The deer are killing me!


Well-Known Member
The deer on my property and i have a deal. They don't eat my plants and i won't eat them. It's probably been five years since we had the winter from hell and the deer just couldn't stick to their part of the agreement. That was the winter and spring that they decided to eat anything they could reach on 20 different Rhodys. The started to eat Acuba, Holly, Winter flowerings Gardenias, Service Berry, and a few others. They also ate my hosta collection which they had never bothered enough to mess them up for the season.
I was really hoping i might get some suggestions on plants with big leaves that are just a bit more unpalatable. Has anyone tried Gunnera, Calocasia or Ornamental Rhubarb and do the deer bother them. Trees i have to protect with rings of fence till the to tall to be constantly munched on. I am waiting for them to find my grafted Paw Paw and the magnolia especially the macrophyla. Their change of appitite is surprising. There are to many to ear them all. (Z6)


The deer on my property and i have a deal. They don't eat my plants and i won't eat them. It's probably been five years since we had the winter from hell and the deer just couldn't stick to their part of the agreement. That was the winter and spring that they decided to eat anything they could reach on 20 different Rhodys. The started to eat Acuba, Holly, Winter flowerings Gardenias, Service Berry, and a few others. They also ate my hosta collection which they had never bothered enough to mess them up for the season.
I was really hoping i might get some suggestions on plants with big leaves that are just a bit more unpalatable. Has anyone tried Gunnera, Calocasia or Ornamental Rhubarb and do the deer bother them. Trees i have to protect with rings of fence till the to tall to be constantly munched on. I am waiting for them to find my grafted Paw Paw and the magnolia especially the macrophyla. Their change of appitite is surprising. There are to many to ear them all. (Z6)

Use coyote piss. You're welcome. ;)


Well-Known Member
The deer on my property and i have a deal. They don't eat my plants and i won't eat them. It's probably been five years since we had the winter from hell and the deer just couldn't stick to their part of the agreement. That was the winter and spring that they decided to eat anything they could reach on 20 different Rhodys. The started to eat Acuba, Holly, Winter flowerings Gardenias, Service Berry, and a few others. They also ate my hosta collection which they had never bothered enough to mess them up for the season.
I was really hoping i might get some suggestions on plants with big leaves that are just a bit more unpalatable. Has anyone tried Gunnera, Calocasia or Ornamental Rhubarb and do the deer bother them. Trees i have to protect with rings of fence till the to tall to be constantly munched on. I am waiting for them to find my grafted Paw Paw and the magnolia especially the macrophyla. Their change of appitite is surprising. There are to many to ear them all. (Z6)
Solar powered security lights. Watch the local gang of 8-10 avoid every yard with a motion activated light. My home brew seems to work. But the neighbors lights prevent the need for sprays or other deterrents.


Well-Known Member
Solar powered security lights. Watch the local gang of 8-10 avoid every yard with a motion activated light. My home brew seems to work. But the neighbors lights prevent the need for sprays or other deterrents.
The deer here aren't scared by lights. They don't get hunted and aren't really afraid of people. Some stupid people around here even feed them.


Well-Known Member
The deer here aren't scared by lights. They don't get hunted and aren't really afraid of people. Some stupid people around here even feed them.
They don't like lights here. Watch it on cctv all the time. Sprinkler might work. See them drinking off them sometimes. Coyote urine is pointless with all he dogs around here and on the hiking trail. I walk my husky 30 feet or so from them on the trail. They just stand there.


Well-Known Member
We have a fairly new fruit tree orchard (on the 4th year) and the deer make the apple, peaches, etc pretty easy picking since they are so short. My Dad (Compound Technician and fabricator), came up with a 3.7 volt trip wire hooked up to a clothes pin with contacts. Once you hit the trip wire, the contacts close on the pin, and it sets off an ignitor to a 2 inch artillery shell (left over from the 4th of July).. it works fantastic.... and it's fun to hear one go off unexpectedly. I'll have to post a pic of it tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
They don't like lights here. Watch it on cctv all the time. Sprinkler might work. See them drinking off them sometimes. Coyote urine is pointless with all he dogs around here and on the hiking trail. I walk my husky 30 feet or so from them on the trail. They just stand there.
Mountain lion urine. We do have lions around here. I just need to get one to pee in a cup for me without it eating me, lol.

I'm sure most won't believe me, but I actually saw one eat a neighbors cat right in front of me a year and a half ago. I saw him or her again a few more times around my neighbors house looking for more kitties, but didn't see it get another. Let's just say I have a lot more respect for those big kitties now, and so do the deer, lol.


Well-Known Member
We have a fairly new fruit tree orchard (on the 4th year) and the deer make the apple, peaches, etc pretty easy picking since they are so short. My Dad (Compound Technician and fabricator), came up with a 3.7 volt trip wire hooked up to a clothes pin with contacts. Once you hit the trip wire, the contacts close on the pin, and it sets off an ignitor to a 2 inch artillery shell (left over from the 4th of July).. it works fantastic.... and it's fun to hear one go off unexpectedly. I'll have to post a pic of it tomorrow.
Hahaha. Artillery shells would definitely work. That would scare the shit out of me. I know not to try to sneak up on your property now, lol.

You could also up the charge and enjoy some fresh venison at the same time. Just don't blow up the back straps.


They don't like lights here. Watch it on cctv all the time. Sprinkler might work. See them drinking off them sometimes. Coyote urine is pointless with all he dogs around here and on the hiking trail. I walk my husky 30 feet or so from them on the trail. They just stand there.
Tell ya what. Use deer fence! Nothing else is 100% guaranteed. But I have yet to see a deer who is afraid of a domestic dog and not of coyotes. In ither words, deer definitely know the difference. Try walking down the trail with a coyote 30 feet from them. Also, the reason deer just stand there is they think you can't see them. If you got much closer they would bolt.


Mountain lion urine. We do have lions around here. I just need to get one to pee in a cup for me without it eating me, lol.

I'm sure most won't believe me, but I actually saw one eat a neighbors cat right in front of me a year and a half ago. I saw him or her again a few more times around my neighbors house looking for more kitties, but didn't see it get another. Let's just say I have a lot more respect for those big kitties now, and so do the deer, lol.
Trippy. Another possibility is putrid (rotting) egg solids. Apparently if you put it on plants, deer and rabbits won't enjoy any of your garden. Out of a thousand plus reviews on one national chain's website, which surely is not the only supplier, one such product has 4 star out of 5 rating. Not bad for over a thousand ratings. Also have you looked online for cougar piss? I bet you would find it.

I wonder whether it would have less of an effect in areas where cats are found, than in areas where they don't usually live? Like me walking through an African savannah or a Massai warrior on a big ship in a storm, seems the unfamiliarity of something intensifies our fear of it. Idk if deer operate that same way but it might be a possibility. I sense a pissing competition in the near future between wolf, coyote, bear and African lion.


Well-Known Member
A friend taught me how to keep deer out of my garden, and away from my plants, and I think you’ll laugh when you realize how easy the solution is. You know that green wire garden fencing that has 1” x 2” wire rectangles and is about 3’ tall? Lay that flat on the ground along the perimeter of your garden. The deer won’t cross it because they don’t like the way it feels when they step on it. It basically acts like a cattle grid for dear. I used this method last year and there were deer prints along the edges but none crossed.


Well-Known Member

Trippy. Another possibility is putrid (rotting) egg solids. Apparently if you put it on plants, deer and rabbits won't enjoy any of your garden. Out of a thousand plus reviews on one national chain's website, which surely is not the only supplier, one such product has 4 star out of 5 rating. Not bad for over a thousand ratings. Also have you looked online for cougar piss? I bet you would find it.

I wonder whether it would have less of an effect in areas where cats are found, than in areas where they don't usually live? Like me walking through an African savannah or a Massai warrior on a big ship in a storm, seems the unfamiliarity of something intensifies our fear of it. Idk if deer operate that same way but it might be a possibility. I sense a pissing competition in the near future between wolf, coyote, bear and African lion.
It sounds like a bad idea putting putrid rotting egg solids on flowering plants. Ya deer and rabbits won't want any of your buds, but neither will you come harvest time, lol.

Not a bad idea if you don't want security to smell your weed. They'll just smell rotten eggs.


Well-Known Member
A friend taught me how to keep deer out of my garden, and away from my plants, and I think you’ll laugh when you realize how easy the solution is. You know that green wire garden fencing that has 1” x 2” wire rectangles and is about 3’ tall? Lay that flat on the ground along the perimeter of your garden. The deer won’t cross it because they don’t like the way it feels when they step on it. It basically acts like a cattle grid for dear. I used this method last year and there were deer prints along the edges but none crossed.
Sorry Charlie, lol.

That wouldn't work with these deer, or any I've encountered actually. They would just jump over it.

A 6ft fence will do it for the most part, but they can jump a lot higher than you think, and if you have something temping in your garden they'll surprise you, lol.


It sounds like a bad idea putting putrid rotting egg solids on flowering plants. Ya deer and rabbits won't want any of your buds, but neither will you come harvest time, lol.

Not a bad idea if you don't want security to smell your weed. They'll just smell rotten eggs.
Right, I never said it was ideal! Hahaha!

jimmy 2 step

Well-Known Member
The deer on my property and i have a deal. They don't eat my plants and i won't eat them. It's probably been five years since we had the winter from hell and the deer just couldn't stick to their part of the agreement. That was the winter and spring that they decided to eat anything they could reach on 20 different Rhodys. The started to eat Acuba, Holly, Winter flowerings Gardenias, Service Berry, and a few others. They also ate my hosta collection which they had never bothered enough to mess them up for the season.
I was really hoping i might get some suggestions on plants with big leaves that are just a bit more unpalatable. Has anyone tried Gunnera, Calocasia or Ornamental Rhubarb and do the deer bother them. Trees i have to protect with rings of fence till the to tall to be constantly munched on. I am waiting for them to find my grafted Paw Paw and the magnolia especially the macrophyla. Their change of appitite is surprising. There are to many to ear them all. (Z6)
My father inlaw recommended Mothballs to keep deer away from my outdoor grows, also helped with rabbits and other small animals. All activity around my grow animal wise stopped overnight.