What could this be...


Well-Known Member
About a week old. First grown in a peat pellet around clay pellets. Yesterday was transferred to organic soil. Has been looking like this for about 3 days or so. I wouldn’t think overwatering would be the cause because when transferred the peat was pretty dry. Did notice that the roots were not coming from the bottom like most seedlings after 2 or so days in the peat pellet. Root issues maybe? Anyone have any ideas or knows what could be?
Looks a little wet from giving it a bit of water an hour ago. Thoughts?


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Thanks lol, I was thinking that too but I’ve been making sure it hasn’t gotten bone dry. How long do underwatered seedling take to boost back up?
the leaves are curling over that looks over watered. the top soil looks wet already so i wouldn't water it anymore. that could kill it if you water it more.
Ok thanks. Just some junk bag seed so it’s no sweat. Just germed a NL auto yesterday so I’ll be having some real fun then. Just trial and erroring so I don’t f up on the good one lol
I try not to water right on the stem when it is young. The roots are small and fragile, i try to water around the outside of the pot so the roots search out for the water.
It deff looks over watered.

Its hard to underwater to the point of noticeable issues... Your medium would need to have been bone dry for you to see issues.

Overwatering happens fairly easily, if your allowing g the medium to stay continually wet without drying out fully. Not only does that deprive the roots of oxygen, causing basically what your seeing now... but it can lead to bacterial growth and pests.

Looking at your picture, and seeing that there is still moisture at the top, I'm assuming is been moist for more than an hour or 2... which means it deff isnt underwatering, as it only takes that long for you to notice a dry plant begin to perk up after a watering.

How often are you watering? And what is the pH and source of the water (well water, city water, RO, etc)
It deff looks over watered.

Its hard to underwater to the point of noticeable issues... Your medium would need to have been bone dry for you to see issues.

Overwatering happens fairly easily, if your allowing g the medium to stay continually wet without drying out fully. Not only does that deprive the roots of oxygen, causing basically what your seeing now... but it can lead to bacterial growth and pests.

Looking at your picture, and seeing that there is still moisture at the top, I'm assuming is been moist for more than an hour or 2... which means it deff isnt underwatering, as it only takes that long for you to notice a dry plant begin to perk up after a watering.

How often are you watering? And what is the pH and source of the water (well water, city water, RO, etc)

Distilled water from Walgreens set to about 6.2 ph. I was giving it very very small nutrient dose about a third of what the general hydro micro and gro tell you. I’m sure I shouldn’t have introduced anything to this plant after at least a couple weeks. It just looks fat and wrinkly. It definitely seems to have quit growing since the transfer. Come to think about it when I did take the peat off it was pretty dry but the peat was definitely caked on the roots so yeah I’m thinking maybe they weren’t getting the oxygen. I’ve went through like 20 bag seeds trying out different things. Does bag seeds grow differently from breeder seeds? I don’t have a problem germing or getting them to their first week but after that I’m having some trouble. Just germed a NL auto so we’ll see how that goes
Haven't updated on what happened..
The shriveled seedling never made it.. died a few days later..
I don't care though.. had a northern lights auto germinating at that time.
Planted a white widow auto 4 days after the northern lights.
Nl @ 46 days (right)
Ww@ 42 days (left)20200619_212123.jpg20200619_212110.jpg20200619_212032.jpg