The wedding cake is a pretty solid yielder when she is in go mode and 100% dialed in. Same with the Divine Gelato.
The Rudeboi OG yields pretty good for an OG, probably the best yielding og type plant I have personally grown, but not what I would call a heavy yielder compared to other varieties.
The Duct tape yields a little bit less than the GG4, but not much, and imo, the flowers are much better in all aspects, taste, aroma, appearance, effect, and are even more caked in resin than both the glue and dosi, both of which are pretty notoriously resinous flowers. The Duct tape is such a vigorous plant, and absolutely hauls @ss in veg, which cuts back on veg time in a big way.
The dog walker can grow some pretty impressive spears. Seen them as big as a good sized guys arm... Gassy swords as you would

And the black banana cookies is hands down the best yielding cookie style plant I have personally grown. Looks like GSC on steroids, and it goes full on purple without a temp drop...
The trop cookies CAN yield ok, but it takes a bit of shaping and pruning, and really needs a lot less intense light to be 100% content. Pretty much like most cookie based lines. The BBC is an exception to that however. She loves light, food and cranks out chunky, almost zero trim, AAAA nugs, and is very forgiving for newer growers...