Determining the sex Question


New Member
So I know you want to look for pollen sacs and I had a male early on in my grow by the 6th week in. I'm now at weeks 9-10 and started flowering my first tent. The 6 I put in had no pollen sacs and for the most part had small white hairs throughout all of them. After the first week into flowering I'm starting to see this type of growth. This is my first timing growing, should I be concerned. One of my friends thinks this could be a male. I'm attaching some with hairs from before and what they look like now. Any help would be appreciated


Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Kind of hard to see but it looks to me like all these plants have white pistils. Male flowers are very distinct; hard to miss and typically emerge before the girls do. Keep a good eye on them but these appear female.
I know a lot of growers try to flip at week 6 or 7 of veg but it’s possible they could be delayed showing sex this early if started from seed. If you go a full 8 weeks of veg it ensures they are at sexual maturity when you do flip them.


Weed Modifier
Yes you have a male in there. The ones with clusters , are the males. If they have white hairs coming out of calyx, female.


New Member
Yes you have a male in there. The ones with clusters , are the males. If they have white hairs coming out of calyx, female.
They had white hairs a week ago when they were in the Veg stage and now 1 week into flowering they look like this


Well-Known Member
OK so here are some different pictures from the same plant just a little lower. It has these hairs all over it, really makes me think this is a female?
Those aren't pistils they're stipules. That's a male. If you grow from regular seeds you'll get some of them.


New Member
Those aren't pistils they're stipules. That's a male. If you grow from regular seeds you'll get some of them.
So what do you think of these ones here, just curious how many I have are males I'm guessing at least halve of them based on what you said. These one here I'm show I believe might be female

