Since last week when ever Right wing lies it smells like bleach.

Maybe all those retarded dems will weed themselves out so this country can get back to normal and quit pandering to the scared crybaby dems
Maybe all those retarded dems will weed themselves out so this country can get back to normal and quit pandering to the scared crybaby dems
The retards weeding themselves out are blind Trump lovers. Who else is stupid enough to inject bleach in their ass? Your starting to get that bleach smell yourself. Is that your mouth or your ass? You farting again?lol.
Bud I watched thatbroadcast. He said no such things. That's your favorite lying ass media twisting shit around as they always do. But hey, like the rest, you wanna believe the media go ahead, it just makes you look foolish to those who seen and heard what was actually said.:wall:
Dozens of Wisconsin Voters, Poll Workers Test Positive for Coronavirus

Voters will remember in November.
tRUmps own CDC give the figures dude. = 5.1% Death Rate. Not CNN, MSNBC, FAUX. CDC.

Not sheep. going by scientific data= facts. If all you can do is call names, it means you have no arguement.

Ive NEVER called anyobne a name, or attacked their character on any forum, unless they come for me, and I got BANNED at RollIItUp , because someone kept fucking with me, and I wouldnt take it, and I told the Mods I didnt care if I got banned, or not. I just find it telling that people resort to name calling, or inference.

Yep, Ill call tRUmp names, but he isnt a forum member.

As national polls show rising support for mail-in voting, news has emerged that dozens of voters and poll workers who were present during Wisconsin's April 7 primary were later sickened by coronavirus.
Dozens of Wisconsin Voters, Poll Workers Test Positive for Coronavirus

Voters will remember in November.
tRUmps own CDC give the figures dude. = 5.1% Death Rate. Not CNN, MSNBC, FAUX. CDC.

Not sheep. going by scientific data= facts. If all you can do is call names, it means you have no arguement.

Ive NEVER called anyobne a name, or attacked their character on any forum, unless they come for me, and I got BANNED at RollIItUp , because someone kept fucking with me, and I wouldnt take it, and I told the Mods I didnt care if I got banned, or not.

Funny story I found my dramatic exit thread from back in '09!
One can only take so much stupid shit. I wont be the first to name call, or infer, but I will be the last. Ive pretty much resisted here, but getting banned from a marijjuana forum is not life or death if I get banned.
One can only take so much stupid shit. I wont be the first to name call, or infer, but I will be the last. Ive pretty much resisted here, but getting banned from a marijjuana forum is not life or death if I get banned.
You won't get banned generally, mostly people get discredited and can't learn to use their ignore button and quit posting when they get trolled for it with not being able to post as fast.
He did ask about injecting Disinfectans, and UVA/B, or strong light.

I watched the broadcats too. He most certainly did ask both of the Drs the question, and he wasnt being sarcastic either.

Its also not only the news media saying it.

Fucking Lysol is.

Don't inject disinfectants, Lysol warns as Trump raises idea

Lysol aint the media.

Gaslighting on Lysol-gate: Now Trump is denying he said what we heard him say
Gaslighting isn't just a fancy word for lying — it's an assault on truth, evidence and our perception of reality

Poison Control Centres See An Increase In Calls Following Trump’s Disinfectant Comments

He looking right at the Drs when asking the question, and he wasnt being sarcstic.

Its funny to hear people defend when we can all see, and hear what he said, and who he was directing the question to.
Hes a fucking nut.

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You won't get banned generally, mostly people get discredited and can't learn to use their ignore button and quit posting when they get trolled for it with not being able to post as fast.

Ive noticed there is alot less policing here vs RIU. Alot less.
Bud I watched thatbroadcast. He said no such things. That's your favorite lying ass media twisting shit around as they always do. But hey, like the rest, you wanna believe the media go ahead, it just makes you look foolish to those who seen and heard what was actually said.:wall:
That's ridiculous. Even Cavuto from Fox said it was true. And that's after Trump himself said it was sarcasm, meaning he said it.
Its like I have to tell myself constantly. Anytime I say 'I am just joking', I am being defensive because I just said something shitty and someone was offended.
Joel Hodgson, creator of Mystery Science Theater 3000, said "we don't ask ourselves, 'will anyone will get this', we say to ourselves, 'the right people will get this." Rave on, brother.
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