Lockdowns don't work.

I’m not a trumper but wasn’t it in February when those briefings took place where the government was warned about what was about to happen? So the 2 or 3 weeks we could have been using to work on what we could (ventilators, expanding hospital capacity, etc) would have been nice but wasn’t it already too late by then to prevent the pandemic? And the truth is those briefings are pitched as possibility’s rather than concrete certainties so decision makers never act on speculation alone.
Trump was warned in his daily briefings about the threat in January. He has had repeated warnings, but is incapable of looking ahead to the future, we see this reflected in his daily behavior, he lives for the moment and not in the moment, he struggles to get his massive ego through the next 5 minutes and not much else matters, forget tomorrow. He is psychologically incapable of admitting his mistakes and therefore cannot learn, grow and evolve, you're dealing with one big habit, born of a life of indolence and prefrontal cortex brain damage.

The entire month of march was lost, indeed the past 3 months have been wasted and no meaningful preparations have been made, the sacrifices have been largely squandered by the federal government. Even now Trump is actively impeding testing and has been from the beginning, it makes his "numbers look bad", he will oppose testing for political purposes. Please remember, as soon as Donald is removed from office he is going to prison for life, they already have indictments against him ready to go. Trump will be in front of a judge within a week of being removed and will have a gag order placed on him a week after that, he will go to jail for violating it. Donald knows that for him, this election is life or death, he made it that way for you too, he would easily kill off most of the population of the country, to get off, it wouldn't bother him at all.
China’s gross domestic product shrank for the first time in decades as the coronavirus pandemic delivered a devastating blow to the world’s second-largest economy — a glimpse of what may be to come around the world.
Meanwhile, President Trump seemingly took the side of protesters in Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia who are defying social distancing orders to rally against the states’ safety measures intended to stop the coronavirus spread. In back-to-back tweets, Trump wrote: “LIBERATE MINNESOTA” and then, “LIBERATE MICHIGAN” and then, “LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!”
thump inciting red state republicans to use their 2nd amendment rights to liberate their state....sounds like a call to civil war to me!
thump inciting red state republicans to use their 2nd amendment rights to liberate their state....sounds like a call to civil war to me!
The cops should start using flamethrowers for riot control, crispy critters are more sanitary to handle, blue lives matter after all.
You might be able to tell that I'm a bit pissed at these idiots... :D
Your post just isn't factual, I am Not Canadian, only been there once in the early 80s to Gander.
I live approximately 3600 miles from Canada.
You are from St. Petersberg. You intelligence guys suck. Clearly have an agenda. Everyone else just wants to live, but you onl;y serve death and destruction. Don't worry, you'll see your master soon. 93 93/93. 88. Walhalla. Xeper. Love and light. Whatever. Enjoy the fireworks on April 29th buddy.
Love your brother, don't have sex with children and don't drink baby blood. Be kind to women and those weaker than you. If not, like Epstein and Weinstein you will be in violation of the 23rd degree: if in authority you must show valor. I chastise you all for your cruelty, impatience, lack of love and integrity. Enlil watches and vengeance shall be his. I see all of you this day. Spirits of my ancestors see my enemies, bind their hands and their mouths and cast them down. Never to be released from the debt of the cup of wrath until they learn to love the planet, the children. the elderly, and their brothers. Love each other and you'll do better. Love each other and we all can win. Authority has passed from your hands now so I declare authority over you all and cast you down in shame. Repent or you will drink of the cup of wrath you have brewed.. Evil Men with Evil thoughts, shame on you.
Dude, you should like an idiot or a Illuminati mind control puppet. You are a pedophile too probably. What has been going down is pedophiles getting busted. Are you a Pedophile dude? Huh? If you ever come to my land it is on site, but hey, you are a pedophile and a coward so the only place you'll ever let your nuts swing is on this forum that used to be good but is now over because of people like you. You'll get mopped up if you EVER pop out, and that's my word.
And that's not internet talk, it is real.I have my own authority, from a REAL royal bloodline both sides, so go suck off a baby you poof.
Tell ya what, why don't you use your regular account and not your sock to slag me. I see yer one of the qnon crowd, dumb as shit. A trumper too, doubly dumb. Imagine, a Trumper accusing others of moral turpitude! The needle fell of your moral compass long ago, if you ever had one. So come on crew use your regular account, be a man, only dishonorable cowards use socks or carry Trump's water.

A Trumper, a traitor, a sock, a racist, a moral and ethical failure. Like Donald, you are projecting your issues onto me, like Donald, you are a weak and stupid liar.
You are from St. Petersberg. You intelligence guys suck. Clearly have an agenda. Everyone else just wants to live, but you onl;y serve death and destruction. Don't worry, you'll see your master soon. 93 93/93. 88. Walhalla. Xeper. Love and light. Whatever. Enjoy the fireworks on April 29th buddy.
Screen Shot 2020-04-17 at 2.19.23 PM.png

Love your brother, don't have sex with children and don't drink baby blood. Be kind to women and those weaker than you. If not, like Epstein and Weinstein you will be in violation of the 23rd degree: if in authority you must show valor. I chastise you all for your cruelty, impatience, lack of love and integrity. Enlil watches and vengeance shall be his. I see all of you this day. Spirits of my ancestors see my enemies, bind their hands and their mouths and cast them down. Never to be released from the debt of the cup of wrath until they learn to love the planet, the children. the elderly, and their brothers. Love each other and you'll do better. Love each other and we all can win. Authority has passed from your hands now so I declare authority over you all and cast you down in shame. Repent or you will drink of the cup of wrath you have brewed.. Evil Men with Evil thoughts, shame on you.

Oh wow, you really kind of went off the rails there huh.

You are from St. Petersberg. You intelligence guys suck. Clearly have an agenda. Everyone else just wants to live, but you onl;y serve death and destruction. Don't worry, you'll see your master soon. 93 93/93. 88. Walhalla. Xeper. Love and light. Whatever. Enjoy the fireworks on April 29th buddy.

Джордж Сорос хорошо платит и в американских долларах тоже!
I'm beginning to favor your time saving, accurate and succinct response.
For me he's like a call of duty video game, I can kill and wound without guilt, Donald ain't around so he'll do.
It's bad for my character, but sacrifices have to be made for the common good, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :D
what does trump think is gonna happen? people are gonna take their guns and force non essential businesses to open up? do they plan on working a few shifts to make that happen?
View attachment 4536715

Oh wow, you really kind of went off the rails there huh.

Lol, Asteroid only brings the storm. As above so below. Storms bring the destruction to the crops. That's why it's called meteorology. The god of storms claps his hands and releases thundering and lightnings not only in the heavens, but in the realm of men. There WILL be a storm and the Kingdom of man WILL be restored. U know the prophecy. Evil men have ruled and have imagined even more power, but time is up little children. Your heart must be weighed against a feather on the ebon scales of Anubis. That is what YOU must fear. I have been friends to the major martyrs of the world, my hands are clean. The asteroids are just decorations for my hat. The earthquakes are my shoes. The hot lave from the volcanoes is just my semen spewing forth, fertilizing the earth and cleansing it. The hurricane is my shirt, tornadoes are my coat. It is already done!
Tell ya what, why don't you use your regular account and not your sock to slag me. I see yer one of the qnon crowd, dumb as shit. A trumper too, doubly dumb. Imagine, a Trumper accusing others of moral turpitude! The needle fell of your moral compass long ago, if you ever had one. So come on crew use your regular account, be a man, only dishonorable cowards use socks or carry Trump's water.

A Trumper, a traitor, a sock, a racist, a moral and ethical failure. Like Donald, you are projecting your issues onto me, like Donald, you are a weak and stupid liar.
Send your Facebook and I'll meet you there! Or step up here in the ethereal and we can chat. I am no Trumper. I AM THAT IAM.
I love you all, I wish you no harm. Forgive Trump, forgive the United States, Forgive Russia and China and let's move on together with love. Love is the Law, Love Under Will. Ta ta vamps archs and goyims. Love all of you.
he wants them to overthrow the democrats in charge of their state with guns.....
Sounds that way to me, but it was just Donald blathering and trying to put the heat on the govenors with his foot soldiers, they are pissing off the majority and killing themselves off with covid -19.

If they keep this up, infected people will show up deliberately, they might have already, no need for guns or even criminal charges, just show up as a democrat and start shouting in the faces of the mouth breathers. This is not a formula for winning, a few youtube videos of someone claiming to be infected will ,scare the living shit out of them. A threat by allegedly infected young democrats to show up and mingle will put an end to this bullshit pretty quickly, one way or another. If these morons wanna play civil war, someone might take them up on it, using a virus instead of a gun, they are easy prey.