Lighting changr


Well-Known Member
About 5 week in to flowering is in soil are using monster bud ph around 6.3/6.5
Lighting 12/12 if change light to 10 light 14 dark will this help in bud production as seem slow to start has picked up abit .and when would I start oz tonic with monster bud
Ya, I would change the lighting because I can't see shit under those blurple lights.

Anthony r

There great lights work well just flowing slow white widow flowers picked up last few days using oz magic big bud should I start using the oz tonic as well only been using half amount of big bud atm


Well-Known Member
How long has it been since flip? They just started flowering. Don't shorten the days any more or you just lose yield.

They are crap lights BTW. Next time post pics with the lights off so we can see color. We can help a lot more that way.


Well-Known Member
Those weak lights need more hours of light not less. If you want better buds stop wasting money on useless expensive liquid nutes and "bud boosters" an get better lights


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you really need to look into better lights. Like going to the carnival and buying cotton candy thinking it's a food group.


Well-Known Member
3 weeks in to flowering area 2m long 1.5 depth .have 2 3000w full spectrum lights with fans also have small fan running ..on a budget if need better light what's the best way to go please first grow
They are not 3000w and they are not full spectrum that's your main will get some nice smoke but there's no bud boosting. those lights will give you little fluffy buds you have to accept that or get better lights


Well-Known Member
Anthony, don't feel bad.
I have a shelf full of old cfl's, blurples and retro-fitted fixtures.
If I only knew then what I know now...

Anthony r

Probably around $200 budget for light suggestions please .obviously the lights I have doing something but being first time growing you guy seem to know a hell of alot about what's needed...