Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
That's reality, ain't it a bitch?
You just have to climb higher & place yourself above the fray & maintain your honor & dignity & moral compass & not allow others to divert you.
It's a lifelong challenge admittedly, but it's the only game in Town.
Good song, burn one or sip one & close your eyes :)

Funny. Tonight was family dance night and I started with...

I consider it an important part of my mission to educate my child on music. He found it a little too sweet so we moved on to Barry White pretty quickly.


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Liar': Trump Fact-Checked For Dangerous Coronavirus Claims | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

MSNBC’s Ari Melber fact-checks false claims that are spreading about the coronavirus, ranging from online conspiracy theories to assertions made by Pres. Trump and other figures in government and media. Melber cites leading medical experts, including the C.D.C. and W.H.O., to debunk common claims while emphasizing that combating misinformation is a key part of combating the spread of the virus. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC.


Well-Known Member
A great idea for Trump golf courses...national cemeteries.

I like this guys rants, a level head and a smart guy.

I made a couple of posts awhile back about turning Trump's golf courses into a national coronavirus cemeteries and memorials. When Trump is removed from office he will be charged with a host of crimes including tax evasion and money laundering, the government will confiscate his properties anyway. Everything Trump has will belong to Uncle Sam after the new year and anything left over will be gone in civil lawsuits shortly thereafter. A national memorial with a headstone for every victim (6' apart), even if they are buried somewhere else, it would go on for many square miles and dwarf any military cemetery. People can bring their kids one day and tell them all about it and the importance of not being a racist sucker and traitor, they can tell them that this is the result of fear, hate and bigotry. Call it a civil war II memorial, a place where the blue and the red can rest.


Well-Known Member
This chronicles the federal PPE disaster caused by Trump's unfitness and incompetence, a truly disgusting display of callus incompetence that cost thousands of Americans their lives. Just thing there are people who are not only going to vote for this creature, they will bust a nut to make sure he's elected. Who is stupider, Trump or those who support him?

How Did the U.S. End Up with Nurses Wearing Garbage Bags?
A Silicon Valley C.E.O., Jared Kushner, and the race to get P.P.E. for America’s hospitals.

On Saturday, March 21st, while Donald Trump was tweeting about the “Chinese virus” and circulating praise for the “great job we’ve done,” Eric Ries received a phone call from another Silicon Valley C.E.O. His friend Jeff Lawson, of the firm Twilio, told Ries that, to deal with the rapidly escalating coronavirus crisis, the White House was recruiting tech executives to help. Ries—the founder and C.E.O. of a new company, the Long-Term Stock Exchange, and the author of a best-selling book, “The Lean Startup,” which had made him a well-known figure in the Valley—was an obvious choice for someone looking to stand up a high-tech solution to the disaster quickly. He had long preached the virtues of going to market as fast as possible with what he called M.V.P.: minimum viable product.

America was watching, shocked, as doctors and nurses pleaded for protective gear and medical equipment such as ventilators. Ries was asked to help start a Web site that would match hospitals and suppliers. Sure, Ries said, he could have something up and running by Monday. What followed over the next two weeks was an inside glimpse of the dysfunction emanating from Trump’s Washington in the midst of the pandemic, a crash course in the breakdown that has led to nurses in one of the wealthiest countries in the world wearing garbage bags to protect themselves from a virus whose outbreak the President downplayed until it was too late to prepare for its consequences.

Ries’s first phone conversation demonstrated how awry things had gone. He reached out to a White House contact, and, when he mentioned the Trump Administration’s coronavirus task force that was asking for Silicon Valley’s help, the response was, “Which one?” Trump had enlisted his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, to help with the pandemic response, and his murky new effort, which was not yet public, was already seen as working at cross-purposes with the official task force, overseen by Vice-President Mike Pence. Ries also learned that the Web site he had been asked to create was, in fact, not needed. “It took me three hours on the phone to realize the world did not need another Web site to solve the problem,” Ries told me.

Numerous relief groups were already in place. Some of them were soliciting donations for urgently needed personal protective equipment, or P.P.E., in the medical argot that the rest of the country would soon learn. Others were organizing sewing-machine brigades to make masks, or teams of graduate students to create designs for 3-D-printed ventilators. Ries thought he could help bring a bit of order to the chaos by organizing the small army of relief groups and volunteers into an effective partner for the federal government, for when it actually took charge. “I thought, Eventually somebody will lead,” Ries said. He spent the weekend pulling together a new umbrella organization, the PPE Coalition, and, as promised, had its Web site up and running by that Monday morning, along with a hotline to field requests.

For the next few weeks, the requests flooded in. Eventually, thirty-one groups joined the new coalition, and the Web site provided links to organizations with names that tell the sad story of the crisis, from Operation We Can Sew It! to Get Them PPE. The sense of urgency was palpable. “Armageddon was coming in three weeks,” Ries remembers being told. There was a rush to help before early April, when deaths were predicted to peak in New York City and hospitals would potentially be overwhelmed in other hot spots around the country. But there was also a sense of disbelief: Where was the U.S. government? One of the volunteers kept saying, “There’s no way we should be doing this alone,” remembered Jennifer Pahlka, who founded the tech group Code for America, served as deputy chief technology officer in the Obama White House, and is now helping with a coronavirus-relief group, U.S. Digital Response, which advised the PPE Coalition. “In our community, we have sweatshirts and T-shirts and stickers that say, ‘No one is coming. It’s up to us.’ It’s really hard when they actually realize that’s true. It’s terrifying.” For ten days running, Ries was told that the Federal Emergency Management Agency would step in and take charge of distributing critical supplies, directing them to where they were most needed, but, as far as he could tell, it never happened. Kushner and his team had embedded at fema, along with a Navy rear admiral, John Polowczyk, to oversee the supply-chain crisis, but Ries managed only to speak with an aide to the admiral.

Eventually, at a White House briefing last week that will surely go down as one of the Administration’s most callous performances, Kushner said publicly what he had in effect told Ries’s Silicon Valley contacts a couple weeks earlier, in a private phone call with business leaders and government officials: the states were responsible, and the U.S. national stockpile was ours, not theirs. The President agreed. Governors should have prepared their states while there was still time. “We’re a backup. We’re not an ordering clerk,” Trump said at the same news conference.

For two weeks, Ries and his fellow-volunteers had believed that it was only a matter of time until the federal government came to the rescue. They planned to serve as a bridge for the desperate states and cities that started calling their hotline as soon as it was up and running, but, eventually, the federal government would take care of it, because isn’t that what the federal government is supposed to do? “We see ourselves like a backstop,” Joe Wilson, a prominent venture capitalist working with Ries on the PPE Coalition, told me. “We are like the Plan C or the Plan D. Like, if x, y, z don’t happen, then, sure, this network will be valuable. This is what we told people. Now it’s clear we are on Plan C or Plan D.”

What they did not foresee was that the federal government might never come to the rescue. They did not realize this was a government failure by design—not a problem to be fixed but a policy choice by President Trump that either would not or could not be undone. “No one can believe it. That’s the No. 1 problem with the whole situation: the facts are known, but they are inconceivable,” Ries told me. “So we are just in denial.”

Independent reporting has corroborated what Ries and other volunteers saw for themselves: “a fragmented procurement system now descending into chaos,” as the Associated Press put it. The news agency found that not a single shipment of medical-grade N95 masks arrived at U.S. ports during the month of March. The federal government was not only disorganized; it was absent. Federal agencies waited until mid-March to begin placing bulk orders for the urgently needed supplies, the A.P. found. The first large U.S. government order to the big U.S. producer 3M, for a hundred and seventy-three million dollars’ worth of N95 masks, was not placed until March 21st—the same day that Ries got his first phone call about the Kushner effort. The order, according to the A.P., did not even require the supplies to be delivered until the end of April, far too late to help with the thousands of cases already overwhelming hospitals.


Well-Known Member
Putin says what?

Kremlin says 'work' on Mexico joining oil cuts under way
The Kremlin said on Friday that "work" to persuade Mexico to join efforts to curb oil production was under way a day after marathon talks among producers produced a deal on cutting out conditional on Mexico's participation.

a day ago

You think Mexico knows people without jobs cant afford drive to the food bank?

Russia's Putin to hold new talks on oil - TASS
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday he was planning to hold new talks on oil prices after phone calls with U.S. President Donald Trump and the leadership of Saudi Arabia, TASS news agency reported.

a day ago
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