Why are “clone only”, clone only?


Well-Known Member
Doesn’t make much sense to me. Can you not simply reverse it and pollinate a mother of same clone and get seeds of that exact strain? Doesn’t seem that difficult so I was wondering what clone only meant and why. One of my favorite strains , Kyle Kushman strawberry cough, is clone only and those are hard to find where I am. Wondering why people don’t just reverse these good clones and make seeds.


T macc

Well-Known Member
S1s or selfs are not clones, the genes all split into separate alleles and are individually assorted into haploid gametes just like normal. A punnet square tells you there is a 25% chance of a recessive heterozygous gene coming up homo, for every gene. So lots of recessive traits will pop up in the progeny if they are lurking.
Couldn't say it better. There could be something better than the original in the S1's as well. I grew a Raspberry Kush S1 and it grew like a strong vine instead of canna. Hella potent tho

Observe & Report

Well-Known Member
The upshot is that selfing is more like getting the original seeds but more in-bred towards the one you selfed. You'll probably have to sort through a bunch of them to find something as good or better than the parent but your odds are probably better than sorting through the original seeds if they were available.

N'Specta does a lot of S1 runs and has posted about them on IG. He appears to be popping low hundreds of S1s of clone onlys like Urkle, Mendo Purps, and TK to find something as good as the original. I think Unknown Prophet cracked like 150 GG4 S1 to find one he thought was as good as the original.

That's the deal with the "clone onlies" - they all come from a seed but few seeds come out so good that they get passed around and generate hype. Some are accidents or home chucks so there are no seeds available anyway.


Well-Known Member
Doesn’t make much sense to me. Can you not simply reverse it and pollinate a mother of same clone and get seeds of that exact strain? Doesn’t seem that difficult so I was wondering what clone only meant and why. One of my favorite strains , Kyle Kushman strawberry cough, is clone only and those are hard to find where I am. Wondering why people don’t just reverse these good clones and make seeds.

Because they are one of a kind. No seed will ever be exactly like it. They might be close but they will never be the same. If my wife and I had 10,000 kids, none would be identical unless the original egg split and created identical twins. Same with plants.

You should check out the Chemdawg story. There are a few different ones around. I have the Chem 91.

If you don't have access to clone only genetics, just get some seeds and pick out the best one. All the clone only strains came from a seed anyways. The predictability with clones is a bonus too.