GreenCure Powdery Mildew Treatment?

Just wanted to add to above. My grow room is held at a temperature of 81 degrees. The humidity does fluctuate in between watering. I also wanted to add one more link.

I like the idea of using heat. By raising the temp for one hour. Its a easy one if you live in the desert. My girlfriend and I just sprayed our plants with hydrogen peroxide mixed with water. With the AC off our room easily has reached 95 degrees. Not bad for 11 at night. LOL. In 15 or 20 I will turn the AC back on and drop it back down to 81 degrees. We are on our 2nd of day flowering and will be dropping the temp down over the next month to 71. With a bit of luck our nemesis will not return. We may treat them in one week with peroxide and then leave alone for the rest of flowering.
More info on PM. I know the thread is dead but I just want to accumulate al the info in one space. This is cool and I actually know a person that this treatment worked for. A Sulfur Vaporizer. Here is a link to a DIY.

I have tried heat, baking soda, peroxide, and milk to control this. About a week ago I received a free sample of Nuke Em in the mail as if they knew. I have done two treatments so far but I now have buds starting to form. I will give them one more spray of Nuke Em as it seems to be working, but I definitely don't want to continue spraying them once my plants fill in. For this reason the Sulfur seems like a good route. I have also found out that once PM goes systemic that spraying will only prevent but never cure it.

Another thread if concerned with use or taste effects.
With powdery mildew you need to trash everything and start over. It seems harsh but in the end it saves so much time and effort plus you dont gotta worry about if that shits hiding somewhere you didnt see it in you end product/what your smoking. Battled with pm for thr last year and a half. Just finally killed literally everything, bought new seeds online and bleached the hellllll out of the room. First time in 2 years almost I havent even had to use a preventative on the plants. I have at least one high powered fan for every 20 square feet of the room.

This is how you beat pm. Once and for all. Like it. Hate it. It is what it is. Thought I had beat jt many other times with preventative, but systemic will ALWAYs come back unless the offending cuts are removed for your grow completely.
Well here we go again.
From what ive come to realize, the temps got too low at night and didnt have the proper veg growth in the time it was given. A late topping also help keep em short and bushy which helped isolate the airflow. Fml I hate this shit!!
Green cure is only a bandaid. Its the environment that must change during each season. Heat the floor/soil in the winter, to help keep out the perfect environment.
I have numerous reasons why mine jeeps happening. And reasons in life why I can't be there to,correct them myself. It is what it is. Life of a growbro....
Ok so week 4 of flower is it ok to spray everything in growroom and the buds with green cure will this hurt my girls and howuch to spray that's my question... I'm just now seeing pm in the room stripped all the leaves with spots and am planning to spray them tonight at 5 two hours before the lights come on from what I've gathered that's what to do
Bleach will kill pm. Or isopropyl, both are sterile, so, harmless.

Or Acetone, evaporates instantly so can be used up to harvest. I might just fill my bong up with a cocktail of the 3.
Bleach will kill pm. Or isopropyl, both are sterile, so, harmless.

Or Acetone, evaporates instantly so can be used up to harvest. I might just fill my bong up with a cocktail of the 3.
So how would I use the ISO I got 10 girls 3ft tall by 3ft wide and won't it destroy all my trichs I'm interested not second guessing
Always be preventative and you don't have to worry. I use greencure as well as SM-90 as foliar sprays up until about the end of week 1 of flower. Never have I had an issue with PM. Also those that are saying PM is systemic are still locked on pre 2009 science. PM does not travel throughout the plant but it spreads so quickly people consider it so. Here is an article for you to read on the subject. Best guess if you do get a PM infestation, use sulfur. You can get the wettable sulfur to spray on or use a burner. Also figure out the source of the pm. Sometimes it is something as stupid as a plant fell over and the leaf wasn't able to breath and other times its because you have a pool of water somewhere with organic matter in it. Once you get that eliminated then you should be PM free.
To add a few things to my post above. Only use sulfur if you are in veg or first weeks of flower. Also I love using greencure. It is a contact killer and it dries the cell wall and actually kills the spores. When I use it I don't just spray the plants, but I spray my top soil, my fabric pot as well as the walls. It is completely safe and within an hour is gone. Raises the PH all over to prevent any mold from growing back. I have never had an issue with PM and I god hope I never will.
I got PM at our last home - we moved in Dec 2019.

After growing for 10 years never had PM that I noticed. AC went out in the old home last grow before move and PM showed up LATE flower BAD. Only thing I tried was Southern AG Garden Friendly Fungicide. It got me to harvest had to bud wash in peroxide, lemon juice and backing soda with 2 rinse buckets.

I had veg plants I brought with me. Keepers of years of work so they coming.

New home - completely clean new room to grow in. Cleaned it well with enzyme cleaner and vinegar. PM came back on the cuts I brought. I've been trying everything. I'm in my 2nd run and even tho I started new plants from seed and treated all the clones with everything including Green Cleaner, Serenade, Enzymatic cleaner, peroxide and repeat.

Environment is DIALED IN - I have geothermal heat replaced the filters (they filter mold spores and more), cleaned, cleaned again... cleaned again with enzyme cleaner/peroxide/vinegar.

Temps are 68-72F with 42-50RH all the time.

I'm still getting PM.

No too bad but I know the signs and take a leaf and look under a scope and sure enough its there.

My treatment that works so far is:

weekly foliar with Serenade
every other day foliar with peroxide and water
Weekly IPM (Spinosad cause there are other pests) with Green cleaner added.

This sorta works but not completely gone.
PM is Freakin Herpes for weed..... Powdery Mildew (PM) is a systemic problem coming from within an infected plant. What you are seeing (the white powderey looking substance) on the leaves is the flowering body of the fungus- the hyphae live within the plant. By the time you can visually identify the problem it's already well established within the plant. No external treatment (like sulphur) can fix the problem.

This is a hot topic of debate yet.

The hyphae don't spread internally - as far as any leaf to leaf or from one part of the plant to another.
Under those definitions....I say it is NOT systemic!

Sulfur changes the surface pH of the plant - The spores can not grow in that pH range. It lasts longer then sprays.. a LOT longer.

Systemic fungicide's don't really last either! At about 2 weeks - Eagle 20 gets to ineffective levels with in the plant... Think dilution by plant growth and chemical half life.

SANITIZING the whole op after an infestation is one way top get back ahead of it. THEN you make the plant and the environment less able to support the start or growth of PM spores....
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I have a UV light that generates ozone as well that I use to sanitize tents between harvests. I don't use it while the plants are in there. Will kill pm spores in there air and on surfaces. Also will kill mostly any bugs
Ok so I ran those girls through till harvest bought a dehumidifier when I posted last...yeild was definitely lower and oil production was very low 4gs of oil from on oz of bud...but anyway I clipped clones third week in flower for monster cropping love this method btw 20 of them all rooted the pm came with em as you would think so I decided to try the above mentioned method of iso alcohol these clones were pretty infected with the pm so i took a clean paper towel for each clone and just soaked the paper towel and wiped everything down even the croctches at each stem not directly under the light as not to burn em and have a fan blowing to evap the alcohol fast by doing this every two days the pm is gone and has not came back I didn't dilute the alcohol it's 91% these are the girls 1 week into flower now so my recommendation is if you want to save the strain or phenotype you have and you are at a point where u can't save ur plants from pm clip clones and clean them with iso alcohol and spray and wipe everything down with bleach water and the last pic is just how thick the stems come out of the center stalk when monster cropped


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I thought monster cropping was bending over a leader and tieing it down to make it grow horizontal to keep it out of the lights??

I thought monster cropping was bending over a leader and tieing it down to make it grow horizontal to keep it out of the lights??

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Nope that's low stress training unless your bending them enough to break the inner cell wall and cause it to reheal a nodule and then that is super cropping... monster cropping is when u cut ur clones during mid flower the buds will then stop growing revert back to veg and start to regrow new leaves from the buds themselves...takes a lil longer for them to root and the new growths takes a lil longer to start but the result is that it will never need topped it will just naturally bush out..the first set of new leaves that grow will be straight no ridges just smooth but then it's back to normal but man do they bush and then your next round of clones will be during week 3 of flower off this batch of clones no need for a mother...