Mr Nice Super Silver Haze has a huge yield, and is very fast growing.
Blast it with light, good air flow, and alot of soil,. Veg 40-60 days with all the light you can, and the buds will be huge. We use 1000w Hortilux HPS from seedling-flowering. Not uncommon to ger 20oz from 1 plant. This will also require 20 gallons of soil. We use Promix BX.
Also recommending bending the plants over from an early age, and dont top them. We rely on stretch to fill out when flipped to flowering. Some will stretch 4x. Or veg less, use less soil, more plants per sq/ft and less veg time to look for a phenotype you like. Then reveg, and use as a mother plant.
Mr Nice uSuper Silver Haze has a genetically superior plant structure. Very few strains will have a better structure, and grow as fast.
is also genetically superior, but probably not quite as good as SSH, but may be more potent, but there are some very potent phenos in SSH.
It is beneficial to boost Phosphorus, and Potassium in weeks 2.5-4 in an 8 weeks flowering strain. Adjust for longer, or shorter flowering times.
Also a Mag/Sulfur boost is beneficial in weeks 5-6. Thee produce better terpene profile.
For chemicals we use
Hydro Farms... Chem Gro
15.5-0-0 Calcium Nitrate
4-20-39 Base Formula
Total mixed formula is 19.5-20-39
Epsom Salts
Monopotassium Phosphate 0-52-34 in weeks 2.5-4 for bloom set
Never starve them of Nitrogen
Weed needs an ever increasing amount of everything until the last 2 weeks.
We also less than full strength, and feed at each watering in Promix BX.