Pandemic Canada 2020 - The response, the issues and problems


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Health Canada cracks down on false coronavirus claims

Health Canada has sent 27 compliance letters warning about making unproven claims about COVID-19 to naturopaths, TV stations and major retailers including Canadian Tire and Amazon.


Well-Known Member
People have been dying drinking "raw water", I understand that the quality of many municipal water supplies sucks, but this is a nutty idea. Parasites and any number of waterborne pathogens, they should consider RO or distilled water:)
Jesus even rainwater in some places is full of pollution! I'll look for the daily show video, but stupid ideas are in no shortage. Hot cold therapy might sound loopy too and I thought it was myself until confronted with credible evidence. There's a proper study being done on it now in Washington state and they are recruiting covid19 people for the trial. In this case nothing is involved except a real hot bath followed by a cold shower, though there are methods to do it safely and reduce the shock to the system. I'm gonna scream tomorrow pushing the frontiers of science forward through suffering.:o
In the Sierra we're blessed with some great spring water, many people drink it straight from the source. Last year I found an artesian spring, the water literally boiling straight up from the ground. We had an especially heavy snow fall last year and I suspect the heavy melt off was causing the turbulent action in the spring. I've drank out of springs hundreds of times in my life, never been ill. I've even consumed a fair amount of river water on occasion while divng for placer gold, yuck, spit, gag. I consider myself fortunate for never getting giardia, or beaver fever as we've always called it. I've had a couple of friends get it, one from swimming, well it actually sounded like he made a day spa in a warm cove of a lake late in the season, lol. I think the other was from drinking stream water. I definitely wouldn't be drinking from the mud puddle in that video. I can't stand most city water, and can see the demand for good tasting water being pretty high in urban markets. But raw water, gawd I hope its fake, sounds like lawsuit waiting happen.

On another note, I had some friends that had their hot spring water tested for bottling, apparently granite has trace amounts of radon in it, just slightly radioactive but still too high for domestic use.


Well-Known Member
In the Sierra we're blessed with some great spring water, many people drink it straight from the source. Last year I found an artesian spring, the water literally boiling straight up from the ground. We had an especially heavy snow fall last year and I suspect the heavy melt off was causing the turbulent action in the spring. I've drank out of springs hundreds of times in my life, never been ill. I've even consumed a fair amount of river water on occasion while divng for placer gold, yuck, spit, gag. I consider myself fortunate for never getting giardia, or beaver fever as we've always called it. I've had a couple of friends get it, one from swimming, well it actually sounded like he made a day spa in a warm cove of a lake late in the season, lol. I think the other was from drinking stream water. I definitely wouldn't be drinking from the mud puddle in that video. I can't stand most city water, and can see the demand for good tasting water being pretty high in urban markets. But raw water, gawd I hope its fake, sounds like lawsuit waiting happen.

On another note, I had some friends that had their hot spring water tested for bottling, apparently granite has trace amounts of radon in it, just slightly radioactive but still too high for domestic use.
Where I live we have some of the best municipal water in the word, shows 30ppm on my meter in the garden. The lake is a mile or so up the hill from my place, pottle lake and it's spring a feed, the only thing in it is a bit of limestone, calcium carbonate.


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COVID-19 could claim 22,000 lives in Canada, officials project

Federal health officials say there could be anywhere from 11,000 to 22,000 deaths in Canada over the course of the pandemic, even with relatively strong control measures in place.


Well-Known Member
Canada refuses to approve rapid coronavirus blood test

The U.S. and the EU have approved a blood test kit made by an Ontario company that tests for evidence of the novel coronavirus, but Health Canada will not allow the test to be used here.


Well-Known Member
Even with strong response, coronavirus could kill 44,000 in Canada

Experts say even with strong public health measures, COVID-19 could kill 44,000 people if around 10 per cent of the population become infected. Xiaoli Li explains the latest national pandemic modelling numbers.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Canada refuses to approve rapid coronavirus blood test

The U.S. and the EU have approved a blood test kit made by an Ontario company that tests for evidence of the novel coronavirus, but Health Canada will not allow the test to be used here.
And good for them. Why would we invest in something that can provide false negatives and false positives? I’m thinking it could do more harm than good if wide spread use is adopted.


Well-Known Member
And good for them. Why would we invest in something that can provide false negatives and false positives? I’m thinking it could do more harm than good if wide spread use is adopted.
Yep the FDA in the states is under a lot of pressure and run by a Trump appointee, they are not to be trusted in this matter at least. I'll go with health Canada myself.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Yep the FDA in the states is under a lot of pressure and run by a Trump appointee, they are not to be trusted in this matter at least. I'll go with health Canada myself.
It may be a useful test to allow some people to venture out to maintain semi essential services in the future but now is not the time for that IMO.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Yep the FDA in the states is under a lot of pressure and run by a Trump appointee, they are not to be trusted in this matter at least. I'll go with health Canada myself.
Speaking of fishing..........when do the stripers come inshore? May drive out ther mid summer if this shit is over, the Daughters wedding is cancelled for a year


Well-Known Member
It may be a useful test to allow some people to venture out to maintain semi essential services in the future but now is not the time for that IMO.
I think the feds have got a pretty good grip on the situation now and Justin is being upfront, a minority government encourages that. He sounds sensible and realistic when projecting a return to some normalcy, followed by outbreaks, we need testing and I'm sure that's in the works, but everybody in the world is after the same limited resources at the same time.

BTW Alberta is sending a shitload of excess PPE to you guys, the previous NDP government must have bought it, cause I can't see the tories out there doing it. Anyway, it was a great thing to do, but the feds should have been on top of all the inventories in the country and coordinated it.

Minority governments are usually the best governments, everybody is on their toes and an inquiry will be conducted, no matter how good the response, we can do a lot better still. This stuff obviously needs national defense levels of funding and attention, it will get it after this shit storm. We don't make our guns and bullets in China for a reason and we won't get our PPE from them or America for the same reason, unstable incompetent governments. The American response makes the Chinese one look responsible and it is unfortunately, we are gonna have the border closed for a long time I fear.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of fishing..........when do the stripers come inshore? May drive out ther mid summer if this shit is over, the Daughters wedding is cancelled for a year
Caplin season is around June I think, used to dip net them on the shore a few miles from home. I don't fish myself, used to when I was younger and hunted too, but gave it up many years ago. Congratulations on your daughters wedding I'm sure many june wedding plans were dashed to the disappointment of many women, most men couldn't give a shit, but lie about it to survive!

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
People have been dying drinking "raw water", I understand that the quality of many municipal water supplies sucks, but this is a nutty idea. Parasites and any number of waterborne pathogens, they should consider RO or distilled water:)
Jesus even rainwater in some places is full of pollution! I'll look for the daily show video, but stupid ideas are in no shortage. Hot cold therapy might sound loopy too and I thought it was myself until confronted with credible evidence. There's a proper study being done on it now in Washington state and they are recruiting covid19 people for the trial. In this case nothing is involved except a real hot bath followed by a cold shower, though there are methods to do it safely and reduce the shock to the system. I'm gonna scream tomorrow pushing the frontiers of science forward through suffering.:o
I guess I missed the credible link that hot cold therapy works. Can you give me that please.
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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Caplin season is around June I think, used to dip net them on the shore a few miles from home. I don't fish myself, used to when I was younger and hunted too, but gave it up many years ago. Congratulations on your daughters wedding I'm sure many june wedding plans were dashed to the disappointment of many women, most men couldn't give a shit, but lie about it to survive!
Actually I was looking forward to it in Bermuda but I can wait a year ....... I have new financial commitments now :(.


Well-Known Member
I guess I missed the credible link that got cold therapy works. Can you give me that please.
There are a couple of links to papers posted to this thread already, but I can dedge up a few more if ya like. There are only small scale correlation studies so far, there is a proper study being done now in Washington state using covid-19 patients. Some of these studies looked at sick days, others for populations of immune cells in the blood and there was a significant increase. Some of the best information and links to papers are in the medcram videos I've posted and this is serious medical science, look for yourself and make you own calls, I've made mine based on the available evidence.

Have a look, the papers are in the YouTube description and there are others too.
Coronavirus Pandemic Update 46: Can Hot/Cold Therapy Boost Immunity?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
There are a couple of links to papers posted to this thread already, but I can dedge up a few more if ya like. There are only small scale correlation studies so far, there is a proper study being done now in Washington state using covid-19 patients. Some of these studies looked at sick days, others for populations of immune cells in the blood and there was a significant increase. Some of the best information and links to papers are in the medcram videos I've posted and this is serious medical science, look for yourself and make you own calls, I've made mine based on the available evidence.

Have a look, the papers are in the YouTube description and there are others too.
Coronavirus Pandemic Update 46: Can Hot/Cold Therapy Boost Immunity?
Actually I did look but could find nothing that was actually not from sauna company promotions and yes busted as I have not looked at the video as my phone data is getting low :(. I will peruse it when I head to the office for more Netflix ..... I have no internet access at home :(.
And yes that’s why appolaguzed when I said I missed your links and was hoping you could give them out again.


Well-Known Member
Actually I did look but could find nothing that was actually not from sauna company promotions and yes busted as I have not looked at the video as my phone data is getting low :(. I will peruse it when I head to the office for more Netflix ..... I have no internet access at home :(.
And yes that’s why appolaguzed when I said I missed your links and was hoping you could give them out again.
No problem Dudley, look at the video, it's worth your time. One of the problems with this bug is it apparently shuts down the immune system in the initial stages and this is covered in a few of the videos as the evidence for this mounts. I thought hot cold was pseudoscience, until I looked at the evidence for it, but it appears it might give guys like us an edge. Study how to do it safely, if ya wanna try it, the risks are similar to exercise, use your hot tub to stay healthy, you may even be doing that now while getting some R&R.


Well-Known Member
Actually I did look but could find nothing that was actually not from sauna company promotions and yes busted as I have not looked at the video as my phone data is getting low :(. I will peruse it when I head to the office for more Netflix ..... I have no internet access at home :(.
And yes that’s why appolaguzed when I said I missed your links and was hoping you could give them out again.
My bad the links to a couple of papers (abstracts) are in the public health thread, not this one, but some of the best ones are in the Youtube description. He does a pretty good job a summarizing and describing the info in the video, it was posted 2 weeks ago, but it seems a lot longer because things are moving so fast as a lot of researchers are focused on this now. This site is a medical science site, mostly for professional consumption, but accessible to the public, I usually watch them (nerd entertainment) and if there is anything of significance I'll post the video, but it's mostly pretty technical and made for doctors and med students. I don't do links from sauna or hot tub makers, just neutral science people without an agenda or an axe to grind.