Lockdowns don't work.

Yep, PCR and serological tests, I do believe though that treatments will mitigate this disaster and change the dynamic. We will know more within a week about two approaches, a very promising drug and convalescent plasma transfusions, all of these NPI discussions are not taking the dynamic nature of the problem into account. After next week I expect the nature of the conversation will change, depending of the results of a drug trial that will be released soon. I'm locked down anyway, so what's another week while waiting for hope. Remove the terror with effective treatments to lower the mortality rate and dramatically reduce hospital resource requirements, then the rules can change, more so with proper testing.

I'm a realist, but I have good cause for optimism, even dumb Donald will be all over a treatment that actually works and will drive it forward ASAP.
Maybe if they renamed it, Trump's magic coronavirus cure, or Trumpovar, he will do a Manhattan project on it for production, though they've been ramping up since january and licencing too. From the little I've seen, this and a convalescent plasma transfusion might save even the most vulnerable, time will tell, but the time won't be very long in coming.
More bullshit zeddd? Ya got something against realistic optimism? Changing quoted text around here is a low move, something Trumpers do zeddd. If you have a point, perhaps you should articulate it and then try to defend it. If not, you're just being a asshole for no reason.

Don't you think new treatment options can change the situation? We don't know for sure about them yet, but will know more in a week, preliminary data does look promising and that's all I'm really saying. This conversation on lockdowns can change with new treatment options.

I have reasonable point of view, your post was idiotic zeddd, perhaps you should man up and apologize. Prove your point, ad hominem attacks make you look like an idiot.
More bullshit zeddd? Ya got something against realistic optimism? Changing quoted text around here is a low move, something Trumpers do zeddd. If you have a point, perhaps you should articulate it and then try to defend it. If not, you're just being a asshole for no reason.

Don't you think new treatment options can change the situation? We don't know for sure about them yet, but will know more in a week, preliminary data does look promising and that's all I'm really saying. This conversation on lockdowns can change with new treatment options.

I have reasonable point of view, your post was idiotic zeddd, perhaps you should man up and apologize. Prove your point, ad hominem attacks make you look like an idiot.
Cool story boomer
Cool story boomer
Zeddd, I don't care for these conversations with you, you are not a Trumper and I avoid conflict with those who are not.

Here is what I'm basing my cautious optimism on, this drug remdesivir and convalescent plasma transfusions, a well proven therapy, currently undergoing clinical trials for covid-19, this can leverage existing blood donor and plasma making infrastructures. We will know more about both by the end of the month. In the developed countries, this might change the conversation about re opening, working therapies can have a profound impact on this situation.

86% of the population support lockdowns

If 86% of the population supports lockdowns, then they support voluntarily staying home and not bitching when the other 14% want an economy
This also explains why the curve has not been flattening as expected, the young and the horny.
Oh look, excuses as to why lockdowns don't fucking work.

Yeah, we're going to go through this every fucking time one of you militant lockdown syndrome clowns tries to make excuses. No offense.
If 86% of the population supports lockdowns, then they support voluntarily staying home and not bitching when the other 14% want an economy

Oh look, excuses as to why lockdowns don't fucking work.

Yeah, we're going to go through this every fucking time one of you militant lockdown syndrome clowns tries to make excuses. No offense.
Oh, I figure on treatments changing the situation, but maybe I'm an optimist. I posted a video that kinda supports some of the points you are trying to make, it's on the lockdowns work counter thread, he takes a deep dive into the 1918 data, you should be interested.

My point is, that if effective treatments are rolled out the conversation changes, as does public sentiment (the cartoon illustrates this fear). If you watch the video, you'll see he makes your point rather effectively, using historical data and math too. It was one of the best defenses of your evolved point that has been posted IMHO.
Lockdowns do not work for every country and can’t be sustained for over a month for rich ones. A month seemed to work well enough for the USA to get emergency back up in place .
people are going crazy because they can’t work. Suicide and drug abuse is up. Pregnant women want to kill their babies. Other, poor countries see rich country locking down so follow suit but they live day to day on survival so one day of lockdown means no food. They die quickly being locked down.
Lockdowns do not work for every country and can’t be sustained for over a month for rich ones. A month seemed to work well enough for the USA to get emergency back up in place .
people are going crazy because they can’t work. Suicide and drug abuse is up. Pregnant women want to kill their babies. Other, poor countries see rich country locking down so follow suit but they live day to day on survival so one day of lockdown means no food. They die quickly being locked down.
Careful, people hate me for being too early to say this.
Peace sells, but who’s buying?
The peaceful, but sometimes it comes at the cost of dealing with life's assholes. The hate driven have no interest in peace, theirs or yours, I seldom attack the good folks here or have an unkind word to say to those who disagree with me. To Trumpers and trolls I show a different part of myself, my spite to the extent I have it, is reserved for them.
Yep, PCR and serological tests, I do believe though that treatments will mitigate this disaster and change the dynamic. We will know more within a week about two approaches, a very promising drug and convalescent plasma transfusions, all of these NPI discussions are not taking the dynamic nature of the problem into account. After next week I expect the nature of the conversation will change, depending of the results of a drug trial that will be released soon. I'm locked down anyway, so what's another week while waiting for hope. Remove the terror with effective treatments to lower the mortality rate and dramatically reduce hospital resource requirements, then the rules can change, more so with proper testing.

I'm a realist, but I have good cause for optimism, even dumb Donald will be all over a treatment that actually works and will drive it forward ASAP.
Are you from Canada?
Maybe if they renamed it, Trump's magic coronavirus cure, or Trumpovar, he will do a Manhattan project on it for production, though they've been ramping up since january and licencing too. From the little I've seen, this and a convalescent plasma transfusion might save even the most vulnerable, time will tell, but the time won't be very long in coming.
I actually have a pickup that gets 32
Mine gets tree fitty.
I don’t care what people think of me. Why should you.
I don't like when I put a lot of effort into a carefully researched and nuanced argument and then people just dismiss, insult and shitpost because they think I'm emboldening Trumptards to disobey lockdown orders. With that said, I am actually quite glad I have exposed the militancy of the house arrest crowd. People pretty much did the same thing when I made the first coronavirus thread 3 months ago, before it was the most important issue in the world.

Personally, I blame everyone who failed to take the epidemic seriously in a timely manner for the situation we're in and I don't appreciate when some of those same people (read: idiots) tell me to "stay home be safe" after I have been the one for months here sounding the alarm.

"Stay home, be safe" is the new "Thoughts and Prayers".
Yep, and never happier to be one too! Now that the dust has settled in the primaries (American business), I'm gonna be chopping heads off for Joe around here. In fact I was just warming up on another thread. :D
I don't like when I put a lot of effort into a carefully researched and nuanced argument and then people just dismiss, insult and shitpost because they think I'm emboldening Trumptards to disobey lockdown orders. With that said, I am actually quite glad I have exposed the militancy of the house arrest crowd. People pretty much did the same thing when I made the first coronavirus thread 3 months ago, before it was the most important issue in the world.

Personally, I blame everyone who failed to take the epidemic seriously in a timely manner for the situation we're in and I don't appreciate when some of those same people (read: idiots) tell me to "stay home be safe" after I have been the one for months here sounding the alarm.

"Stay home, be safe" is the new "Thoughts and Prayers".
That last part somes it up that's what I've been saying to.

That last part somes it up that's what I've been saying to.
Oh let's wait to the last min to prepare for a wide spread pandemic now tell people to stay home good job lol I get your point honestly it's bullshit just like the whole political agenda guys oh polosi this that. Shreds federal documents on National television nothing happens all they do is run there fucking mouths for the media to point fingers. I'm no conspiracy theorist I'm a realist. Fuck the political bullshit honestly IDGAF lol