Lockdowns don't work.


Well-Known Member
the only thing you guys have is insults... insulting me doesn't make you right! it makes you a very rude and ignorant person
actually, we have science.

being rude and ignorant doesn't make you right either..enjoy the plague when it gets to you- hopefully you're <65 and your body will be lining the hall of some hospital or just stinking up your house with your fluids draining out into the carpet where you dropped..perhaps a neighbor will smell it..you don't have any dogs do you?

good luck to your kids selling that shithole..smell of death lingers.

we can also do math and spell.
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Well-Known Member
because science.

i wonder how much bleach @peterstoke has had so far?- he's had plenty of Donald's jizz, of that i'm certain.
you think humans evolved from monkeys millions of years ago and you live on a spinning ball that makes you a silly monkey on a spinning ball with no actual real truth just a lost soul with no real info


Well-Known Member
Holy shit.....you may be on to something here. Please go on
imagine spinning around on a ball at 1,000 mph while spinning around the sun at 67,000 mph and you can't feel a single thing??? c'mon dude... oh and don't forget the whole milky way galaxy is shooting through space at 2 million miles per hour!


Well-Known Member
Your reasoning borders on mentally ill. Air doesnt make you float. Lack of gravity does. Air aint got nothing to do with it. A plane CAN fly in If you go by boat in the ocean, you will also eventually end up back in the same place. Some conception. a straight line.

Science says you cant weigh yourself if theres no gravity. Ill believe the scientists before I believe you sir. Air has ZERO to do with weighing yourself.

Gravity. The average person probably doesn’t think about it on a daily basis, but yet gravity affects our every move. Because of gravity, we fall down (not up), objects crash to the floor, and we don’t go flying off into space when we jump in the air. The old adage, “everything that goes up must come down” makes perfect sense to everyone because from the day we are born, we are seemingly bound to Earth’s surface due to this all-pervasive invisible force.
It's density, dude. That's why people fall down. Not gravity. What didn't you understand?


Well-Known Member
imagine spinning around on a ball at 1,000 mph while spinning around the sun at 67,000 mph and you can't feel a single thing??? c'mon dude... oh and don't forget the whole milky way galaxy is shooting through space at 2 million miles per hour!
It's the wind.


Well-Known Member
if you are heavy then you fall down... if you are lighter than air then you will fly away into the sky like a helium balloon does!
Makes perfect sense to me.

I'm not lighter than air so I fall down. It's the air that makes me fall down, not gravity.

I'm beginning to understand Jewish hoaxes. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
water doesn't stick to a spinning ball the earth is flat thousands of people are waking up everyday corona virus is just a distraction for the masses and the sheeple!
Yeah but what about the oceans on earth? They seem to like sticking to a spinning ball, is it because of buoyancy that gravity is being so fake?
water’s more buoyant than rock tho so there is that, you do have a point.
One last thing what causes the heaviness or lightness of an object which results in said buoyancy?


Well-Known Member
it would be a windy day if we was all spinning around at 1,000 mph... imagine that dude. 1,000 mph winds lol
Incredible. Nobody ever thought of that before when all those Jews were telling us the world was round. 1,000 mph winds. Of course!!!!

Thanks for explaining this lockdown doesn't work thing for me.


Well-Known Member
So because i have a different opinion to you or i know different to you that give you the right to disrespect me and call me a Tard. Let's be honest you would never call me a tard to my face i am 6 and a half foot tall built like a brick house
You called my grandmas death a hoax, tard

you’regetting all the respect you’ve earned


Well-Known Member
Yeah but what about the oceans on earth? They seem to like sticking to a spinning ball, is it because of buoyancy that gravity is being so fake?
water’s more buoyant than rock tho so there is that, you do have a point.
One last thing what causes the heaviness or lightness of an object which results in said buoyancy?
But water is heavier than air.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but what about the oceans on earth? They seem to like sticking to a spinning ball, is it because of buoyancy that gravity is being so fake?
water’s more buoyant than rock tho so there is that, you do have a point.
One last thing what causes the heaviness or lightness of an object which results in said buoyancy?
the oceans on the earth? c'mon dude it's called sea level for a good reason. 70% of the earth is covered in level water... water doesn't curve.. water always finds it's level and it's lowest point 70 percent of the earth is covered in level water you can see it with your own eyes the surface will always remain level when undisturbed


Wake up guys and lets realize this is a silent war the deep state is behind all of this teamed with china to release the bioweapon and cause economic collapse by locking us up and seeing how easy they can control and manipulate your fetal minds. This is a man made weapon and bill gates is a fucking demon elf and his vaccines will not work there made to cause all other problems like dna mutation hes also associated with everyone hes putting his money in to depopulize us humans lets stand up and be aware that when they say dont listen to rumors there scared and trying to cover the truth i dont know what anyone else has said but heed my warning. Sorry for my grammar no need for periods when you dont get em