Biggest idiot in the pot haters world


pulled from the story:

Standing on a front porch enclosed by lattice work and a sign warning about the watchdog, MacFarlane said this week that he merely grows "medicine" for his private use and several "patients," and that Gardea has a vendetta against him.

"He's concerned about an invasion and crime? He's inviting it. Does he care about his neighbors? I don't think so," MacFarlane said as the smell of marijuana smoke wafted from his open front door.

MacFarlane said he provides the space and equipment for himself and up to four medical marijuana patients to grow their alloted amounts. He said of 100 plants he planted this season, only 24 made it to harvest.

Sheriff's Sgt. Chris Bertoli said MacFarlane's operation sounds like a "co-op."

"If we were to go over there and serve a search warrant, and he showed us recommendations for people growing there, we would probably contact those people to confirm if everything was correct and probably turn around and walk away and leave the operation intact," said Bertoli, who oversees the sheriff's narcotics division.

god, i gotta move to cali...


Well-Known Member
I like how they put medical in quotes stupid ignorant bitches they should all angry


Well-Known Member
"He's concerned about an invasion and crime? He's inviting it. Does he care about his neighbors? I don't think so," MacFarlane said as the smell of marijuana smoke wafted from his open front door.

lol, are they trying to imply hes the one who son't care because their smoke "wafting" from his door?
seems that way to me, but i'm kind of negative :)


New Member
"Joe sign" guy is quite the douche. Would he put those signs up if medicine was in a pill form? All those signs say to me is "the douche who's signs these are is a brain washed zombie who is happy to be a slave for 'the man"

Everytime I think I've seen it all, someone comes along and manages to amaze me.


Well-Known Member
dont understand it.....

I would tell him to pull down the signs cuz its just pathetic dude..... If not i would just laugh at him from a far distance :)

Waving my med card ^^ fuck u bitch


Well-Known Member
So If no one knew about his grow prior to this shouldn't the police view this as him advertising his product, and turning an otherwise legal operation into an illegal one. "If you want weed go see Alan?"


Well-Known Member
you can catch a glimpse of the signs from the freeway. you have to look hard but that's the type of area it's in. right in the middle of a cute, quiet little neighborhood. i drove thru once with my wife yesterday. she went back with her mom later. she saw others there looking as well. the traffic that little street has gotten in the last 2 days must really be pissing of the neighbors. good one, sign dude.


you can catch a glimpse of the signs from the freeway. you have to look hard but that's the type of area it's in. right in the middle of a cute, quiet little neighborhood. i drove thru once with my wife yesterday. she went back with her mom later. she saw others there looking as well. the traffic that little street has gotten in the last 2 days must really be pissing of the neighbors. good one, sign dude.

i think that mr. sign gardea is quickly turning into the bad guy to the neighbors and in turn, making mr. macfarlane a martyr:clap::clap: good job man..


Well-Known Member
you can catch a glimpse of the signs from the freeway. you have to look hard but that's the type of area it's in. right in the middle of a cute, quiet little neighborhood. i drove thru once with my wife yesterday. she went back with her mom later. she saw others there looking as well. the traffic that little street has gotten in the last 2 days must really be pissing of the neighbors. good one, sign dude.

everyone should drive by and honk all day until he takes the signs down


Well-Known Member
Knowing the kind of idiot that it takes to do something like this he would probably think all the honking was in his favor instead of a pain in his ass. Plus I will say this I never speak of this site or grow related to anyone but this stupid ass has me talking to people about what a freaking moron he is, and they in turn agree totally. Of course I say it was in the "paper" LOL


Well-Known Member
this is the view from the off ramp of the freeway. :-|

IMG_9924.jpg IMG_9925.jpg
the camper shell is before the grow house. the signs on the brown fence are the dudes scripts. the big white sign is the next house. the sign dudes house is a DUMP compared to all his neighbors. there are actually 3 signs but i'm still to nervous to take pics.

i bet joe the sign dude/plumber drinks a couple cold ones after work at least 2 or 3 afternoons a week. then drives home. :roll:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I love it, you're totally stalking him!Poop on his porch.
this is the view from the off ramp of the freeway. :-|

View attachment 230044 View attachment 230045
the camper shell is before the grow house. the signs on the brown fence are the dudes scripts. the big white sign is the next house. the sign dudes house is a DUMP compared to all his neighbors. there are actually 3 signs but i'm still to nervous to take pics.

i bet joe the sign dude/plumber drinks a couple cold ones after work at least 2 or 3 afternoons a week. then drives home. :roll:


this is the view from the off ramp of the freeway. :-|

View attachment 230044 View attachment 230045
the camper shell is before the grow house. the signs on the brown fence are the dudes scripts. the big white sign is the next house. the sign dudes house is a DUMP compared to all his neighbors. there are actually 3 signs but i'm still to nervous to take pics.

i bet joe the sign dude/plumber drinks a couple cold ones after work at least 2 or 3 afternoons a week. then drives home. :roll:

looks different than i expected... i guess they put sign man out in front of the only good looking spot they could find in his yard for his publicity pic.... i havent been able to find any more news online about it; has the commotion died down any??? obviously the tension is still high at the scene, but how is everyone else (gen public) taking this??? are they over it, or is this a major talking point around there??? sorry im so curious; just something like that would NEVER EVER happen here.... alan would be in jail in about 12hrs of those signs going up....


Well-Known Member
looks different than i expected... i guess they put sign man out in front of the only good looking spot they could find in his yard for his publicity pic.... i havent been able to find any more news online about it; has the commotion died down any??? obviously the tension is still high at the scene, but how is everyone else (gen public) taking this??? are they over it, or is this a major talking point around there??? sorry im so curious; just something like that would NEVER EVER happen here.... alan would be in jail in about 12hrs of those signs going up....

the hells angels house down the street from me suddenly caught fire one early morning a few years ago. from the outside. :-|

it been quiet. i haven't heard anymore. it all looks the same as it did a few days ago. i didn't smell any pot. :?