Indoors Spring 2020 auto grow... Join me...


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be starting a few of my own Auto strains here in a bit.

I've been working a webbed leaf...just started integrating Auto genes into it..GG4 Auto, GSC Auto.Tangiematic...running f2's now..I also used Jack the Ripper to help bump Sativa and THC addition..

On the Auto front..I used a number of SuperAuto's bred with photo's to create a longer flower.SuperAuto .(reg I can breed properly moving forward)...I'm on f3's now...referring to this as my "Genesis" strain..

We'll see how they go..



Well-Known Member

Black Cherry Pebbles went into her final pot last night. Her first leaves have grown so oddly but I think she'll be fine. Accidentally overfilled the pot so I guess I won't be doing much top dressing bongsmilie

The little gal behind her is the 4AM getting a little LST. She was going slow for about a week but is taking off now!


Well-Known Member
It's funny how we get to a point where odd leaves and weird deformities don't even both us anymore. We just shrug it off and let them go.

Hope she don't stretch too much, you can't add any soil around the stem. lol :lol:


Well-Known Member
I'll be getting some more auto beans tomorrow.

Anyone have any experience running Roc Bud Inc auto strains? I ordered x5 Diesel Cookies and x5 Purple Rolex


Well-Known Member
Also, not to beat a dead horse but rather just out of curiosity...

What is everyone's preferred light cycle for autos? I've been running 24/0 for quite awhile now.. Considering 18/6..