Where to Purchase Salvia


Active Member
I'm really looking into buying some salvia for my friends and I, but I'm trying to find the best place to get it. Right now I'm looking at these two places online; Bouncing Bear Botanicals and Arena Ethnobotanicals. Anyone know if these sites are legit and has ordered from them before? Or does anyone know of a better place?


Well-Known Member
I bought some 20x from a local headshop.
I've also purchased from a 'Party Shop'.
Never ordered online tho.
In my opinion, salvia is a waste of money.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Funny you post this I just got my order today and my brother in lAw just flipped out off of the 30x salvia

I'm not kiddin he was screamin and shit lol

But now he cool

But anyway I know one of the best if not the best place to get it

This guy knows his stuff igot 3 gams of 20x and 1.5 grams of his 30x for 50 bucks

His shit is way too strong one respectable hit in a bong of the 30x

And u goin to the moon alice

Expect to not know where u are and freak the fuck out

Everyone here now if afraid to do it again lol

The seller used to sell it on ebay but they won't allow it anymore

So do a google search for salviapro and his ebay profile will come up.

He lists his phone numer in it

Call him and he will hook u up fatter than u will even need plus his prices are great

Let me know if u can't find it I got his number


Active Member
Big P, thanks for the information dude. I just got off the phone with him and his willing to hook me up. Have you ordered from him before?


Active Member
The place where i bought it from (iamshaman) doesnt sell salvia anymore, but I would definatley recomend getting anything from them, they still sell Amanita Muscaria if you are into that.

Big P

Well-Known Member
I bought it from him like 1 year ago when he was on ebay

And then I just got some more yesterday it was deliverd

Ill have to warn u my brother in law only took 1 hit of the 30x an he literrally started screaming trying to flip over my recliner couch set like he was trying to escape is was really nightmare ish

Literally take just a tiny tiny hit at first and get a feel for it never do it alone

And its much better if u do it privatly with 1 or 2 close friends cuz needless to say it will make u make an ass out of your self

Anyway my other buddy took 3 hits of the same but he didn't go nuts he just got super fucked up

Also this is the most important thing

Salvia only works if u smoke it in a water pipe if u don't us some sort of bong or water pipe it doesn't work right and will be wasted

I don't know why though I didn't believe it at first but its true only use a water pipe

Hey if u wana have some fun video tape your trip and post it in this thread


Active Member
first off...you can buy salvia anywhere in the US or other places that dont have a ban on it...second you dont need a water pipe to smoke it....salvia is a good high, but once only...


Well-Known Member
Usually head shops will still carry it... I know all the ones around here do. I was suprised.


Well-Known Member
Salvia isn't allowed in some states in the US.
States SALVIA Is Illegal In: Louisiana, Missouri, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Delaware, Maine, Illinois, and North Dakota are the only states in the USA that have laws prohibiting possession of Salvia divinorum.
It is a class 4 felony in Illinois.
-Hope this helps?


Active Member
Bro... That's "Street-Price" for Bud. You might as well go by some real 'DAnk' save yourself the extra $10 for a new bowl-piece. Out here where I'm @, I know the 'Indian/hindu' headshop owner, for about 15 years now. And only has the high-grade, and still... Cheap, but 'salvia' isn't my thing. I 'faced' a 1/2oz. & really did nothing for me. I get salvia around here; 1oz. & 1/2 (42g.)- for $7.00 usd. Really potent shit he had was only $12.00 1/2oz. & up^... I'm just saying man, do more research, b/c if ya boy was 'wiggin-out' like you say, there must have been something else up in there or something, plus the price... Not raggn bro, just giving my opinion & input, take it EZ, Puff1ne && chill...

Big P

Well-Known Member
Bro... That's "Street-Price" for Bud. You might as well go by some real 'DAnk' save yourself the extra $10 for a new bowl-piece. Out here where I'm @, I know the 'Indian/hindu' headshop owner, for about 15 years now. And only has the high-grade, and still... Cheap, but 'salvia' isn't my thing. I 'faced' a 1/2oz. & really did nothing for me. I get salvia around here; 1oz. & 1/2 (42g.)- for $7.00 usd. Really potent shit he had was only $12.00 1/2oz. & up^... I'm just saying man, do more research, b/c if ya boy was 'wiggin-out' like you say, there must have been something else up in there or something, plus the price... Not raggn bro, just giving my opinion & input, take it EZ, Puff1ne && chill...

well i think the stuff you gettin is just the staright plant but the stuff that wigs you out is called 30X which means they take 30 grams of the straight plant stuff and reduce it down to 1 gram

so that smoking just that 1 gram is equivilent to smokin all those 30 grams at once. thats why you go insane

it just a super concentrated from of the stuff


Well-Known Member
I just went to Salviapro on ebay, found his phone number and called.

He was very helpful and instructed me to go to his site http://www.entheogenisis.com/

I just bought 1 gram of 30x for $20 and 1 gram of 20x for $14...used the coupon code "edot" and got 10% off

don't ask why i order the 20x and 30x i guess to try the 20 first and then the 30.

He talked to me for a while about it, he said its a different strain then the one in mexico and is much better...idk if its true but he seemed very legit. He also said people have told him its much better than the "pruple sticky salvia" or whatever. Also guaranteed me it was good and he extracts it himself and does not use chemicals.

We'll see what happens...I'll post back when i get it. Wish me luck, haha


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I'm really looking into buying some salvia for my friends and I, but I'm trying to find the best place to get it. Right now I'm looking at these two places online; Bouncing Bear Botanicals and Arena Ethnobotanicals. Anyone know if these sites are legit and has ordered from them before? Or does anyone know of a better place?
Get it from BouncingBearBotanicals. If you would rather buy local, get purple sticky (it's like three times the price, but also of very high quality).

Big P

Well-Known Member
dont worry guys, that shit gonna boogy woogy on your brains, grab your buttholes if your hiting that 30x i seen a man the size of an OX try to bury himself under my leather sectional recliner until he slapped the ash tray in his panic to escape under the couch and all the ashes flew in his face as his glasses flew off lol

he starts screem "ahhhh ahhhh my eyes my eyes" lol

im like relax big fella trying to keep him on the ground before he bolts out the door into traffic lol

I said "your eyes are ok you just spilled the ashtray on your face"

the he proceed to screem a lil hear and there.....

finally he slowly begins to remember where he is and what he was doing and that tiny hit he took caused all this.

he went in the other room to lay down....

30 min later he comes in the room in amazment of what he had just been through


Well-Known Member
im surprised its hard to find in some areas. theres a place that sells it in my town and its right next to a dunkin donuts so i can get a coolata and some 20X in the same lil plaza