What I’m doing now!


Well-Known Member
Just a few snaps from yesterday.


Temps and RH can be seen in the pics.

Plants are in straight coco (canna pro) with DUTCH PRO COCO GROW A/B with 0.2EC extra Ca. Feed EC 0.8. Water starting EC 0.2.
pH in 6.

Seeds planted on 7-April-2020

These will be transplanted into their final pots tomorrow and I will begin some minor training along with switching to my 400w MH lamp.

I’m jumping straight from the seed start pots to the final pot quite simply to save myself the time later.

**edit** the pink straws were stem support when they were younger as they stretched a small amount which will be removed before the plant is buried into the new pot a little deeper.

Any questions feel free to ask. EE24D536-AE87-4019-8D65-5821A9AC687E.jpegBA1A2688-9AE2-4046-A8E8-3957B3FADEFD.jpeg29598F3E-1D28-4D69-B659-858294FC589A.jpeg050DAC53-AB29-46A6-A4CF-96E9F492CFBF.jpegCE480EC7-7836-4DEB-AE26-C551FBC43302.jpeg95DAED58-4B03-45D9-9016-90D266BAE993.jpeg0864DAD7-0BAD-47C9-8163-8591EEA5E676.jpeg0503F152-E821-459A-B04D-5177028608BE.jpegE5EA0003-7DB8-4CB1-9778-D047AEF06005.jpeg91FA4F30-7966-4F00-89DE-1174BFF204BF.jpeg
I think sometimes it does some good when people who help often post some of their own work.

I agree. I haven't posted anything in quite some time. Finally got my new nutrients, and am going to start a new grow journal to document how things go with them as I dial things in.

Currently, I'm just doing all of the math. I will mix my first small test batch tomorrow. I've got a bunch of clones rooting for my perpetual, so I'm going to steal a couple of them for initial veg testing. I've also got flowering plants in various stages, so I'll test the flower mix on them.

I've only got another week's worth of GH left, so its inevitable I'll have to start using the new nutrients in my production tents very soon.

I would have preferred to get a full test run in first, but this holidemic has screwed up everything.
I agree. I haven't posted anything in quite some time. Finally got my new nutrients, and am going to start a new grow journal to document how things go with them as I dial things in.

Currently, I'm just doing all of the math. I will mix my first small test batch tomorrow. I've got a bunch of clones rooting for my perpetual, so I'm going to steal a couple of them for initial veg testing. I've also got flowering plants in various stages, so I'll test the flower mix on them.

I've only got another week's worth of GH left, so its inevitable I'll have to start using the new nutrients in my production tents very soon.

I would have preferred to get a full test run in first, but this holidemic has screwed up everything.

Nice make sure you tag me when you create it.

I forgot to mention my MPK arrived today. So I’ll most likely mix a test batch 1L tomorrow with the 0.05g etc and test strengths for concentrations.

I’ll hazard a guess and say 0.05g is gonna be quick a low EC in 1L of water. But at least I’ll know what EC it’s going to carry at what 0.xxgp/L
Nice make sure you tag me when you create it.

I forgot to mention my MPK arrived today. So I’ll most likely mix a test batch 1L tomorrow with the 0.05g etc and test strengths for concentrations.

I’ll hazard a guess and say 0.05g is gonna be quick a low EC in 1L of water. But at least I’ll know what EC it’s going to carry at what 0.xxgp/L

I'll gladly tag you when I start the thread.

For my MKP, I'm going to mix it highly concentrated, so I can store it in a much smaller stock tank, and add it into the flower mix as-needed.

Let me know if you'd like me to mix up some various batches and provide EC/PPM readings. I bought a kilo of the stuff, and it's only used sparingly for a couple of weeks during flower, so I've got lots and lots to do tests with.
I'll gladly tag you when I start the thread.

For my MKP, I'm going to mix it highly concentrated, so I can store it in a much smaller stock tank, and add it into the flower mix as-needed.

Let me know if you'd like me to mix up some various batches and provide EC/PPM readings. I bought a kilo of the stuff, and it's only used sparingly for a couple of weeks during flower, so I've got lots and lots to do tests with.

Nice one I’ll let you know.
For those that are interested this is the process that I follow for transplanting my plants with almost Zero shock from the process.

I don’t do everything on this tutorial now. But the basic principle remains the same.

Prepare your new pot by back filling around an old one.

Place new plant in premade hole.

Water new plant in.
Ok a little explanation.

11L pots.
Switched to 400w MH lamp and Digi ballast.

In a couple of days I will top them and start to train out slightly.

My plan is to use 4 canes in each pot and place some of this through the canes to create a type of single plant scrog for each to control canopy height.
Be careful with the MKP. Too much will have negative effects like the people posting pictures of small buds 5 weeks into flower with nothing but shriveled brown pistils and no white ones from dumping a bunch of different bloom enhancers on their plants that are all just basically MKP.
Be careful with the MKP. Too much will have negative effects like the people posting pictures of small buds 5 weeks into flower with nothing but shriveled brown pistils and no white ones from dumping a bunch of different bloom enhancers on their plants that are all just basically MKP.

Yeah I know buddy.

I’m a while away from trying yet and was planning on a testing nute strength concentrations at 0.05g per litre mixed
Be careful with the MKP. Too much will have negative effects like the people posting pictures of small buds 5 weeks into flower with nothing but shriveled brown pistils and no white ones from dumping a bunch of different bloom enhancers on their plants that are all just basically MKP.

Currently I only use a 2 part base (Dutch pro hydro grow A/B)
Mono Ca
Mono Mg
And I have some Epsom salts on hand for a boost of Sulfur with Mg when needed etc.

The MPK was really just to see how it all worked before using it. Cost me £2.99 for a 90g sachet.

Not something ive ever tried.

Dutch pro is something ive wanted to try out just because canna coco line is same base throughout.

Do you feel its an improvement ?

Having used the full line of canna coco including rhizo ZYM PK and boost.

and having used the full Dutch pro grow, bloom, take root, multi total, explode.

Then also having used the canna coco A/B and used the Dutch pro grow A/B on their own it’s Definately a worthwhile switch.

Plants flourish more on the Dutch pro than the canna base nutes.

Dutch pro recommend a highest EC of 2.4-2.8 during flowering.

I don’t exceed 1.4EC atm feeding daily with the Dutch pro.

I only aim to keep my leaves healthy for as long as possible.

I do tend to taper down my nutrient mix strength by the last few weeks of flower. Usually moving from 1.2-1.4. Down gradually to finish around 0.8 before chop.

My honest answer to you @coreywebster is that if you fancy trying the Dutch pro you won’t be disappointed. Just buy Hydro Coco grow A/B. Then the type for your water source hard/soft. My source water is 0.2 considered soft so I buy the soft version but I do supplement 0.2EC of mono Ca in every feed I mix.