Aussie Growers Thread

Keep it simple. Strait water, keep the temps down, don’t let it run out. Biggest tip is to cut decent sized clones. The bigger the clone the easier they root. I Cut mine as big as my home built cloners will allow.

Agree. Aero cloners need big clones for fast rooting, small clones will root but they take ages. If I am taking small clones like as back ups for seed hunts, rockwool is a better option.

and cleaning them thoroughly. Mine doesn't work as well as it used to for some reason. They are set and forget but good old peat pellets work just as well IMO

I agree. They need replacing every few years imo, doesnt matter how much bleach or H2O2 you put through them they are never like when new, I have no idea why.
What do you think of taking clones off a plant that's heading

I have done it. I just didn't take any clones off this one because it actually hermed soooo bad I didn't think it was going to be worth it.

It ended up being the nicest. Couldn't really take a cut in flower because I strip away all the lower suckers.

Should have revegged it but just didn't really have a spot to do it
The prime minister is on abc answering kids questions one kids asked how to spend time he answered study blah blah but the cunt at the end said “I’ve been spending hours watching star wars with my daughter we’re going to watch them all”
Is he that fucken dumb to say that on tv!! He is a productive mother fucker wtf. Holidays during the bushfires Star Wars marathons when people are dying.
The prime minister is on abc answering kids questions one kids asked how to spend time he answered study blah blah but the cunt at the end said “I’ve been spending hours watching star wars with my daughter we’re going to watch them all”
Is he that fucken dumb to say that on tv!! He is a productive mother fucker wtf. Holidays during the bushfires Star Wars marathons when people are dying.

I hope he gets Corona virus and then injected with arse aids
The prime minister is on abc answering kids questions one kids asked how to spend time he answered study blah blah but the cunt at the end said “I’ve been spending hours watching star wars with my daughter we’re going to watch them all”
Is he that fucken dumb to say that on tv!! He is a productive mother fucker wtf. Holidays during the bushfires Star Wars marathons when people are dying.
Just consider his target audience & the reason he's saying it, mate.

"Stay inside & do something to entertain yourself whilst in isolation". I don't see that as irresponsible at all. It's a good message to send to everyone right now.

I'm sure he's still doing as much as possible under trying circumstances with the shit that's flying atm.
Just consider his target audience & the reason he's saying it, mate.

"Stay inside & do something to entertain yourself whilst in isolation". I don't see that as irresponsible at all. It's a good message to send to everyone right now.

I'm sure he's still doing as much as possible under trying circumstances with the shit that's flying atm.
I’m off, got my Star Wars DVD’s and holiday brochures in my brief case. Oh and an idiots guide to running a country :peace:
'Sounds you'd make a perfect PM. Just like Rudd/Gillard/Rudd or even worse, that fuckwit Trump who decreed that Covid19 would be over by Easter Sunday because it's a religious thing.

What's the death-toll right now in the US? 21000?

Scomo was projecting the correct message to the masses.
Few things he has done that the Liberal party will hate him for.
Doubling the Unemployment benifit. Nuthin says trickle down economy doesnt work like doing that. And admits that they have known for a very very long time what a liveable unemployment rate should be. We are going to be in a huge debt, the 4 billion wasted so early on the stock market didn't help. And the kicker- it aint the refugee boats that are the problem- its the big flash ones, especially when Hillsong happy clappers are on board.
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