How much does pH matter


Well-Known Member
humm im gonna look that up asap

Did you ever look up that water bottle stuff? I heard it first from my daughter and she had said something about certain plastic bottles have a number on the bottom and these ones with a specific number were the ones doing it. I can't remember which number she said, But then I started hearing it all over the news. It was about a month or more ago. But it was basically saying, is that water you are buying better for you than tap and then it went on to say chemicals used in making the plastic were leaching into the water, oh and it also included baby bottles, and especially not to heat them even a little in the microwave because chemicals were leaching. But knowing today's society they probably fixed that right away so we could spend more money on water. Plus I was under the impression that my water PH was high? So I was caught off guard by Picasso's comment on being blessed with good ph in my water?


Well-Known Member
did you ever look up that water bottle stuff? I heard it first from my daughter and she had said something about certain plastic bottles have a number on the bottom and these ones with a specific number were the ones doing it. I can't remember which number she said, but then i started hearing it all over the news. It was about a month or more ago. But it was basically saying, is that water you are buying better for you than tap and then it went on to say chemicals used in making the plastic were leaching into the water, oh and it also included baby bottles, and especially not to heat them even a little in the microwave because chemicals were leaching. But knowing today's society they probably fixed that right away so we could spend more money on water. Plus i was under the impression that my water ph was high? So i was caught off guard by picasso's comment on being blessed with good ph in my water?
thats fucked up dude i guess offices better get rid of those big 5 gallon water things i forgot the name of them but yea they will be investing into water fountains pretty soon and i bet chemicals are still and they water thats prob where that blan fresh taste comes from! Lol i love bottled water but i fucking heart tap i drink water alot always when i am at work too i drink more water at work then the sodas in the soda fountain lol


Well-Known Member
Oo i forgot to add what about bottled sodas and distilled water and shit gatoraid poweraid all that shit has added chemicals i bet from just being on they shelf


Well-Known Member
Yep, your right. This is a case where I am glad I'm too cheap to want to buy that shit in bottles. But I have to say I broke down today and bought a damn PH tester and I'm at 7.6 and I have never worried about it before but I got all paranoid because this is my second grow with my HPS and all my big fan leaves were turning yellow, and I wanted to make sure it wasn't the PH just in case. Both grows, both turned yellow, but the buds stayed a beautiful green, so I worried myself into it and it turns out it's just fine and dandy. I went to wal mart fish section and got the kit for 5 bucks only to find out exactly what I knew in the beginning now I have 250 more tests.


Well-Known Member
Yep, your right. This is a case where I am glad I'm too cheap to want to buy that shit in bottles. But I have to say I broke down today and bought a damn PH tester and I'm at 7.6 and I have never worried about it before but I got all paranoid because this is my second grow with my HPS and all my big fan leaves were turning yellow, and I wanted to make sure it wasn't the PH just in case. Both grows, both turned yellow, but the buds stayed a beautiful green, so I worried myself into it and it turns out it's just fine and dandy. I went to wal mart fish section and got the kit for 5 bucks only to find out exactly what I knew in the beginning now I have 250 more tests.

Im assuming you bought a liquid drop test that gives you a color chart to follow?

These get you in the ballpark but are not fully accurate. I would suggest getting a ph pen.
The other question is, are you testing before or after you put nutrient in your water. Some nutrients have ph buffers that will help lower the ph. Other nutrients may discolor the water leaving you with an inaccurate color after using the drop test.

in my opinion 7.6 is slightly high but probly not enough to really cause severe problems. Again I am also assuming youre using soil.

The yellowing in your leaves is due to the flowering cycle and is perfectly normal, but if left untreated can cause yellowing of your buds. You need to use some CAL-MAG in order to keep your leaves nice and green. The more leaves you lose during your flowering cycle results in more stress and less photosynthesis equaling a smaller yield. Mixing some dolomite lime before planting will prevent any yellowing during this process, if youre leaves arent green theyre not working to their full potential. The yellowing is a sign of deficiency as the plant takes what its not getting from the leaves that contain it., youre lacking calcium and magnesium.. just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
I never really cared about PH until I started on this site, Thanks for the information. I also got new lights recently and thus started to wonder what was making the yellowing, the lights, water PH or both. Working out the kinks. It seems funny because I worked myself into a frenzy over Ph when I never cared about it before. Your right about the test kit.


Well-Known Member
im assuming you bought a liquid drop test that gives you a color chart to follow?

These get you in the ballpark but are not fully accurate. I would suggest getting a ph pen.
The other question is, are you testing before or after you put nutrient in your water. Some nutrients have ph buffers that will help lower the ph. Other nutrients may discolor the water leaving you with an inaccurate color after using the drop test.

In my opinion 7.6 is slightly high but probly not enough to really cause severe problems. Again i am also assuming youre using soil.

The yellowing in your leaves is due to the flowering cycle and is perfectly normal, but if left untreated can cause yellowing of your buds. You need to use some cal-mag in order to keep your leaves nice and green. The more leaves you lose during your flowering cycle results in more stress and less photosynthesis equaling a smaller yield. Mixing some dolomite lime before planting will prevent any yellowing during this process, if youre leaves arent green theyre not working to their full potential. The yellowing is a sign of deficiency as the plant takes what its not getting from the leaves that contain it., youre lacking calcium and magnesium.. Just my 2 cents.
hey i have one of those test strips i have 2 do like 3 test on the same water


Active Member
I recently used a color indicator test kit to check my PH. then changed it PH down from 7, to 6 using PH DOWN [phosphoric acid, you can use tiny amounts of other acids]

i noticed immediate explosive growth in the seedlings given this water, side by side with seedlings that were given normal water.

my next trial is to use carbon filtered water which is ph neutral, side by side with ph lowered water

[yes i have pics, but use your imagination]