Homebrew Beer w/ Marijuana Recipes


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever made beer with marijuana? If so, can you let me know how & when you added it to the wort?

Any other info or wisdom would be appreciated! Recipes, etc

Has anyone ever made beer with marijuana? If so, can you let me know how & when you added it to the wort?

Any other info or wisdom would be appreciated! Recipes, etc


Bro i would love to know how it turns out...if ur successful...PLZ POST!!! :)
Will do!!

Anyone? Come on...seriously...

I've seen tons of twisted RIU folks sneak weed into almost every edible thing on the planet!!! :weed:

Somebody must have some experience with this one...

I've already got catering friends saving 750ml champagne bottles for the brewing!

Will do!!

Anyone? Come on...seriously...

I've seen tons of twisted RIU folks sneak weed into almost every edible thing on the planet!!! :weed:

Somebody must have some experience with this one...

I've already got catering friends saving 750ml champagne bottles for the brewing!


Do u use the "Mr.Beer" set - up??? Or r u a lil pro that gets the stuff from the brewery??
Never heard of Cannabeer. Although I have experimented with Green Dragon. Now that's some shit that will knock you square on your ass.
I too have heard of this green dragon. I think that it mite be hard alcahol. That is easy to do. You can put like a qp in a 5th of vodka and get fucked up. I got some make with brandy at a co op a little while back. It was in a spray bottle because you only needed a little bit to feel it.

I have heard there is ways to make beer with canna in it. I see Hemp ale at the store. I know it doesn't have THC in it but maybe there is a way to do it with the THC intact?

If worse came to worse, and you just wanted a beer that would get you stoned, maybe think about glyerine (sp?). You can just buy bud or hash in glycerine for 2 months and the glycerine will absorb the THC content. You could just put that into a beer that you make. I hear you can make the glycerine quite potent, like if you put hash oil in a little (because the oil is so concentrater it will transfer into a small amount of glycerine)
Found this online tonight...thoughts?

How do I brew cannabis beer?

This is assuming you've already got a homebrew setup going and you're producing your own beer.

Cannabis can be added to the beer at the same time the hops is added. THC is oil/alcohol soluble and some will dissolve in the brew as it ferments. Before adding it to the brew there are a few things you must do. Make sure the cannabis is dried until crispy. This removes all water molecules from it thus activating the THC. Soak the cannabis in cold water for several hours. This removes some of the water soluble tars and chlorophyll that are associated with that "plant" taste. General rule is one ounce shade leaves per gallon brew. Higher quality plant, use less cannabis.
I was just thinking somthing simular, but without alcahol. Is that posible?
I dont drink, so but if I can make like a wine or somthing without alcahol I would drink the shit out of that for sure.
...here is my process, I'd like to compare notes if you have or plan to do this as well.

I'm going to try for a high gravity Pale Ale, but we will see to get the level of booze I want, I might have to go for something stronger like a bel double or maybe a strong ale. I'll brew as normal, 5 gal, into primary. Then when I move to secondary I'll add an oz of soaked and rinsed commercial grade. I'll return and post my recipe and gravity readings tomorrow after my brew session.

Most random posts I've read have warned off from adding to the boil. I can see how this might be the case. I use a hop bag so there is little matter that makes it into the fermentor. I'd assume you want to keep as much in there for as long as you can.
I look forward to hearing how it goes! Are you going to sterilize the hop bag before you add it to the secondary with MJ in it?

I was just thinking somthing simular, but without alcahol. Is that posible?
I dont drink, so but if I can make like a wine or somthing without alcahol I would drink the shit out of that for sure.
Do a search on "small beer", it's a brew with lower alcohol, probably achieved by using fewer carbs/sugars. You can add extra to have the opposite effect, as I had my husband add an extra cup or so of honey to the primary he cooked up last week.

GS, my friend! I didn't know you brew. I've been on my husband's ass about trying a mead. As I near the end of my water cure (had to harvest a girl who was blown right off the deck last week) and smell that "green" smell, I must wonder if something that's been put through a water cure first, then dried, would be better for brewing purposes. Also, since the cannabinoids are (mostly?) alcohol soluble, would you want to leave some bud (or anything with trichs) in at least the primary so as to extract as much as possible? (This is without reading Johnny's link, the brewing is Dave's venue, growing is mine.)

If I had green beer I would I could eat it with green eggs and ham! :mrgreen: :weed:
Do a search on "small beer", it's a brew with lower alcohol, probably achieved by using fewer carbs/sugars. You can add extra to have the opposite effect, as I had my husband add an extra cup or so of honey to the primary he cooked up last week.

GS, my friend! I didn't know you brew. I've been on my husband's ass about trying a mead. As I near the end of my water cure (had to harvest a girl who was blown right off the deck last week) and smell that "green" smell, I must wonder if something that's been put through a water cure first, then dried, would be better for brewing purposes. Also, since the cannabinoids are (mostly?) alcohol soluble, would you want to leave some bud (or anything with trichs) in at least the primary so as to extract as much as possible? (This is without reading Johnny's link, the brewing is Dave's venue, growing is mine.)

If I had green beer I would I could eat it with green eggs and ham! :mrgreen: :weed:

Quick answer, I'm going to do a higher alcohol batch...undecided...but something like a bock or belgian style and add the greens to the secondary.

I haven't brewed in about 10 years, but I'm ramping up!! New gear, hoarding 750ml champagne bottles (they can be capped), and will probably do a non-herbal batch next weekend to get feel back. Just saw a recipe for an interesting brew in Mother Earth News this morning...

Moonshine is also something I've been wanting to dabble with...figuring 'shine and organic herb would make some killer green dragon!

Will add more when I'm not mobile...

I don't know that any THC made it in, I drank "Hazed and Infused" several time this summer. It's and IPA infused with hemp and you could smell it and taste it and I really really enjoyed it. It definately goes well in an IPA. I'm curious to see how your brew goes and if you find any of the THC buzz come through.
I have a friend who drinks hemp beers regularly, and the commercially available ones should have little to no THC in them. I don't think they can sell that any more than they can opiated beers (student in Santa Cruz was arrested earlier this year for manufacturing opiated beer).