Hi I have a basic set up I left my plant vegging for about 7 to 8 week . I have a 75watt led light . It's actually doing the job great to be honest . obviously not growing as quick as it would with bigger lights . I also have a fan in there but that's about it. It's one plant that's all . The room is always between 19 and 23 degrees Celsius on a night and 19 and 26 during the day . That's without having the heating on or anything as the boiler pipes run through that room . That's all i have my plant is starting to develop yellow dots on a couple of my leafs . Also at the bottom of the plant I have lost a few little leafs . A couple still look green . Also the fan leafs feel like where they connect to the main stem it feels like when I live them they wanna detach from the stem . Is this normal ? Switched to a 12/12 flowering about a week ago .I'm guessing it's coz of this . Thanks guys . A few pics for you