Maple Syrup?


Active Member
Why don't you just go knock on the door and say, "hey, I've been fishing in your pot field for a few years. Was always too polite to take any, but you just did such an amazing job on those plants, I was wondering if I could help ya harvest for some free buds?"

I wouldn't say no :)


New Member
stay clear of the plants an the farm.....murder is the only thing you will recive from this venture....dont ask for any doont go back just leave it be....even if you did snatch some buds its horrible well if you get caught by the grower....well....use your imaganation


Well-Known Member
dude if u jack some buds, that guy will probably get pissed and cut you in to little pieces and feed u to the sharks ... so dont mess with his shit


Well-Known Member
dude if u jack some buds, that guy will probably get pissed and cut you in to little pieces and feed u to the sharks ... so dont mess with his shit
yep exactly. just think if it were u, what would u do? But i guess the temptation would be there for me too. Strolling past a ganja farm, id atleast look lol as long as u dont know him and hes not a mate of urs!


Well-Known Member
stealth mission is sounding good man! lol, im sure we can pull a group :P :P :P JOK


Well-Known Member
It would be fucked up to steal some of his crop, but you guys are making it seem like this guy is a murderer, just because he has a weed farm. I was going through the woods at a park near my house one day, looking for a weed farm that I knew was there, but the woods are huge. I knew the guy who had owned it, and when I found it I just approached the guy. He is 22 and he is like 5'5. I told him I found his little setup, and that I would help harvesting and keeping his spot a secret, as long as he could spare with a couple buds. He told me that as long as I tended to them, I could HAVE a small section of his farm (3 plants, 1 of which was male). So this guy could be a mass murdering pot head, or some little shrimp who would gladdly use the help and company.


Well-Known Member
sounds like a great idea, if i were to ask i woukd offer to lend my little tractor and help harvest for the season.... also i would try to keep some more bud just a lil


I thought this thread was about maple syrup? I don't think we should even be talking about stealing from another grower.....IT'S WRONG(bad karma just thinking about it)!!!!! Now let's get back to the original topic......sweet goodness for your plant's, like maple syrup..


Active Member
Yeah, I agree w/ 000420, don't steal from another grower, that's just not right. Just go ask, worst case scenerio the person threatens you and then goes back into his house and spends the next month paranoid out of his/her mind.

Now back to maple syrup... HAS ANYONE TRIED IT???

And how does the molasses thing work, would it go in the soil? and around what stage, I'd guess during flowering.

Hmmm, I've heard of using molasses before, but I thought it was a myth.

Anyone have personal experience or facts?


Active Member
I want to try both Molasses and maple syrup now lol! I think I will do an experiment. Some with none, some with molasses and some with maple syrup. I am gonna wait for a few weeks though until I get the stunted ones going again. I added 6400 lumens of 6500k CFL today, bigger pots plus proper soil finally. Can't wait to try it!


I want to try both Molasses and maple syrup now lol! I think I will do an experiment. Some with none, some with molasses and some with maple syrup. I am gonna wait for a few weeks though until I get the stunted ones going again. I added 6400 lumens of 6500k CFL today, bigger pots plus proper soil finally. Can't wait to try it!

i've experimented with equal mixtures of real maple syrup and molases before and it worked great......good luck with your experimenting and have fun...:joint:


i used equal parts maple syrup(it must be real and all natural) and brier rabbit molasses, 8 oz.(1 cup) of each into a 1 pint bottle, shake to mix well, apply 1-2 table spoons per gallon of water every other time you water(right along with fertilizer is fine) from weeks 3-6 of the flowering stage, roughly....enjoy and have fun