What rosin bag to use for hash?


Well-Known Member
So I'm going to be pressing some hash soon and I just want to know what micron size would be good.

I was thinking of using a 90 micron rosin bag or a 37 micron bag. How much of a difference in yeild and quality would there be?
Use the 37 micron bag for hash. The 90 is good for flower or bud. If you use the 90 for hash it will spill out everywhere, consider that hash depending which screen you take it from is between 25 microns to 120 microns, so the 45 micron or 72 micron screened hash can potentially go through the bag at 90 microns.
Pressing hash you need to make sure to start with light pressure, let the patty warm up and slowly increase pressure. If you come at it with pressure too quickly then your seams can burst.

The 25u metal screen is by far the best for squishing large amounts of hash. a 37u bag will work for small batches (thinner cakes)
Pressing hash you need to make sure to start with light pressure, let the patty warm up and slowly increase pressure. If you come at it with pressure too quickly then your seams can burst.

The 25u metal screen is by far the best for squishing large amounts of hash. a 37u bag will work for small batches (thinner cakes)
Ok thankyou for your input I'm going to be using the 37u bags I'm going to be pressing some blond Lebanese hash at around 160-170 and hoping to get a nice gold/yellow look with a butter consistency
Ok thankyou for your input I'm going to be using the 37u bags I'm going to be pressing some blond Lebanese hash at around 160-170 and hoping to get a nice gold/yellow look with a butter consistency
I would get up around 200F, at least 190.