Aussie Growers Thread

Darryl vickers

New Member
Hey All ,, Howzitgoing,,,, I felt that us Aussie growers needed a network thread.... no matter how you soil, hydro or some other way ..please feel free to post your photos and experiences with growing the plant we all LOVE.... or just introduce yourself and say Giday
I myself am in the south east of our beautiful island/continent...... and I grow mostly indoors,,,but am planning on outdoor guerrilla style grow this summer,,,,,its almost upon us...its gonna be a hot one .....bongsmilie
yep me 2 not going out been outside growing and have the same old worry damn termites be careful on this matter if going outside. They tend to hit yu up when it's hot and dry like it gets here in the SE. been reading how to get rid of thoes bad boys N keep thim out of my stalks. do some search to percent thim pleas it hurts so bad to see thim wilt and dry up

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member

Saw joan jett and the black hearts live- surprisingly awesome


Helium Road
5 years ago
Joan Jett is the real deal. A true rock star, no bullshit, punk attitude, never puts on a bad show, is hot, and looks like she could beat the shit out of the Foo Fighters entire band if they pissed her off. Notice how the Foos all have shiny new guitars and she comes out with that beat up ax that looks like it's been to a million gigs and probably used to club an asshole or two over the head with for getting


Well-Known Member
Hey all I’m looking at doing a outdoor grow later on this year and wanted to know if anyone could recommend a soil I could buy from maybe Bunnings I’m in WA and that’s pre much the only place in town I can think of to get soil potting mix I do know that a lot of it is crap tho so any recommendations??

i use just the aquaponics WA coco 70%and perlite 30% and a handfull or two of npk fertilzer mixed in per pot

all found at bunnings, give it a flush or two with plain water after mixing

forget potting mix has mites in it


Active Member
Okay thank you I’m using coco and perlite for my inside grow atm I use nutrients and know that the ph has to be around 5.8/6 and I have to water everyday till runoff .. if I mixed it with the NPK fertiliser I would just give it water would I be able to use just plain tap water or would I have to make sure it’s the correct ph?


Well-Known Member
Okay thank you I’m using coco and perlite for my inside grow atm I use nutrients and know that the ph has to be around 5.8/6 and I have to water everyday till runoff .. if I mixed it with the NPK fertiliser I would just give it water would I be able to use just plain tap water or would I have to make sure it’s the correct ph?
good question, the npk is optional i spose i do it because i want the roots to find something in the mix outside

i use filtered rain 0 ppm salt, so not a fan of perth tap water Atm

i mix nutes as well in just no need to use them at a high strength , and water with just plain after one or two feeds, no different really than indoors

same 5.5-8ph
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Well-Known Member
Okay thank you I’m using coco and perlite for my inside grow atm I use nutrients and know that the ph has to be around 5.8/6 and I have to water everyday till runoff .. if I mixed it with the NPK fertiliser I would just give it water would I be able to use just plain tap water or would I have to make sure it’s the correct ph?
You need to ph no matter what with coco.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Heres some manly music then bursto. I may or may not of played some harp with him in WA at one time in Broome. One of the best slide players in the world imo