Pandemic 2020

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Perhaps Mitch is committing political suicide? Maybe they will find him hanging from the chandelier of his southern manson draped in the stars and bars. Like some Nazi at the end of WWII, they could not live without Der Fuhrer and had nothing left to live for, but their hate was not yet spent, just turned upon themselves.

Mitch might as well retire, Amy McGrath will rip his balls off and wear them around her neck as jewelry on the senate floor.

McConnell Delivers ’Gut Punch' to His Home State, Dems Say

“If the city isn’t getting any revenue, which right now it basically is not, how are they going to pay their first responders?” asked Rep. John Yarmuth,

Mitch McConnell had a clear message on Wednesday to state and local governments anxiously waiting on Washington for more relief aid to cope with the coronavirus: Don’t look at me.

“I mean, we all represent states. We all have governors regardless of party who would love to have free money,” McConnell told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt. “My guess is their first choice would be for the federal government to borrow money from future generations to send it down to them now so they don’t have to do that. That’s not something I’m going to be in favor of.”

McConnell may be the Senate Majority Leader, a powerful lawmaker tasked with shaping legislation with national concerns in mind. But, as he noted to Hewitt, McConnell does indeed represent a state—and his comments echoed loud and clear there.

“It was kind of like a punch in the stomach to read,” Joni Jenkins, the Democratic minority leader in Kentucky’s state House of Representatives, told The Daily Beast. She explained that Kentucky, like nearly every state and local government in the country, is staring down an unprecedented fiscal squeeze. With normal business and commerce ground to a halt, sales tax revenue is drying up; skyrocketing unemployment rates mean that state income tax revenues will crater, too.

The Kentucky legislature, which just recessed for the year last week, passed a one-year austerity budget in response to the coronavirus’ economic damage. The functions of government are getting hard-hit: the University of Kentucky, for example, announced this week it faces a $70 million budget shortfall and is furloughing employees.

Jenkins said that the legislature will have to reconvene if state revenues dip by more than five percent, which is likely. “Many of us were hoping for federal help,” she said. “I don’t see how we get out of this downward spiral without some help from the federal government.”


Well-Known Member
Trump adviser suggests reopening economy by putting 'everybody in a space outfit' ......

For the love of god ... please strike the repub idiots down ! .... amen.

One of President Trump's economic advisers has an admittedly "crazy" idea for how to reopen the country amid the coronavirus pandemic: space outfits.

Stephen Moore, a member of Trump's economic task force, spoke to The New York Times this week about restarting the U.S. economy, saying he's been advising the president about how "we have to really get things opened" as soon as May 1st. But how are states to send people back to work in a safe way that doesn't endanger public health? Moore offered a bit of an ... out of the box ... suggestion.

"I was thinking this morning, and this is just kind of a thought experiment because I was thinking about this — why don't we just put everybody in a space outfit or something like that?" Moore asked. "No. Seriously."

The Times noted to Miller that "well, we'd have to make the space outfits," a fact he acknowledged while continuing to spitball.

"I mean, just thinking out loud, and maybe this is a crazy idea, but instead of just locking down the economy, putting everybody in a kind of — you're right," Moore said. "You have to make 200 million of these, but it wouldn't have cost $3 trillion to do that. ... I mean, I was looking online, and there are all these kinds of suits that they're building now that you're not exposed and you're breath — kind of ventilator."

The Times quickly moved on without nearly as many follow-up questions as expected, with Moore proceeding to claim the U.S. may not be able to "afford to wait" for more testing as experts have called for. Moore did, however, note multiple times in the interview that "I'm not a health expert" and at one point acknowledged while discussing one aspect of the pandemic, "Maybe I've got this wrong."


Well-Known Member
The Lord works in mysterious ways, sometimes not so much though....


Well-Known Member
Human sacrifices for Dear Leader is worth it. Hellalewyuh.


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Virus pushes US unemployment toward highest since Depression

NEW YORK (AP) — Unemployment in the U.S. is swelling to levels last seen during the Great Depression of the 1930s, with 1 in 6 American workers thrown out of a job by the coronavirus.


Well-Known Member
I think it exemplifies the reaction of many responsible citizens and shows some folks they are not alone in how they feel about this situation. An emotional reaction is entirely appropriate and emotion is as much a part of the equation as facts and reason, it's what drives both sides. Sure facts matter to those who oppose Trump and it's because of those facts that so many people are pissed about the government response. They are also pissed because they are suffering now and know that they will into the foreseeable future. Pissed off people vote, they vote in spite of terror and in spite of fear, anger drives people to the polls, to drive bad people out of government.

Anger born of fear brought you Trump and anger born of fear will remove him from office, either at the polls or in the senate. One thing I am certain of though, they will try to impeach him again and hang him around the republican's neck like a dead albatross.
So, you needed them to tell you what to think?


Well-Known Member
So, you needed them to tell you what to think?
I and others are interested in what they think, since they are generally better informed than most people, I can call balls and strikes as well as you, so can they. I'm interested in what people here think too, their opinions and beliefs.
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Well-Known Member
I and others are interested in what they think, since they are general better informed than most people, I can call balls and strikes as well as you, so can they. I'm interested in what people here think too, their opinions and beliefs.
Let's just reset. That video contained one minute that was objectively factual and showed the listener all they needed to know about Trump's broken relationship with his medical advisers. One minute. The video was 13 minutes long. Most of it was emotional rhetoric that merely re-hashed what happened in the one minute of facts-based reporting. I agree with its message but am objecting to the way it appeals to emotion rather than tries to convince using facts. They weren't providing informed opinions either. At least 9 minutes of the recording was an appeal to an angry emotion. It is a manipulative piece of garbage.

That kind of bullshit is used in other situations by Russian agents, Right wing propaganda outlets and Cult of Sanders to hammer on Democrats as if they are why Trump is so fucked up. So, I'm just asking if that kind of format is truly useful. I don't think it is. How did you find it useful?


Well-Known Member
Let's just reset. That video contained one minute that was objectively factual and showed the listener all they needed to know about Trump's broken relationship with his medical advisers. One minute. The video was 13 minutes long. Most of it was emotional rhetoric that merely re-hashed what happened in the one minute of facts-based reporting. I agree with its message but am objecting to the way it appeals to emotion rather than tries to convince using facts. They weren't providing informed opinions either. At least 9 minutes of the recording was an appeal to an angry emotion. It is a manipulative piece of garbage.

That kind of bullshit is used in other situations by Russian agents, Right wing propaganda outlets and Cult of Sanders to hammer on Democrats as if they are why Trump is so fucked up. So, I'm just asking if that kind of format is truly useful. I don't think it is. How did you find it useful?
It was entertaining and informative too IMHO, thanks for yours.
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