Ppms and ph

Ok so jst got my ppm pen my tap water comes out at 8ph
And 155 ppm whats the right ph and ppms for the right growth my plants are still small


Well-Known Member
Being new I wouldn't worry about PPM right now unless you have a hydroponic system. Despite what most people say just a little bit of chlorine is good for your plants. If you don't have an RO water filter it doesn't really matter anyways.

I would recommend starting out with half the amount of nutrients on the bottle until you learn if your strain is a eater or not.

Ph depends on the medium your using. Soil is 7.5-6.5 ph Coco & hydro is 6.5-5.5 ph
Ok perfect info my ph wont drop below 7.08 7.11 i have phed down. Im using sungro pro growing mix coco peat perlite dolomite lime im gussing the lime wont let it drop. My plant are light green and very thin ill post pics


Well-Known Member
Uggg. Can you redo the mix without the dolomite lime?? Lime makes your "soil" always ph out 7.... but from what you said the medium is " Coco " I know for a fact promix is 90% Coco fiber. Your ph will need to be on the low end 5.5 at times.

I am an expert at running coco. Your plants still might grow and be fine with the dolomite lime. but if it were me I would redo the mix..


Well-Known Member
They are about a month
after looking at the pictures please do this:

Plain water for 1-2 weeks ph'd to 5.5. The water in the bucket not don't worry about what ph the run off is.

After the newest growth has 5 leaves (1-2 weeks) give them Greatwhite and nutrients at 1/4 of the whats said on the bottle.

Great White Link

They have slight nutrient burn see the 3 leaves? They will recover if you follow above directions

To solve the dolomite lime issue. After a few weeks transplant them into bigger pots that have the same mix minus the lime


Well-Known Member
Soil is 6-7. 6.5 being ideal, but waving up and down slightly periodically ensures that all nutrients are uptaken properly. 7.5 is too high.
If you are doing soil you want to raise ph to 7.5 every once in a while and drop it back down to 6.5 the low end at times.

Technically you want your ph variable between 6.5-5.5 for coco because as the ph raises and lowers so does the spectrum of available micronutrients to the plants. I've read up on this I will post what micronutrients are picked up when I find the chart again.