Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
I've never actually been a big fan of Piers Morgan, but he's gained my respect with his concise criticism of both Trump and Johnson.

What gives me a really good giggle is imagining Trump's face when he watches it :)
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Well-Known Member
Id love to be able to do a search on those people's total exposure to social media over the last 10 years or so. What buttons were pushed to get them to respond to the virus in the way that they were. How many times the websites they visited had this virus flashing in the threads/links, email spam, and friends online.
I know what you mean. A bunch of people are much more interested in being informed by stupid memes. There's this militant movement of people demanding the entire society be put under house-arrest despite there being no actual proof it works while almost every government in the world is in agreement that it's going to cause a famine.


Well-Known Member
According to a new poll
44% of Americans approve of Trump's handling of the coronavirus crises and 52% disapprove, a slim majority.
65% of people do say he never took the threat seriously enough, but 32% say he took it seriously, they are a reflection of his true unshakable base and probably where he will end up on election day, if he makes it that far. Still 36% beleive Trump about the coronavirus and not the experts while 52% think he's full of shit.

Looks like he'll have to kill a few hundred thousand or more and utterly destroy the economy to make an impression on some. Apparently destroying their lives can't break their faith in the great leader, they will eagerly drink the poisoned koolaid down to the last bitter drop. They want you to have some too and are forcing the cup to your lips, they want to take you with them down the path to perdition and death.
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Trump revs up for a state-by-state fight over coronavirus shutdowns
The president has said the onus for reopening states lies with their leaders, but he has also tried to pressure governors into restarting businesses.

President Donald Trump is preparing for a long battle with America’s governors to save himself from the political fallout from coronavirus.

Over the next two weeks at the urging of the Trump administration, the map of the U.S. will start to resemble a patchwork quilt, with some states open for business while others remain locked down because of the spread of the virus.

Trump has said the onus for reopening states lies with their leaders, but he has simultaneously tried to pressure governors into restarting businesses and relaxing health guidelines as soon as possible.

Senior administration officials and Trump advisers say the level of hostility between the president and governors will probably only increase in the coming days, in part because Trump sees so much political opportunity in stoking those divisions during his reelection campaign. Governors have become his latest political foil, along with China and the World Health Organization, and he’s trying to bully and scapegoat them amid his administration’s response to the pandemic.

“People’s initial reaction is always to look to the president, but as time goes on and it becomes clear other states are doing other things, that blame and credit will shift to the governors, considering they are the ones making the calls,” one Trump political adviser said.

Small protests over the weekend in Texas, North Carolina, Michigan and New Hampshire only highlighted the frustration of some Americans about the shuttering of huge swaths of the economy. Trump aides and advisers are closely monitoring those protests because they think the demonstrations give momentum to the president’s argument to reopen the economy as soon as possible — not to mention a potential source of energy heading into the fall election.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean. A bunch of people are much more interested in being informed by stupid memes. There's this militant movement of people demanding the entire society be put under house-arrest despite there being no actual proof it works while almost every government in the world is in agreement that it's going to cause a famine.
Bullshit. There is no 'militant' movement forcing people inside here. And the only ones you see with guns are the nuts buying into what your saying about the lockdown that is not occurring here in the States.

I am sorry that you are going through what you are. Have you figured out how the pandemic is going to affect your business and how to do things differently in the aftermath?


Well-Known Member
Bullshit. There is no 'militant' movement forcing people inside here.
Yes, the house arrest crowd is quite adamant that everyone should be forced by government into lockdown. I don't think any of the idiots are trying to force anyone to do anything. They are idiots though for the most part. The only proof I have seen that forcing everyone into house arrest is a good solution are the bullshit memes on this thread.


Well-Known Member
I've never actually been a big fan of Piers Morgan, but he's gained my respect with his concise criticism of both Trump and Johnson.

What gives me a really good giggle is imagining Trump's face when he watches it :)



Well-Known Member
Yes, the house arrest crowd is quite adamant that everyone should be forced by government into lockdown. I don't think any of the idiots are trying to force anyone to do anything. They are idiots though for the most part.
Who are you to put people in a 'house arrest crowd' box like that? This shit is complex, and people are in different situations and have vastly different reasons to come to the same conclusion on this. And it is severe enough that there are many levels of what is going on that until you have a good reason to go out, you are safer staying inside. And here in the states if you have something you need to get done, of course go do it, but practice safe distances, gloves, masks, wash cloths/shower when you get home, and shit like that.

Commerce is closed and hopefully spending the time to figure out how to maintain a clean workspace/workforce. No more working sick. It is not like this is going to be the last pandemic we have.

It sucks, the thing that is not really getting a lot of respect is just how nasty this virus is. It is brutal. And absorbs a shit load of resources.

The only proof I have seen that forcing everyone into house arrest is a good solution are the bullshit memes on this thread.
It's a good thing nobody is doing that in the States. I feel for you guys not in here. Please understand nobody in America is getting locked down like that from what I have seen. Maybe some fines here and there for idiots partying, but nobody is hitting you with sticks to get back home here.


Well-Known Member
A disobedient citizen who wants the USA to continue being the world's biggest food exporter. You don't have to go outside though.

You saying you're opposed to the stay at home orders now?
Your absolutism is on you.

If I had a farm I would be operating it, nature still going to grow even in a shutdown. I would have to figure out how to operate without risking my employees getting sick, so I would likely look for ways to acquire test kits for them and their families, and start from there to figure the rest out so I can reopen and be safe as soon as possible.

If I had a retail store I would be trying to figure out how I could use my store as a staging area and parking lot as a way to hand off goods. And working on getting tests. And figuring out how to contact new vendors/food/packaged restaurant/kitchens prepared meals. And do a drive through in a parking lot kind of system, employees decked out in hazmat gear.

idk, Something. This is a pause in our economy that we need to figure out how we do things a bit differently from now on. Unfortunately we have Trump out there having his minion pushing his online attack of the Democratic governor's so that he can do his remote hate rallies, and are not getting the leadership we deserve in this crisis because he is busy pulling out the copper incase he is about to be evicted.

I am not opposed to what we have currently in Michigan, I am not sure at all where you are at what you are dealing with.


Well-Known Member
Who are you to put people in a 'house arrest crowd' box like that? This shit is complex, and people are in different situations and have vastly different reasons to come to the same conclusion on this. And it is severe enough that there are many levels of what is going on that until you have a good reason to go out, you are safer staying inside. And here in the states if you have something you need to get done, of course go do it, but practice safe distances, gloves, masks, wash cloths/shower when you get home, and shit like that.

Commerce is closed and hopefully spending the time to figure out how to maintain a clean workspace/workforce. No more working sick. It is not like this is going to be the last pandemic we have.

It sucks, the thing that is not really getting a lot of respect is just how nasty this virus is. It is brutal. And absorbs a shit load of resources.

It's a good thing nobody is doing that in the States. I feel for you guys not in here. Please understand nobody in America is getting locked down like that from what I have seen. Maybe some fines here and there for idiots partying, but nobody is hitting you with sticks to get back home here.
NPI's are only an interim measure to check the contagion and keep it from overwhelming not just the medical system. The nature of the contagion and it's rapid asymptomatic spread among the healthier members of society pose unique problems and opportunities too, but you need brains, a plan and serological testing to leverage it. America has blown the response and Trump has not just squandered the time, he has actively impeded progress in solving the problems, the federal government has been rendered not just moot, but dangerous to the country. America has no meaningful plan for testing and recovery, some governors and regions are trying to cobble together a proper response, but the Trump supporters will not allow it on any level. America's pandemic response will end up like that of India or the Philippines, though with a higher death rate, in developing countries you must be stronger to survive to begin with and there are less vulnerable people who are in better physical condition.

You are about to experience a monumental failure of government and subsequent economic collapse, with well over 50% unemployment by fall, in a defacto a third world country for the unemployed. I would suggest you plant a garden to survive the next year, you will most likely need it as will most Americans, while crops rot in the fields or are plowed under. Trump bankrupted a casino FFS, a place where they walk in the door and give you money for nothing more than bells, bright lights and whistles.

It's not the NPI's that are the problem, it's the squandering of resources and preparation that is the real problem. A complete lack of a real plan for testing (two kinds), contact tracing, mandatory personal isolation of the asymptomatic and the timely deployment of effective treatments (2 soon to be available IMHO). Effective treatments will help a lot, but I expect Trump will fuck that up too, if remdisovar is found to be highly effective, he will nationalise the supply and seek to have the power of life and death, by doling out supplies to those governors who suck his ass, he already did it with ventilators and PPE. He will also try to ban exports of the drug, but other countries are ramping up their own production anyway (on a hope at this point), it's no secret and production is not rocket science.

Every country's response will be different, America's will be a disaster, and all because of one man, Donald Trump and 32% are willing to die, so he can get another 4 years of power.
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Well-Known Member
Minnesota is up for a darwin award. Does anyone here live in a state where this is going on? What is your reaction to people willingly spreading a virus that will most likely kill millions?

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