, and mist it.
Repeat, then when finished, LIGHTLY mist inside of dome, close vents, lay the t5 light on top of the dome, then dont look at it for a week.

root riot plugs are killer, the key is to have them wet, but not soaked. Presoak them in whatever, the squeeze them until no/or barely any watershows on the bottom when squeezed.
100% success. Good luck.
I've done it the way you just described many times, cloning isn't that complicated if you don't want it to be.

Agreed, So simple. problems occur if there is a gap between stem and plug, too much water, and when people MESS with them. Rockwool can be kinda tricky I think, holds so much water, but...
I have used Jiffy pellets, rockwool plugs, coco, in a dome, misted the plants, not misted plants but the interior of the dome, vented to allow fresh air, not vented. And success most of the time. Until this last batch, just won't root. What is going on? Had a light on them 24 hours. Decided to turn it off while I slept. In a few days got roots.

Coincidence? No idea but I am trying it again.