Need your help for now I’m kinda of little newbie...

Hello this is my first time to join group conversations about ganja. Anyway my point is about nutrients so I am not sure if I use one nutrient for one gal and other 2 different nutrient must separate to other one gal of water or I can put 3 different nutrients int one gal of water? Need your help about nutrient and water. Thank you!
i dont know what you're trying to say. If i understand correctly, if the label says 5mL per 5 gallons, and you only want to mix nutes into one gallon of water, then yes only put 1mL of each. Is this what you mean?
i dont know what you're trying to say. If i understand correctly, if the label says 5mL per 5 gallons, and you only want to mix nutes into one gallon of water, then yes only put 1mL of each. Is this what you mean?
Plus if I only want to put but Into one gal water that means 1 ml not 5 ml right?.. But I actually put 2 ml each nutrients into 1 gal water that correct or wrong?