Runtz seeds?


Well-Known Member
It's amazing that good people get banned on this site for way less and here's this clown running around here promoting a scammer. Looking to cost dudes hundreds of dollars on bullshit genetics. I'll tell anyone before purchasing from any breeders do your due diligence. Save you a lot of headache.
Sorry for ruining this holy place. This sacred place.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I was having a convo about birthday cake/wedding cake. 2k, kept bringing up copy. Cuz he's a real weird dude that thinks I should die.


Well-Known Member
Cannapotimus is a s1 knockoff bagseed of smokolotapotamus
You say that as if your opinion is worth it’s weight in shit but really you could stand outside my house holding a sign and I’d bring you cookies and refreshments if you looked tired. These guys are clearly more credible than you are. Stop trying to push your snake oil and misinformation.


Well-Known Member
You say that as if your opinion is worth it’s weight in shit but really you could stand outside my house holding a sign and I’d bring you cookies and refreshments if you looked tired. These guys are clearly more credible than you are. Stop trying to push your snake oil and misinformation.

What snake oil? Lol. The fuck


Well-Known Member
hm people don't like to be deceived... strange...

it's pretty telling that all of copyboofs fans are nub bruhbruhs that think him posting buds with seeds proves something. what exactly, i've no clue. surely doesn't show that he's not getting any pollen contamination lol. must be those pepper filters lit fam af


Well-Known Member
Copycat is a real trigger for y'all. It's pretty crazy.
He just seems to derail so many threads with people who have no pictures to show his work or proof that it is what they say it is, but I just wanted to let you know that watching this thread unfold you are once again making yourself and copycat look rediculous. You are embarrassing yourself. More of a favour really. But I’ve done that now so I’ll let you continue


Well-Known Member
Fuck copycat. Too much bullshit behind the name. Solfire has a good runtz cross and all they do is good work


Well-Known Member
2k really loves copycat.
Nobody loves copy cat. And there’s a reason. For several years now troll accounts come in here with no previous posts to talk about how they ordered copy cat beans. They always say that after researching him they don’t believe that he really is as much of a cocksucker as everyone says. Then they say that the beans they ordered showed up and they are vegging them as we speak. Not once have any of them showed a flower picture but they will try to tell all of the older members who have been contributing for years about how legit copy cat is and how fucking dumb they are for not giving his gear a chance. If you want to further smash his name and reputation into the ground go for it. But without several good documented grows you don’t have a fucking leg to stand on. Again I’m just an observer but a little humility goes a long way.


Well-Known Member
Nobody loves copy cat. And there’s a reason. For several years now troll accounts come in here with no previous posts to talk about how they ordered copy cat beans. They always say that after researching him they don’t believe that he really is as much of a cocksucker as everyone says. Then they say that the beans they ordered showed up and they are begging them as we speak. Not once have any of them showed a flower picture but they will try to tell all of the older members who have been contributing for years about how legit copy cat is and how fucking dumb they are for not giving his gear a chance. If you want to further smash his name and reputation into the ground go for it. But without several good documented grows you don’t have a fucking leg to stand on. Again I’m just an observer but a little humility goes a long way.
You know what's crazy that didn't start until the real copycat died. Olin had logic selling his shit so he didn't have to get people to spam his shit in forums. Big Dan on the other hand needs all the help he can get.


Well-Known Member
You know what's crazy that didn't start until the real copycat died. Olin had logic selling his shit so he didn't have to get people to spam his shit in forums. Big Dan on the other hand needs all the help he can get.
Fair enough. I can’t speak on any of that because I don’t know the whole story but that seems to be the concesus. All I know is that all these new cheerleader accounts aren’t helping the name and it’s time for a new approach.
Change the name and start fresh with documented proof of these outlandish claims. Get some actual members with credibility in the community, not these fucking nobody’s.