Seeding Buds


If I make some seeds this round, will the seeds be the same quality as what I purchased? If you've done it and grown the next generation out, what was your experience?


Google cannabis breeding.
Thanks, I'm not really looking to understand the complexities of breeding. Do I need to? I have 12 plants, 3 or 4 males and I just want to understand if I choose the best of them and seed a branch or two, to grow at a later date, will they be worth growing. Maybe I'm overthinking it, maybe one generation doesn't change much?

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Hard to say if they would be of the exact same quality because it kind of depends upon how healthy the parents are. That being said...
If you select a boy and a girl plant grown from regular seeds of the same strain and pollinate them then yes theoretically they should have the same basic genetics but each plant started from seed could be of a different phenotype.
If you are cross pollinating two different strains then all bets are off but that does not mean you should not try to cross them. It’s just that the outcome is as yet unknown. If let’s say you have two strains you like and they make babies then the babies should have attributes of both parents. Common wisdom would dictate that if you have 2 strains that are good then why wouldn’t combining them also be good?
In the past many crosses were done in order to shorten flowering times like crossing a sativa with an indica so it finishes in 9-10 weeks. This is why there’s so many hybrids out there.
Don’t be afraid to do a seed run but always try do it with regular seed; feminized seed can carry over hermie traits.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Btw one of the best moves I’ve made was to do a seed run. I took a single branch from a stinky boy and tapped it in the bloom room which totally killed the yield. That kind of sucked. But now I’ve got thousands of seeds to choose from all different crosses from the same daddy. They all have the attributes of the father as far as flavor goes but bud structures are different and influenced by the mothers in my case. Still finding new phenos all the time.


Hard to say if they would be of the exact same quality because it kind of depends upon how healthy the parents are. That being said...
If you select a boy and a girl plant grown from regular seeds of the same strain and pollinate them then yes theoretically they should have the same basic genetics but each plant started from seed could be of a different phenotype.
If you are cross pollinating two different strains then all bets are off but that does not mean you should not try to cross them. It’s just that the outcome is as yet unknown. If let’s say you have two strains you like and they make babies then the babies should have attributes of both parents. Common wisdom would dictate that if you have 2 strains that are good then why wouldn’t combining them also be good?
In the past many crosses were done in order to shorten flowering times like crossing a sativa with an indica so it finishes in 9-10 weeks. This is why there’s so many hybrids out there.
Don’t be afraid to do a seed run but always try do it with regular seed; feminized seed can carry over hermie traits.

Thank you, I'm looking to breed the same strain to itself grown from regular seeds. Is there any considerations I should take when choosing the male? Would this be a good way to hunt a pheno I didn't get in a pack?


Well-Known Member
If you breed within a stable strain you will be fine will look like parents mainly, will find different phenos maybe sort of stuff shouldnt be anything too much.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Thank you, I'm looking to breed the same strain to itself grown from regular seeds. Is there any considerations I should take when choosing the male? Would this be a good way to hunt a pheno I didn't get in a pack?
I’ve read that you should try to select the smelliest boy but not necessarily the tallest or fastest growing. You want the boys to have thick strong stems. Yes but in order to identify all possible phenos you are supposed to pop 100 seeds mark them and grow them all out. Ain’t nobody got time for dat....
insert meme here